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Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2005/ang

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Board Céosunga 2005

Wesaþ hál Ealle,

Þá 2005 cystas for þǽm Board of Trustees þǽre Wikimedia Foundation onginnaþ scortlíce. Hit sind Gé, Wicimedianas, þe céosaþ twégen speliend Wicimedian forðienda fram stedum ymbe þá worulde. Gildan þæs Board of Trustees biþ befæsted mid þǽm híehstan gehlotte for þǽre Wikimedia Foundation. Þæs Boardes brúcung nis webbstedes reccenddóm.

Wé céosaþ twégen stedas. Híe weorðaþ gecoren geond tú géara fæc and habbaþ nán scéad betwéonan him. Tó céosenne scealt þu habban húru 400 ádihtunga ǽr þǽm 00:00 30 Þrimilcemónþe, 2005 (UTC) on þǽm Wicimedian weorce fram þǽm þe þu wierpst þínne cyst. Séo forme ádihtung sceal béon ǽr 90 dagum oþþe furðor, ǽr þǽre céosungtíde. Bidde gemun þæt þá Cystes Amihtsecgas magon béodan ungefége þá cystas ungewítendlíce forwrecenra brúcendra oþþe sockpuppets. Céosung fram má þonne ánum weorce biþ éac behealden swá sockpuppeting.

Se cyst is gewealden þurh Andfengnescéosunge. Ǽlcum céosere biþ gelíefed tó céosenne for swá fela þára céosendlicra manna swá him onhagiaþ for ǽlcre endebyrdnesse. Þá twégen céosendlican menn mid þǽm mǽstum cystum 'giese' béoþ áboden þá sigoriend. Weald efencyst gelimpþ, óðer cyst biþ gecýðed.

Geróhte céosendlice speliend magon fullian ingangesbred on Board elections/2005/Candidates oþþe his undertramet(as) onginnende on 00:00, 2005 7 Séremónþe (UTC). Níehst, habbaþ híe oþ tó þrim wucum tó ábéodenne híe selfe tó þǽre láfe þæs Wicimedian gemǽnscipes. Þá wendungsamodwyrceras wendaþ þá gewriotu on ǽlca mihtiglica sprǽca, and þǽræfter, onginnþ séo céosung.

Hér is séo tídlíne on þisses géares céosunge:

Speliendes inwrittunga
fram Tíwesdæge, 0:00 7 Séremónþe, 2005 (UTC)
oþ   Mónandæg, 24:00 27 Séremónþe, 2005 (UTC)
fram Tíwesdæge, 0:00 28 Séremónþe, 2005 (UTC)
oþ   Mónandæg, 24:00 11 Mǽdmónþe, 2005 (UTC)
Gif þu spricst óðerre sprǽce, bidde wend þisne nót and cýþ hine tó þǽm syndrigum Wicimedianweorcum in þǽm sprǽcum. Once you have done so, please notify us at Board elections/2005/Notice translation.

Gif þu wilt oferscéawian þá wendunge gén óðerra nóta, bidde nemn þec on Board elections/2005/Notice translation#Coordinators.

Æt síðestan willaþ wé wýscan eallum céosendlicum mannum góde spéd in þissum cyste,

Election officials, Wikimedia Election Committee

Wesaþ hál ealle!

Þá níedfullan hwilcnessa tó céosenne wurdon gehwierfed. Ǽr wæs "400 ádihtunga on eallum ǽr þǽm 30 Þrimilcemónaþ, 2005 00:00 (UTC)", ac nú is "niðemest 400 ádihtunga ǽr þǽm 00:00 on þǽm 30 Þrimilcemónþe, 2005 (UTC) on þǽm Wicimǽdianweorce fram þǽm þe þu wierpst þínne cyst."

Þéos hweorfung wearþ underworpen fram þǽm Borde (séo Wikimedia:Meetings/June 7, 2005) tó helpenne ús tó míðenne and tó forbúgenne gemearrum and þý coste swicra cysta.

Wé þanciaþ éow for éowrum andgiete.

09:57, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Election officials, Wikimedia Election Committee