- 英語流利(必須)
- 具有在集體決策機構(尤其是理事會或委員會)任職的經驗
- 在維基媒體(或同等)運動建設和組織方面擁有豐富的經驗
- 您不得因嚴重犯罪或任何涉及不誠實或欺騙的犯罪而被定罪。 您目前無需為此提供任何文件;
- 您不得因管理不善或行為不當而被非營利組織或公司解僱;
- 在提名或選舉時,您不得在 30 天或更長時間內被封鎖或禁止參與任何維基媒體專案;
- 如果您僅符合作為編輯的選民資格要求,則您的第一次編輯必須在 DATE 之前(該日期將設定為候選人徵集前 2 年);
- 您必須在候選人申請中揭露您的真實姓名;
- 您必須年滿 18 歲,並達到您擁有永久居留權的國家/地區的法定年齡;
- 您必須向維基媒體基金會提交您的身分和年齡證明; 和
- 如果您被選為維基媒體基金會理事會成員,您必須在任命後兩週內辭去維基媒體基金會、維基媒體分會、主題組織和用戶組的任何其他理事會、治理或帶薪職位。
維基媒體基金會在所有選定的候選人被任命為理事會成員之前對其進行背景調查和媒體調查。理事會成員同時需要完成入職培訓和入職流程。此外,所有指定的理事會成員必須願意並且能夠履行其 法律和信託職責 並遵循維基媒體基金會的政策,包括:
Resources for candidates
资源 已提供,以支持2024年选举中的候选人。
Candidate application
Applications accepted between May 8, 2024―May 29, 2024. You can only change your application by the close of the nomination period at 23:59 UTC, May 29, 2024.
You must submit proof of your identity to the Wikimedia Foundation before 23:59 UTC, May 29, 2024. The Election Committee will contact you about this after you apply.
How to submit proof of identity
Candidates for this position must submit proof of identity and evidence of age of majority as a condition of candidacy. A copy of one of the following documents fulfills this:
- Driver's license
- Passport
- Other official documentation indicating real name and age
This may be provided to the Wikimedia Foundation via email at secure-infowikimedia
If you are one of the selected candidates, the Wikimedia Foundation may need to request additional information to run a candidate's background check prior to your appointment to the Board.
Candidates who fail to meet the above requirements and deadlines will be disqualified.
Submitting your candidacy
If you are eligible, you can Apply to be a Candidate.
Please follow these steps:
- Enter your name in the field below and click on the button
- Fill all the requested information and publish the page
- There are three (3) required questions for all candidates to answer. The support team will coordinate its translation to a select number of languages.
All candidate subpages
This automatically generated list includes all candidate pages, both eligible and ineligible.