Wikimedia Foundation elections/FDC Ombudsperson elections/2015/Candidates/sw
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The election ended 31 Mei 2015. No more votes will be accepted. The results were announced on 5 Juni 2015. Please consider submitting any feedback regarding the 2015 election on the election's post mortem page. |
This page contains candidates for the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation FDC Ombudsperson elections. Members of the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, or the Wikimedia Foundation staff, will verify wiki based candidate requirements. Wikimedia Foundation staff will verify identification and later verify offline candidate requirements. Verification of wiki-based requirements and identification will be identified on this page. Offline candidate requirements will be verified at a later stage.
Kirill Lokshin (Kirill Lokshin)
Kirill Lokshin (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
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Statement | Nimekuwa Mwana-wikimedia kwa karibu miaka kumi, nikiwa kwanza nimeanza kuhariri mnamo Juni 2005. Kwa wakati huo, nimeshikilia majukumu mengi kote kati vuguvugu, ikijumuisha kuhudumu kwenye bodi ya Wikimedia DC na kuwa memba wa Kamati ya Husiano, Kamati ya Usuluhishi ya Wikipedia ya Kiingereza, na makundi mengine kadhaa ya ushauri.
Huku mchakato wa FDC umekomaa na kuimarika vikubwa kwa miaka kadhaa iliyopita, ninaamini kwamba uboreshaji zaidi yanawezekana kila wakati, na kwamba filosofia ya utathmini na uboreshaji endelevu wa michakato kama hiyo muhimu ni mzuri kwa Kamati ya Usambazaji Fedha, Wikimedia Foundation, na vuguvugu lote za Wikimedia. Mchunguzi Maalum ana jukumu muhimu katika kutetea uboreshaji kama huo endelevu na kuhakikisha wasiwasi za washiriki na washika dau kwa mchakato huo zimeshughulikiwa kwa mtindo unaojenga. | |
Maswali ya lazima | 1. What experiences of yours do you think will enhance the work and recommendation process of the FDC?
As a board member of Wikimedia DC, I've been a part of the chapter's annual planning and evaluation processes since they began in 2012; this has included developing annual plans, soliciting corresponding funding through the WMF's grants programs, executing the planned programs, and conducting end-of-year evaluations of program success and impact. I've also had the opportunity to review other affiliate organizations' annual plans during as part of my participation on the Grant Advisory Committee.
I've been involved with the Wikimedia movement's grantmaking processes at various levels for a number of years. I served on the Grant Advisory Committee (GAC) in 2012–2013, and have been a member of the Individual Engagement Grants (IEG) Committee since 2014. In addition, I oversee the Wikimedia DC small grants program.
2. What do you understand to be the Ombudsperson's role? The role of the Ombudsperson is twofold. First, the Ombudsperson collects, investigates, synthesizes, and documents complaints and other feedback about the FDC process from participants and observers, and provides recommendations based on this feedback to the various stakeholders in the process. Second, the Ombudsperson is available to assist the Board and the FDC in investigating formal complaints when an independent evaluation is requested.
3. What are some potential complaints about the FDC process that you believe could be documented with the Ombudsperson, and how might you deal with them? Historically, the majority of complaints about the FDC process appear to relate to poor documentation and communication, as well as differences in expectations between the FDC applicant organizations and the WMF staff and FDC members who review their applications. By identifying insufficiently documented or misunderstood process elements and acting as an advocate for process evaluation and improvement from cycle to cycle, the Ombudsperson can help to resolve the sources of these miscommunications and misunderstandings.
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Verification | Identity verification performed by Wikimedia Foundation staff and eligibility verification performed by the Elections Committee | |
Eligibility: ![]() Verified by: Ruslik (talk) 22:05, 30 April 2015 (UTC) |
Identification: ![]() Verified by: Jalexander--WMF 21:20, 30 April 2015 (UTC) |
Mykola Kozlenko (NickK)
NickK (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
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Statement | Cheo cha Mchunguzi Maalum wa FDC sio kinachoonekana sana, lakini kina jukumu kuu katika kuboresha kazi ya Kamati ya Usambazaji Fedha. Mpango wa Ruzuku za Kimwaka za Mipango unaendelea, na inaweza kuwa faida kwa vuguvugu la Wikimedia kuzingatia mapendekezo ya vyombo vyenye nia: mashirika yanayowasilisha mapendekezo, wafanyikazi wa Wikimedia Foundations wanaowezesha mchakato na vile vile memba wa jamii kwa jumla. Misheni muhimu ya Mchunguzi Maalum wa FDC itakuwa kuhakikisha kwamba uwazi wa mchakato unadumishwa na wasiwasi zote kushughulikiwa.
Mimi ni mwamilifu katika vuguvugu la Wikimedia kwa miaka 7, na nina ufahamu mzuri wa jamii za Wikimedia za Kusini mwa Ulimwengu (Ukreini) na Kaskazini mwa Ulimwengu (Ufaransa). Mtandaoni, mimi ni mtawala, mkaguaji watumizi na msuluhishi wa zamani wa Wikipedia ya Ukreini, na pia nilichangia katika miradi kadhaa ya Wikimedia katika lugha zingine. Nje ya mtandao, mimi ni memba wa Wikimedia Ukraine tangu mwaka wa 2009, memba wake wa bodi tangu mwaka wa 2012 na mweka hazina tangu mwaka wa 2013, na ninahusika katika miradi kadhaa, kama vile Wiki Inapenda Kumbusho & Wiki Inapenda Dunia, mashindano ya makala, QRpedia na mingine. | |
Maswali ya lazima | 1. What experiences of yours do you think will enhance the work and recommendation process of the FDC?
As a board member of Wikimedia Ukraine since 2012, I have been involved in both planning and evaluating our annual programmes. In particular, for the last two years I was a contributor to the chapter's annual plan and an author of our annual reports. As a treasurer, I have written and supported the grant proposals, worked on the execution of the respective programmes and prepared reports measuring results and impact of these activities. While preparing Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2014, I was also involved in evaluating activities of other chapters and communities of Central and Eastern Europe.
I have an extensive experience in grantmaking, most notably, I am involved in submitting grant proposals for annual PEG grants for Wikimedia Ukraine for the last three years. I also contributed to the review of a number of grants to other Wikimedia affiliates, and I was a member of the team managing travel scholarships for Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2014.
2. What do you understand to be the Ombudsperson's role? The role of FDC Ombudsperson involves documenting complaints and suggestions of the participants of the process in order to improve it. On one hand, the Ombudsperson should deal with formal complaints from the participants of the process, which involves collecting evidence from all parties of the process, publicly documenting complaints and assisting investigations if needed. On the other hand, the Ombudsperson summarise general feedback about the FDC process by taking into account suggestions by the participants of the process.
3. What are some potential complaints about the FDC process that you believe could be documented with the Ombudsperson, and how might you deal with them? I believe that complaints regarding the FDC process can be split into two groups:
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Verification | Identity verification performed by Wikimedia Foundation staff and eligibility verification performed by the Elections Committee | |
Eligibility: ![]() Verified by: Varnent (talk)(COI) 00:06, 1 May 2015 (UTC) |
Identification: ![]() Verified by: Jalexander--WMF 00:16, 1 May 2015 (UTC) |