Languages: French as native, English and Portuguese as good level and all textual world languages through my computer or smartphone ;o)
Wikimedian since: june 2008 and very active since early 2011
Active wikis: fr.Wikiversity - fr.Wikipedia - Commons - ect
statement (Not more than 450 words)
Finishing 10 years of Wikimedia ethnographic observation as PhD student in anthropology, I want to put this experience to good use on the Wikimedia board. on a voluntary basis, I would like to bring to the board my financial, historical and anthropological analysis skills, in a prospective way and in view of possible deviation from the Wikimedia mission.
I would particularly like to contribute to maintaining the free sharing mission of the movement and reduce as much as possible a certain drift already observable and due to mimicry of the surrounding commercial sector. I would also like to work with the team to improve the cooperation between the communities of volunteer contributors and the foundation, while ensuring the independence of the projects and preserving the movement from any form of elitism, domination and harassment.
And yes, I almost forgot. I am also part of the underrepresented group in the movement that are the parents of young children. As for me, I am part of those who are one week out of two as it is increasingly seen in my entourage. That's why I can invest myself in the movement. Wikimedia is indeed one of the few legacies I will be proud to pass on to future generations in a world where everything is destroyed by commodification.
Top 3 Board priorities
1. Ensure that the mission of the movement and the foundation is respected
2. Ensure transparency within the movement and the foundation
3. Ensure that the good governance of the movement and the foundation is respected
Wikimedia experience.
The candidate is a dedicated contributor to the Wikimedia movement. Eligible contributions include: contributions to the Wikimedia projects, membership in a Wikimedia organization or affiliate, activities as a Wikimedia movement organizer, or participation with a Wikimedia movement ally organization.
Board experience.
The candidate has served on the board of trustees/directors or other similar governing body of a nationally- or globally-focused organization (non-profit, for-profit, or governmental).
2.5 Co-founder of Wikimedia Belgium and 2 years of board member.
Executive experience.
The candidate has worked at an executive level for an organization, department, or project of comparable (or greater) size, complexity, and scope to the Wikimedia Foundation.
<1 Board member is not an executive post and I have learned to collaborate with executive staff during my life experiences, even if such a status never attracted me.
Subject matter expertise.
The candidate has worked or significantly volunteered in an area relevant to the work of the Foundation and the Board. Such areas will be determined on an annual basis and may include areas such as Global movement building and community organization, enterprise-level platform technology and/or product development, public policy and the law, knowledge sector (e.g., academia/GLAM/education), human rights and social justice, open Internet/free and open source software, organizational strategy and management, finance and financial oversight, non-profit fundraising, human resources, board governance.
10+ Social and political affairs, prospective anthropology, cartography, volunteer youth movement, disability community, art production, ect. See my CV for more details.
Diversity: Background
The candidate belongs or belonged to a group that has faced historical discrimination and underrepresentation in structures of power (related to, for example, gender, race, ethnicity, disability, LGBTQ+ identity, social class, economic status, or caste).
I have dyslexia and dysorthography, which have been the cause of many forms of discrimination since my early childhood. I'm also a free culture adept as others are vegetarian and I don't use proprietary software as others don't eat gluten because of their intolerance. As such, I am regularly discriminated against, including within the Wikimedia movement.
Diversity: Geography
The candidate would contribute to the overall geographic diversity of the Board of Trustees, based on the geographic regions where they have lived.
Belgium, a very small country in the world, but where the European Parliament is located.
Diversity: Language
The candidate is a native speaker of a language other than English.
French, English, Portuguese in comfortable level
Diversity: Political system experience
The candidate has substantial experience living in and/or working to share knowledge in a non-democratic, state-censoring, or repressive context.
Member of the Pirate Party of Belgium team working for increase transparency and democracy in my country as candidate in the 2012 municipal elections.
Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Candidates/Lionel Scheepmans