Ntuliaka Wikimedia Foundation/2024/Ndị ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị/Kritzolina
Christel Steigenberger (Kritzolina)
Kritzolina (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Ihe gbasara ndi na adọ ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchichi | ![]()
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Ngụkọta okwu maka ime ndeba (ajụjụ achọrọ + ajụjụ nhọrọ) bụ 1000 (otu puku) okwu | ||
Ajụjụ ndị aga-azarịrị achọrọ | ||
Gịnị mere ị ji achọ isonye na Board of Trustees nke Wikimedia Foundation ? Gịnị ka ị ga-enye aka mee? Gịnị ka ị ga-achọ ịmụtakwu banyere? | Amataram nchịkọta Wiki dị ka onye ọrụ afọ ofufo ma enwere m mmasị na ya. Enwelam Ahụmahụ metụtara echiche dị ka onye ọrụ Foundation ma ọ bụ ọrụ ọkachamara kachasị mma m jierala. Iwelikwu ọdị mma njem a nke nchọpụta ebe kachasị mma na ịntanetị, ma mee ka ihe niile m mụtara na ọrụm gara aga (na nke na-aga n'ihu) gaa na ọkwa ọzọ bụ ihe m na-ahụ dị ka ihe ịma aka na nke bụ nkwụghachi ụgwọ ọrụ n'otu oge ahụ. Chịkọta Wiki enyewo m ọtụtụ onyinye dị ịtụnanya dị ka- ihe ọmụma, enyi, mkpali na ọtụtụ ncheta obi ụtọ. Enwere m olileanya na m nwere ike inyeghachi ihe ụfọdụ dị ka onye a ga atụkwasị obi. Mana ana m atụ anya inweta ihe ọmụma, nkwenye na ihe ndị ọzọ na ọrụ a, ọ bụrụ na ị tụkwasị m obi isonye na Trustee. | |
Biko kọwaa ahụmịhe Wikimedia gị (dị ka ntunye imeerela n'ọrụ Wikimedia, nsonye n'Otu Wikimedia ma ọ bụ ndị mmekọ, ihe omume dị ka onye na-ahazi na Wikimedia, ma ọ bụ isonye na nzukọ ndị mmekọ Njem Wikimedia). | Amalitere m idezi Wikipedia asụsụ German n'afọ 2014 n'ebumnobi iwetakwu ihe ọmụma gbasara uri ọgbara ọhụrụ n'ime njem a. N'oge na-adịghị anya, ọrụ ndị Otu a nọ n'azụ ime ka ihe pụta ìhè masịrịm m wee buru ụzọ gaa ngalaba otu metụtaram, tupu wee gaa nzukọ mba ụwa. N'ebe ahụ, amụtara m ọtụtụ ihe magburu onwe ya ma zute ọtụtụ ndị dị ịtụnanya, o mere ka m chọọ inyekwu aka na ụzọ dị iche iche. Ihe dịka afọ atọ na ọkara, abụ m onye nchịkwa na de.WP. N'ebe ahụ, etinyere m aka nke ukwuu na mkparịtaụka Ngalaba òtù gbasara omume. Emepụtara m ọdịnaya maka de.WP gbasara isiokwu sitere na saịtị ihe ochie na Tunisia ruo na ngwa kichin. Isi ihe m lekwasịrị anya ji nwayọọ nwayọọ si n’isiokwu agụmagụ gaa n’akụkọ ndụ ụmụ nwanyị na ndị si n’otu ndị a kpapụrụ iche. Taa a bụ m onye nsonye nke FemNetz, otu ụmụ nwanyị na-achọ ịkwalite nha nhata nwoke na nwanyị na de.WP. Amalitere m ịchọpụta Wikiprojects ndị ọzọ na ụdị asụsụ Wiki ndị ọzọ wee chọpụta ịhụnanya m nwere maka Commons. Taa, anam arụ ọtụtụ ọrụ na ọrụ a. Site na itinye onyonyo nke m, ga na-inyere aka ịhazi ntinye onyonyo na onyonyo etinyere site na mgbasa ozi mba ụwa iji sonye na usoro onyonyo egosipụtara na ihe ịma aka foto. Ugbu a enwerem> ndezi otu puku na abụọ na ọrụ a.
Enyekwaram aka na njem a n'ọrụ ọkachamara m nke mbụ dị ka onye otu Trust&Safety, mgbe e mesịrị dị ka onye so na Otu ndị mmepe ngalaba otu gasị bu Community Development Team. Ọrụ a nyere m nghọta miri emi banyere ihe ịma aka na mgbe ụfọdụ ihe ize ndụ ụfọdụ n'ime anyị na-eche ihu n'ihi onyinye ezi obi anyị nyere na Wikipedia nke ndị ike ndị ọzọ na-achọghị ịhụ. Enwetakwara m nghọta na-adọrọ mmasị banyere ọrụ nke ngalaba òtù dị iche iche gburugburu ụwa, ọkachasị mgbe anyị mere nyocha maka Usoro Omume zuru ụwa ọnụ. Amụtakwara m ọtụtụ ihe banyere otu Otu a pụrụ iche nke ndị a na-amaghị si arụkọ ọrụ nakwa na usoro dị ịtụnanya ọ mepụtara. | |
Site n'echiche gị, gịnị ka Wikimedia Foundation kwesịrị ibute ụzọ n'ime afọ ise ruo iri na-abịanụ, ma gịnị mere iji hụ ndị a dị ka ihe ndị kachasị mkpa? | Mgbochi Ila azụ na teknụzụ na ime ka nchịkọta Wiki (karịsịa na Commons) kwekọọ na teknụzụ maka ọdịnihu bụ n'ezie ihe kachasị mkpa. Anyị nọ n'ihe ize ndụ nke ọtụtụ ndị na-eji ịntanetị nwere ike ịgbaha anyị. Ihe ọzọ dị mkpa bụ ịzụlite ikike anyị iji lụso akụkọ ụgha na ihe ọmụma ụgha ọgụ, dịka AI na-eme ka ọ dịkwuo mfe kwa ụbọchị ịgbasa akụkọ ụgha na foto ndị doro anya.
