Wahlen der Wikimedia Foundation/2024/Kandidierende/Tesleemah Abdulkareem
Tesleemah Abdulkareem (Tesleemah)
Tesleemah (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Vorstellung des*der Kandidat*in | ![]()
Yoruba Arabisch (Grundlagen) Französisch (Anfängerniveau) Deutsch (Anfängerniveau)
Yo.wikipedia.org Wikiquote Wikibooks | |
Die Wortzahl für die gesamte Bewerbung (verpflichtende und freiwillige Antworten) beträgt 1000 Wörter. | ||
Verpflichtende Fragen | ||
Warum bewirbst du dich für das Kuratorium der Wikimedia Foundation? Was für einen Beitrag würdest du leisten? Worüber möchtest du gerne mehr lernen? | Ich bewerbe mich für das Kuratorium, weil ich gerne einen praktischeren Beitrag zum freien Wissen leisten möchte. Ich trage schon seit Längerem zu den Wikimedia-Projekten bei, doch wenn ich ins Kuratorium gewählt werde, wird es einfacher, mehr zu tun, als nur zu bearbeiten; ich kann Lösungen anbieten und der Foundation direkt helfen.
Ich bin auch eine enthusiastische Person, die in allem ihr Bestes gibt. Ich werde meine sehr ansteckende Energie natürlich mit ins Kuratorium bringen! | |
Bitte beschreibe deine Wikimedia-Erfahrung (etwa Beiträge zu den Wikimedia-Projekten, Mitgliedschaften in Wikimedia-Organisationen oder -Affiliates, Tätigkeiten als Organisator:in in der Wikimedia-Bewegung oder Beteiligung an einer mit der Wikimedia-Bewegung verbündeten Organisation). | Ich bin aktive Wikipedia-Autorin mit 2660 Bearbeitungen und 101 Artikeln in der englischsprachigen Wikipedia.
Ich habe 2023 in meinem Bundesstaat Ondo in Nigeria das Projekt „Wikimedia Promotion in Akure“ geleitet, um in der Hauptstadt Akure mehr Aufmerksamkeit für Wikipedia und die Schwesterprojekte zu erzeugen. Das Projekt dauerte einen Monat lang und am Ende haben wir die Gruppe Wikimedia Editors in Akure mit 110 Beitragenden gegründet und 510 Artikel verbessert. Link zur Wirkung der Wikimedia-Arbeit in Akure: Wikimedia Promotion in Akure Zusätzlich war ich vor sieben Monaten eine der Kernorganisatorinnen des Projekts „WikiClimate Campus Tour Nigeria“, bei dem es um öffentliches Bewusstsein für Klima- und Umweltfragen ging und in das sechs Institutionen in Nigeria involviert waren. Am Ende des Projekts konnten 324 Beitragende gewonnen werden, 1907 Wikipedia-Artikel wurden bearbeitet und 209 Wikidata-Elemente angelegt. Link zur Wirkung des Projekts: Wiki Climate Campus Tour Nigeria/Partnership and Implementation team Aktuell bin ich im Vorstand des WikiProjekts Medizin. | |
Was sollten in den kommenden 5–10 Jahren die Prioritäten der Wikimedia Foundation sein und warum sind diese in deinen Augen besonders wichtig? | Die Wikimedia Foundation sollte Beiträge zu anderen Schwesterprojekten der Wikipedia, die nicht so funktional sind, wie WikiFunctions oder WikiSpecies, priorisieren. Denn bisher lag der Schwerpunkt immer auf Wikipedia und es ist höchste Zeit, den Antrieb zur Erfüllung der Mission zu geben: „Menschen auf der ganzen Welt dazu zu befähigen und zu ermutigen, Bildungsinhalte, die unter einer freien Lizenz stehen oder gemeinfrei sind, zu sammeln und zu entwickeln und sie effektiv und weltweit zu verbreiten“. | |
Optional questions - Professional Experience, Skills and Education | ||
Please describe your experience with governing bodies of organizations (nonprofit or for-profit), mentioning the scope of your responsibilities, as well as the complexity of the organization (in terms of scale of operations, budget, number of people involved, or other meaningful measures) and the size of the board or body. | I am the first female President of an indigenous association; National Association of Ondo State students, (NAOSS) Unilorin Chapter a small scale association with less than 300 members where I direct the activities of the members, seek for donations and ensure peace among the members. | |
Please describe your professional career experience. | I am the CEO of Mira Sight Foundation founded in 2022, an NGO focused on prevention of blindness and creating awareness about eye. The foundation has about 4 board members who chaired her activities. My role as the founder and CEO is to oversee the activities of the Foundation, last year through donation, I was able to secure free eye screening and free drugs as well as glasses for about 500 students and staffs of a public school. | |
Please briefly describe 3 situations that show how you tackled, or advised others on, a complex problem in an organization. How did you work with others to address the situations? | 1. This made me remember how I transform the abandoned toilet at my physical store to a usable one by simply getting a cheap door lock while speaking to few other vendors who contributed money to clean up the place.
