Ntuliaka Wikimedia Foundation/2024/Ndị ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị/Erik Hanberg
Erik Hanberg (Erikemery)
Erikemery (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Ihe gbasara ndi na adọ ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchichi | ![]()
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Ngụkọta okwu maka ime ndeba (ajụjụ achọrọ + ajụjụ nhọrọ) bụ 1000 (otu puku) okwu | ||
Ajụjụ ndị aga-azarịrị achọrọ | ||
Gịnị mere ị ji achọ isonye na Board of Trustees nke Wikimedia Foundation ? Gịnị ka ị ga-enye aka mee? Gịnị ka ị ga-achọ ịmụtakwu banyere? | A na m achọ isonye na Board of Trustees nke Wikimedia Foundation n'ihi ọchịchọ ije ozi na ịkwado otu nzukọ nke m kwenyere na ya. M ga-eweta mmụtaram dịka ọkachamara na-anaghị ana ego na dịka onye edemede sayensị nke nwere mmasị na nkà na ụzụ na ọrụ ojiji na nyefe n'efu. Abụrụla m onye na-eji ọrụ Wikimedia ọdị ala kwa ụbọchị ihe karịrị afọ iri abụọ. A nam enye onyinye mgbe niile, na nkwenye na ịkwado ọrụ ndị dị mkpa m na-eji eme ihe.
Ihe kacha mkpa ịkwupụta bụ na abụ m onye dere akwụkwọ "The Little Book of Boards" na akwụkwọ atọ ndị ọzọ maka ndị isi na-anaghị ana ego, bụ ndị ererela karịa mbipụta puku iriise n'ime afọ iri na ise gara aga. Site na ogologo akụkọ ihe mere eme nke ahụmịhe bọọdụ anaghị akwụ ụgwọ yana ọrụ iduzi ndị ọrụ anaghị akwụ ụgwọ, ekwere m na enwere m ọtụtụ ihe m ga-enye aka mezie na bọọdụ Wikimedia, omenala ya, na sistemụ ya. Tụkwasị na nke ahụ, ejere m ozi dị ka onye ọchịchị a họpụtara ahọpụta na bọọdụ gọọmenti na-abụghị nke ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị ruo ihe karịrị afọ iri na abụọ, agam ewetakwa ahụmahụ m nwetara na bọọdụ ahụ. Ka ọ dị ugbu a, ana m arụ ọrụ dị ka onye nduzi nke mmepe ndị na-ege ntị nye ụlọ ọrụ redio NPR m, ebe m na-elekwasị anya n'ịkwalite akụkọ na-anaghịego na nke na-abụghị nke ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị. Ana m ele akwụkwọ m na-abụghị akụkọ ifo anya n'otu ụzọ ahụ, ebe m na-agbasa ihe ọmụma ma na-ekerịta ahụmịhe m na ndị isi ndị ọzọ na-anaghị ana ego. N'ikpeazụ, akụkọ sayensị m na-adabere na teknụzụ, ozi, na otu o si akpụzi ọha mmadụ. Usoro m "The Lattice Trilogy" na-ele ụwa nwere ozi zuru oke na ihe ọ pụtara. Ma n'onwe m ma ọ bụ n'ọrụ, enwere m mmasị na ajụjụ ndị a na ọkwa niile, ma Wikimedia nọ n'ihu na-agbazi ụzọ n'ọdịnihu. A nam-eweta nghọta nke bọọdụ ndị na-adịghị akwụ ụgwọ, ọchịchọ iwulite usoro na omenala nke karịrị ndị kere ha, na ịhụnanya miri emi maka Wikipedia na ozi na ọrụ nke Wikimedia Foundation. | |
Biko kọwaa ahụmịhe Wikimedia gị (dị ka ntunye imeerela n'ọrụ Wikimedia, nsonye n'Otu Wikimedia ma ọ bụ ndị mmekọ, ihe omume dị ka onye na-ahazi na Wikimedia, ma ọ bụ isonye na nzukọ ndị mmekọ Njem Wikimedia). | Dịka ekwuru n'elu, abụ m onye na-eji Wikipedia na-arụ ọrụ kwa ụbọchị yana ọtụtụ ọrụ Wikimedia ndị ọzọ. M na-enye onyinye kwa afọ, emewokwa m ndezi ebe a na isiokwu ndị m nweremmasi na ya na nke mmara banyere ya, karịsịa na gburugburu obodom Tacoma. | |
Site n'echiche gị, gịnị ka Wikimedia Foundation kwesịrị ibute ụzọ n'ime afọ ise ruo iri na-abịanụ, ma gịnị mere iji hụ ndị a dị ka ihe ndị kachasị mkpa? | Enwere m mmasị na ụzọ ebe enwere ike itụkwasị obi dị ka Wikimedia nwere ike ịga n'ihu na-enyocha ma wulite ụzọ isi bipụta ọdịnaya akụkọ ziri ezi na nke oge iji lebara ụkọ ozi na ozi na-ezighi ezi anya. M na-ahụkwa ihe ịma aka n'ihu nke ihe ndị sitere na AI na-ebute mmetọ weebụ n'ozuzu ya, na ijide n'aka na Wikipedia na saịtị ndị metụtara ya na-eguzosike bụ ihe kachasị mkpa. | |
Optional questions - Professional Experience, Skills and Education | ||
Please describe your experience with governing bodies of organizations (nonprofit or for-profit), mentioning the scope of your responsibilities, as well as the complexity of the organization (in terms of scale of operations, budget, number of people involved, or other meaningful measures) and the size of the board or body. | Here are some highlights of board work:
