Wikimedia Foundation elections/2022/Candidates/Lionel Scheepmans/sw
Lionel Scheepmans (Lionel Scheepmans)
Lionel Scheepmans (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Candidate details | ![]()
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Taarifa ya utangulizi / muhtasari wa maombi. Sehemu hii itatafsiriwa. (Upeo wa maneno 150) |
Ingawa ni mgombea, ninapingana na michakato ya wasomi ambayo inawapa mamlaka maafisa wachache waliochaguliwa badala ya kuandaa kufanya maamuzi na wanajamii wanaohusika na wanaopenda. Kama vile wasimamizi katika miradi ya Wikimedia, nadhani wasimamizi wa taasisi hiyo wanaweza, pia, kuhalalisha na kutumia maamuzi yaliyotolewa na jumuiya.
Pamoja na wafanyakazi zaidi ya 600, wengi wao wakiwa mbali, ni vigumu kusimamia Shirika. Badala ya kupanua kamati yake ya utawala, ingekuwa vyema kupunguza wafanyakazi wake na ukusanyaji wa michango ambayo tayari inachukuliwa vibaya na vyombo vya habari. | |
Michango kwa miradi ya Wikimedia, uanachama katika mashirika au washirika wa Wikimedia, shughuli kama mratibu wa harakati za Wikimedia, au ushiriki na shirika mshirika la Wikimedia. (Upeo wa maneno 100) |
First edit in 2008, admin on Wikiversity since 2015. Founding member of Wikimedia Belgium and board between 20. Studying the movement since 2011. | |
Utaalamu katika maeneo ya ujuzi yaliyotambuliwa kama mahitaji ya Bodi.
(Upeo wa maneno 150) |
Digital-anthropology, socio-political PhD student, financial analyses, free and open source software and free license user and supporter. Much more information available on my Wikimedian contributor page. | |
Uzoefu wa kuishi ulimwenguni. Tunavutiwa sana kusoma kuhusu matukio ya maisha katika maeneo ya Afrika, Asia ya Kusini, Mashariki na Kusini Mashariki mwa Asia na Pasifiki, na Amerika ya Kusini na Visiwa vya Karibi. Tunaamini kuwa uzoefu katika maeneo haya unaweza kusaidia kupanua uwezo wa bodi wa kutimiza lengo la mkakati wa harakati la ushiriki wa usawa zaidi, ingawa tunatambua kuwa uzoefu mwingine unaweza pia kutoa michango muhimu. (Upeo wa maneno 250) |
I'm finishing my PhD thesis about Wikimédia movement (read in French, read in other languages). I have a 10 years old son and a long personal experience of social care and the stigma it brings. Since 2011, I have been devoting most of my time to studying the Wikimedia movement, which I consider to be a social experiment that is very much ahead of its time in terms of awareness of the issues and possible solutions to the challenges facing our global and digital society.
I can also give a hand to the board concerning issue about inclusion and representativity in the movement. I would also like to put volunteering back at the centre of the movement instead of institutional and financial development. I am in favour of consensus, drawing lots and direct, participatory democracy within the movement and I can help the movement to evolve in this direction. | |
Ufasaha wa kitamaduni na lugha pamoja na maeneo na lugha za ziada kwa eneo lako la asili na lugha. Uelewa wa kitamaduni husaidia kujenga madaraja katika jumuiya yetu ya tamaduni nyingi. (Upeo wa maneno 250) |
French native speaker, I can survive in English, and I'm comfortable with Portuguese. In writing contexts, is my best friend ... | |
Uzoefu kama mtetezi wa kuunda nafasi salama na shirikishi kwa wote na/au uzoefu katika hali au miktadha ya udhibiti, ukandamizaji au mashambulizi mengine dhidi ya haki za binadamu. (Upeo wa maneno 250) |
I have the privilege of living in a country that is quite respectful of human beings and their freedom of expression and way of being. But I struggle personally and daily to be able to live without proprietary software (including in the Wikimedia movement), to pollute our environment as little as possible and to produce the minimum amount of greenhouse gases. I also struggle to free myself from the grip of money and employment that makes us part-time slaves of an immoral and dehumanized economic system.
By writing my PhD thesis on Wikiversity and comparing the university system to my observations within the Wikimedia projects, I also hope to open a debate about the democratization of science within the human community by challenging some privileges and dysfunctions of the social sciences. Including in the Wikimedia movement, I try to show the way to another way of producing knowledge outside the Wikipedia project, whose editorial rules do not allow a fair representation of knowledge. | |
Uzoefu kuhusiana na (au kama mwanachama wa, kwa kiwango unachochagua kushiriki) kikundi ambacho kimekabiliwa na ubaguzi wa kihistoria na uwakilishi mdogo katika miundo ya mamlaka (pamoja na lakini sio tu kwa tabaka, jamii, kabila, rangi, asili ya kitaifa, utaifa, utambulisho wa kijinsia, kujieleza jinsia, mwelekeo wa kijinsia, umri, dini, lugha, utamaduni, elimu, uwezo, mapato na mazingira). (Upeo wa maneno 250) |
As I'm facing to dysorthographic and dyslexic troubles, and because I've been most of the time of my life social assistance recipient, refusing to be submitted as an employee, I've experienced a lot of stigmata in my life. | |
Verification | Identity verification performed by Wikimedia Foundation staff and eligibility verification performed by the Elections Committee | |
Eligibility: ![]() Verified by: Matanya (talk) 08:55, 17 May 2022 (UTC) |
Identification: Verified by: ? |