Maka m, ihe kachasị mkpa kwesịrị ịbụ ịdọta ndị ga-enye aka site n'ebe dị iche iche gburugburu ụwa ma ọ bụ ebe dị iche iche na ọha mmadụ nke anyị na-erubeghị. Ọ bụrụ na anyị chọrọ ịnọgidesike ịbụ ndị aga na-achọ, anyị kwesịrị inwe ihe ọmụma na weebụsaịtị anyị nke na-adighị n'ebe ndị ọzọ - na ụfọdụ mgbe ndị nwere ihe ọmụma a agaghị abụ naanị na Europe ma ọ bụ North America. Ọ bụrụ na ha bụ, ha anọghị na ọnụọgụ mmadụ nke obodo dị ka ọ dị. Tinyere nke a, anyị kwesịrị ịgbasawanye ikike anyị iji chebe ndị na-enye aka na ebe nrụọrụ anyị site na mmekpa ahụ, egwu iwu na-enweghị isi na ihe ize ndụ ndị yiri ya. Ya mere, ịsịm kwuo ịga n'ihu na-emepe ma chekwaba ikike mmadụ nke Foundation dịkwa mkpa na ndepụta nke ihe ndị ka mkpa. | |
Optional questions - Professional Experience, Skills and Education | ||
Please describe your experience with governing bodies of organizations (nonprofit or for-profit), mentioning the scope of your responsibilities, as well as the complexity of the organization (in terms of scale of operations, budget, number of people involved, or other meaningful measures) and the size of the board or body. | I have been on the boards of several smallish non-profit organizations in the social and artistic field. These range from an org that runs a training institution for Systemic Therapy and employs around 20 people (some of them as contractors), where I sat on the board during a time of significant change, to a purely volunteer run literary org where I hold financial responsibility for more than 20 years now. | |
Please describe your professional career experience. | For most of my life I worked in the social field, centering on individual clients with complex problems using a systemic approach. I held some leadership positions in this field including the management of a large day care center for children with cognitive disabilities. For six years I worked for the Wikimedia Foundation in the Trust&Safety and the Community Development Teams. In this role I supported the committees that developed the UCoC and its implementation guidelines. | |
Please briefly describe 3 situations that show how you tackled, or advised others on, a complex problem in an organization. How did you work with others to address the situations? | ||
Please describe your educational background, including degrees, certificates, and courses of study finished, and their relevance to board work. | Diploma in Social Work, Certificates in Systemic Counseling, Trauma Counseling, Psychosocial Supporter during Legal Proceedings and Project Management (PRINCE2 and Scrum) | |
Please add any relevant links describing your professional background, experience, profile (such as LinkedIn, staff page, etc.). | ||
Optional questions - Leadership Experience | ||
Please describe ways in which you have helped to form a bridge between multiple communities (such as by working on projects outside your home wiki, or working on a collaboration between multiple affiliates). | ||
Can you describe a policy, on wiki or off, that you helped to create or change? What did you learn from this experience? | ||
How have you been able to empower people to make their voices heard? | In my professional capacity working for WMF I made sure to invite volunteers from different communities and diverse demographics to all discussions, research projects and consultations I was part of. And not only to formally invite them, but to really bring them in and to make space for them. I actually often was the person other WMF staff members turned to for advice on how to reach out to those voices that are not always heard. The most impactful thing I did in this capacity was probably making sure Maggie Dennis had a diverse and qualified candidate pool to choose from for the committees that wrote the UCoC and its enforcement guidelines.
I mentored a number of younger colleagues at WMF as well as at other workplaces. I often got the feedback that my advice helped them a lot to settle in their roles and to make important steps in their careers. Some of them brought grievances to my attention that they were not sure how to adress - among them a few serious problems with discrimination. In most cases I was able to connect them to the appropriate channels with some good advice on how to talk about these issues. This usually resulted in their perspective being heard and changes for the better being implemented. Speaking a bit more generally, I am known for always listening carefully, stepping back to make space for other voices and passing the microphone to those who have not had their say. For people who are not comfortable holding the microphone themselves, I have been quite successful in finding other means of communication, like written text, or conveying their opinion in a smaller setting. | |
Sometimes in professional situations, there are personality conflicts. Explain how you remain productive even with personality conflicts. | With patience, with joy in what I do and with love I can remain productive. | |
Optional questions - Strategic Thinking | ||
Where do you see the need for greater diversity in the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees or within the movement? What steps would you take to improve diversity on the Board or within the movement? What steps would you recommend the Board take to improve diversity? | I am very happy the board of Trustee does well with gender diversity. I was also happy to have worked for the Foundation as part of the most diverse work force I ever experienced. Still, I see all the places that are not filled, I hear voices that are not represented. I see some communities that lack diversity. And I know about voices neither me nor others in the movement can hear. We need the knowledge of these voices, their wisdom and their skills. We need to make room for them, amplify those we hear and strain to listen to more of them. We need to realize we need them and then work to let them know about our need. Wikimedia needs diversity like Wikimedians need oxygen. Let's get more of it! | |
Verification | Identity verification performed by Wikimedia Foundation staff and eligibility verification performed by the Elections Committee | |
Eligibility: ![]() Verified by: KTC (talk) 20:03, 3 June 2024 (UTC) |
Identification: ![]() Verified by: – NahidSultan (WMF) (talk) 11:31, 29 May 2024 (UTC) |