1. Guarantee equal treatment for all Wikimedia movement without exception. Initiate new activities that aim to reduce and eliminate inequalities in the movement
2. Finding a solution to the problems that have arisen with the financing of certain affiliations recognized by the Foundation
3. Сreate new partnerships where none exist and accompany people from the movement to work with them.
10+ years: I have been a Wikimedian since 2010. I was in several roles from filemover and transwiki to admin. And I am at the origin of the creation of the wiktionary in Tacawit.
5-10 years: Apart from my experience as a board member of 2 Wikimedia affiliations from 2014 and 2018. I was also since 2 years the CFO of an organization in Algeria the Citizen Inventory of Heritage, which works in the sector of the preservation of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage. And I have also served as a trustee of Association Arts et Patrimoine d'Alger.
5-10: for 3 years I was the Head of the department of a Swedish company established in Russia, I had about 120 employees under my supervision. My work was to analyze sales reports, financial statements, and oversee the general activities that make up the mission of the company. And being CFO of my co-organization I do the same thing, but the budget is smaller compare to the Swedish company that I have worked for.
5-10 years: Usually I always work in education volunteering. In Canada with the North African diaspora and with the Zerfa association, we organized courses in the indigenous North African language, which then helped us to have contributors in our Wikis projects. Then with Wikimedians in Russia, we wrote a book (Wikipedia. Introductory course), where I am a co-author, for university students in Russian. The book itself is based on the MOOC that I did in collaboration with other Wikimedians in Algeria for the Arabic-speaking community in 2018. more than 10,000 users have finished these courses. Since the beginning of this year, I co-animate and co-organize a series of conferences in Algeria in French and Arabic, which work for the promotion of the Algerian heritage (let's dream Algeria). the conferences were launched after the appeal of UNESCO against cultural terrorism.
Yes: I am of Amazigh (Berber) ethnicity and during a generation, the power which was established in north Africa represses these people, especially at the level of the language and identity. It is for this that I am a minority language activist. Tamazight languages are in danger as is cultural identity.
Yes: I was born in Kazakhstan (Asia), I grew up in Algeria (Africa) and I work in Russia (Europe) and in Dubai. Very often I come to Germany because I have my maternal family is there. In general, I live between Algeria and Russia.
Yes: Classic Arabic, Algerian Arabic, French, Russian, Tacawit.
Yes: in an Algerian non-electoral political party Mouvement Jeunesse Éveillée (Awakened Youth Movement), I served as responsible for the movement's external relations for one year.
Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Candidates/Reda Kerbouche/ja