- Elected Commissioner, Metro Parks Tacoma, 2010 to 2022. $50+ million annual budget, with hundreds of staff and dozens of parks and programs to manage. A board of five elected officials. I served as Board President for two years. - Nonprofit board consultant, 2009 - present. Working with nonprofit boards all over the United States, usually for organizations with annual budgets in the hundreds of thousands or low millions and boards ranging from 5 to 15. - Board Member, Grunewald Guild, 2016 to 2022. Including serving as Treasurer, Vice President, and President. A small arts-focused nonprofit retreat center. Board size of 7 to 10. - Board Member & Treasurer, Association of Fundraising Professionals – South Sound Chapter, 2017 – 2019. Board size of 10+. - Alumni Council Member, Carleton College, 2010 to 2014. Board size of 20+, advising the college, which has an annual budget of hundreds of millions. - Board Member, Foundation for Tacoma Students, 2013 to 2014. Board size of 20+. - Board member, Tacoma360, 2010 - 2012. Board president for one year, during which time I lead the effort to combine the nonprofit with the Foundation for Tacoma Students, which included getting approval from three government bodies. - Board Member, First Night, 2003 – 2004. A small local nonprofit. | |
Please describe your professional career experience. | I have spent more than 20 years working with nonprofits. In addition to serving as the director of two nonprofits, I have served as an Interim Executive Director twice and worked for nonprofits in marketing and fundraising. I have also served on boards and committees for more than a dozen organizations, often in leadership roles, and several times during a capital campaign.
I am the author of four books for nonprofits, focusing on nonprofit management, fundraising, social media, and board governance. In addition, I served for more than 12 years in elected office on the board of Metro Parks Tacoma, a junior municipality with an annual operating budget of $50+ million. Currently, I work for my local NPR affiliate radio station as the Director of Audience Development. As a prolific writer, I have written many science fiction and mystery novels, and even a play or two. | |
Please briefly describe 3 situations that show how you tackled, or advised others on, a complex problem in an organization. How did you work with others to address the situations? | My work on boards is, by definition, group work. For example, I helped launch a capital campaign while on one board, which involved a lot of complex situations, emotions, and painstaking process. From 2013 to 2018, I led a grassroots campaign in Tacoma to remember science fiction author and Tacoma native Frank Herbert with a park named after him in Tacoma. This was a broad community effort, leading in the successful creation of Dune Peninsula, named after his landmark novel. | |
Please describe your educational background, including degrees, certificates, and courses of study finished, and their relevance to board work. | Bachelor of Arts in English from Carleton College in Minnesota | |
Please add any relevant links describing your professional background, experience, profile (such as LinkedIn, staff page, etc.). | https://www.linkedin.com/in/erikhanberg/, https://ErikHanberg.com, https://ForSmallNonprofits.com, | |
Optional questions - Leadership Experience | ||
Please describe ways in which you have helped to form a bridge between multiple communities (such as by working on projects outside your home wiki, or working on a collaboration between multiple affiliates). | ||
Can you describe a policy, on wiki or off, that you helped to create or change? What did you learn from this experience? | ||
How have you been able to empower people to make their voices heard? | ||
Sometimes in professional situations, there are personality conflicts. Explain how you remain productive even with personality conflicts. | ||
Optional questions - Strategic Thinking | ||
Where do you see the need for greater diversity in the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees or within the movement? What steps would you take to improve diversity on the Board or within the movement? What steps would you recommend the Board take to improve diversity? | I recognize that I come from a position of privilege as a white male who grew up speaking English. It’s my belief that nonprofit boards should aim to reflect the diversity of the population they serve. I would seek greater racial and geographic diversity on the board. | |
Verification | Identity verification performed by Wikimedia Foundation staff and eligibility verification performed by the Elections Committee | |
Eligibility: ![]() Verified by: KTC (talk) 20:06, 3 June 2024 (UTC) |
Identification: ![]() Verified by: – NahidSultan (WMF) (talk) 10:52, 29 May 2024 (UTC) |