維基媒體基金會理事會選舉/2022年/候選人/Mike Peel
Mike Peel (Mike Peel)
Mike Peel (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
候选人详情 | ![]()
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Introductory statement / Application summary. This section to be translated. (150 word maximum) |
隨著運動策略的執行和即將到來的全域委員會,我希望在這段變革時期將我的維基媒體經驗和生活經驗帶到 維基媒體基金會理事會。我想看到基金會更常以「維基的方式」在維基上協作,有更好的技術支持和工具來支援所有維基媒體項目間多語言自由知識的傳播。我也希望基金會能更好地與自治體合作,讓維基媒體大幅成長,特別是在南方世界(註:發展中國家)。
我從2005年起開始擔任維基媒體的編者,我的貢獻遍及維基百科、維基數據、維基共享資源、維基文庫等,手動、自動化工具和半自動化工具都有使用。在組織方面,我和其他人共同創立了英國維基媒體分會,同時也是維基運動巴西用戶組的一員。我曾在資金發放委員會任職四年,目前則是區域補助金委會員的一員。我在白天是無線電天文學家,定居於西班牙特內里費島(先前在英國和巴西工作)。 | |
對維基媒體項目的貢獻、在維基媒體組織或自治體的成員資格、作為維基媒體運動組織者的活動,或與維基媒體運動盟友組織一同參與(的經驗)。 (大約100個字) |
I've made over 400,000 edits, mostly to Wikidata, Commons, and English Wikipedia, as well as to English Wikisource, Meta, and others. I am an admin on the first three. I operate Pi bot, which has made nearly 10 million edits, mostly on Wikidata and Commons. I created the multilingual Wikidata infobox that is used in nearly 4 million Commons categories. I co-founded Wikimedia UK and was a trustee for its first 5 years as it established and became a charity: I am now an honorary member. I have been part of Wiki Movimento Brasil since 2019 (informally since 2016). | |
(大約150個字) |
I have gained a lot of experience with organisational strategy and management work through the Wikimedia movement since 2008. I was a Trustee of Wikimedia UK for 5 years (2008–2013, including as Chair, Secretary, and Membership Secretary), I served on the Funds Dissemination Committee for four years on its inaugural committee in 2012–14, and a returning term in 2015–17. I am currently on the Northern and Western Europe grants committee since 2021. I understand and work to support the governance needs of organisations across the Wikimedia movement, and want to bring this experience and viewpoint to WMF in a time of Wikimedia organisational change with the Global Council.
I am an experienced developer through my day job as a radio astronomer, which includes scientific analysis of large (TB+) datasets through self-written software packages. I understand software development processes at a practical level, focused on implementing them to solve specific problems. | |
在世界各地的歷練。我們對非洲、南亞、東亞、東南亞和太平洋,以及拉丁美洲和加勒比海的經歷特別有興趣。我們認為在這些地區的經驗可以幫助擴大理事會的能力,來實現更公平參與的運動策略目標。儘管我們承認其他經驗也可能提供重要的貢獻。 (大約250個字) |
I was lucky enough to be born in the UK, and grew up in the north of England. After studying astronomy up to the PhD level (thanks to a student loan and a PhD studentship), and working in a postdoctoral position in the UK, I moved to São Paulo, Brasil, in 2016 to work on a new telescope project there as a jovem pesquisador. My experiences there included living in one of the largest cities in the world, and one of the most economically divided, as well as visiting remote parts of Paraíba to find a radio quiet zone for a new radio telescope. In 2019 I moved to Tenerife, part of the Canary Islands - a Spanish region off the coast of Africa - to work on telescope projects at Teide Observatory.
Through astronomy, I regularly work with scientists from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. I also supervise both astronomy and Wikimedia students from across the world, whenever I can. This includes improving both gender and geographical diversity through the students I mentor. There is a huge opportunity for Wikimedia to grow significantly in the global south, linked to the movement strategy, which requires decentralisation of power from WMF and increased support (resources, growing leadership capacity) through the Wikimedia affiliates. I would like to build on my expertise from the grants committees and lived experience from Brasil to help WMF accomplish this. | |
除了您的地區和母語之外,對於其他地區文化的理解和其他語言的流利程度。跨文化意識有助在我們的多元文化社群中架起橋樑。 (大約250個字) |
Learning new languages and cultures is not easy. While in Brasil, I learned some Portuguese, and explored the culture and country, particularly with other Wikimedians from Wiki Movimento Brasil. I've tried to document part of this through the articles on, and tens of thousands of photos of, Brazil that I've shared to the Wikimedia projects. In Tenerife, I am learning Spanish, and also exploring and documenting the local history and culture - although Tenerife has already been quite well documented, particularly on the Spanish Wikipedia, less so on the English Wikipedia. Whenever I have visited another country for work, wiki, or tourism, I always take my camera - not for the usual tourist photos, but to document its history via Wikimedia.
I also try to support multilingual knowledge through Wikidata. This is best demonstrated through the Wikidata Infobox in Commons categories, which I created to be able to better understand the local history in Brasil that I was photographing, and is now one of the biggest multilingual uses of Wikidata in the Wikimedia projects outside of Wikidata itself. I would like to see the WMF make more use of such multilingual opportunities, particularly through the Wikimedia sister projects. | |
擁有為眾人創建安全和協作空間的倡導者經驗和/或有和審查制度、壓迫或其他侵犯人權情況相關或脈絡下的經驗。 (大約250個字) |
Safe and collaborative spaces are really important. While I do not have experience with creating them, I support and encourage them as much as I can. I have also seen the after-effects of dictatorships and censorship in both Brasil and Spain, although I have not experienced it directly: the best I can do is to help document this and hope it doesn't happen again in the future. | |
在權力結構中面臨歷史歧視或代表性不足的群體相關經驗(您可以自行決定您願意分享的程度),包括但不限於種姓、種族、民族、膚色、祖籍國、國籍、性別認同、性別表達、性取向、年齡、宗教、語言、文化、教育、能力、收入和環境。 (大約250個字) |
I can't claim experience here beyond trying to support such groups and individuals whenever I meet them. Both Wikimedia and astronomy (and physics in general) have huge issues with under-representation, and I try to help improve that through supervising students, doing outreach work, and providing general support wherever I can. | |
驗證 | 驗證由選舉委員會或維基媒體基金會工作人員執行。 | |
資格: ![]() 验证者: Matanya (talk) 08:37, 17 May 2022 (UTC) |
身份验证: ![]() 验证者: Joe Sutherland (Wikimedia Foundation) (talk) 23:53, 18 May 2022 (UTC) |
2022 Board of Trustees Analysis Committee Rating
Candidate Name | Wikimedia Background | Sought Skills | Sought Regional Experience | Human Rights & Underrepresentation | Overall rating from the average score of the four categories | Overall rating from the average score of the nine criteria |
Mike Peel | Gold | Silver | Gold | Silver | Silver | Gold |