Nobody appointed me the Health Manager of my store, nor was I place in charge of the place officially, however. I took it upon myself to see to the cleanliness of the place. 2. I was able to stay calm when the card of the association I lead was stucked in the ATM during an event. | |
Please describe your educational background, including degrees, certificates, and courses of study finished, and their relevance to board work. | I have a college certificate with credit in 9 courses.
I am an optometrist In view in the University of Ilorin, Nigeria with just few month to my induction and board exam. I am currently working on a project to shows the relationship between myopia, a refractive error and intraocular pressure of the eye. I have certificate in grant writing and software development. Also, I recently earned the Wikimedia Foundation badge for completing the Boad of trustees pre-boarding training on Wikilearn. All these will be useful in working as a board of trustee of wikimedia foundation | |
Please add any relevant links describing your professional background, experience, profile (such as LinkedIn, staff page, etc.). | www.linkedin.com/in/tesleemah-abdulkareem | |
Optional questions - Leadership Experience | ||
Please describe ways in which you have helped to form a bridge between multiple communities (such as by working on projects outside your home wiki, or working on a collaboration between multiple affiliates). | I have bridged gap between multiple communities within wikimedia foundation by organizing events on the English Wikipedia such as the 'Wikimedia Awareness in Akure', the most recent of such bridge is the event I am currently championing 'Wiki And Health articles in Nigeria' for medical editors in Nigeria and collaboration with Wiki Project Medicine where the chair, Dr James Heilman is an advisor. | |
Can you describe a policy, on wiki or off, that you helped to create or change? What did you learn from this experience? | One policy I once incorporated was during an edit-a-thon, myself and three other wikimedia editors set up a WhatsApp platform where we discussed how the organizers will release the gift for winners. While I chaired the committee, we concluded on how best to approach the person in charge and it was productive at the end of the day with the gifts released to the winners.
What I gave learnt from the experience is to work collectively with others to fight for good cause. | |
How have you been able to empower people to make their voices heard? | I have actively involved members of my community in Nigeria when organising events. Recently, I led a project, Wiki and Health articles in Nigeria, a project that brought medical professionals into limelight and they were recruited to edit medical contents on wiki projects. Also, I share links to resources as well as trainings. One of the notable one was Organizer lab, after I finished with the cohort 1.even though, only few were selected for the second cohort. I'm glad the members in my community gave it their best shot. | |
Sometimes in professional situations, there are personality conflicts. Explain how you remain productive even with personality conflicts. | I'm the strict to business type, even if you are not the best person in term of the way you relate with others. I focus on how jobs can be done without issues hence I focus on the good sides of others, this make it easy to overlook the flaws of others.
In summary, I remain productive in case of personality conflicts in a professional settings by figuring out the best in others and keeping my emotions in check. | |
Optional questions - Strategic Thinking | ||
Where do you see the need for greater diversity in the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees or within the movement? What steps would you take to improve diversity on the Board or within the movement? What steps would you recommend the Board take to improve diversity? | Going through the list of past and present, I do not noticed board of trustees from Africa or Nigeria at large however I'm not sure this is the foundation's fault as election of board of trustees as always been thrown open however this could be due to lack of information due to underrepresentation of the black continent.
This is why I'm presenting myself to elected as a board member. | |
Bestätigung | Die Identitätsverifikation wurde durch Angestellte der Wikimedia Foundation vorgenommen, die passive Wahlberechtigung wurde durch das Wahlkomitee geprüft. | |
Wahlberechtigung: ![]() Bestätigt durch: KTC (talk) 20:03, 3 June 2024 (UTC) |
Identitӓtsnachweis: ![]() Bestätigt durch: – NahidSultan (WMF) (talk) 10:56, 29 May 2024 (UTC) |