Tunachofanya kina kusudi; "shiriki jumla ya maarifa yote". Katika utawala wetu tumekuwa tukizingatia jamii. Dhana hii imekuwa kwamba kusudi letu ni matokeo ya juhudi za jamii yetu. Hatukuongeza matokeo yetu kwa jamii yetu. Hauwezi kupata picha kutoka kwa Commons, huwezi kupata vitabu kwa urahisi kutoka kwenhye Wikisource, haswa kama lugha inayotumika sio Kiingereza. Kwa umakini zaidi kwa umma wetu, tunafanya juhudi zetu kuwa muhimu zaidi.
Top 3 Board priorities
Top 3 Movement Strategy priorities
Identity verification performed by Wikimedia Foundation staff and eligibility verification performed by the Elections Committee
Wikimedia experience.
The candidate is a dedicated contributor to the Wikimedia movement. Eligible contributions include: contributions to the Wikimedia projects, membership in a Wikimedia organization or affiliate, activities as a Wikimedia movement organizer, or participation with a Wikimedia movement ally organization.
Wiktionary, Wikidata, Wikipedia, Commons
Board experience.
The candidate has served on the board of trustees/directors or other similar governing body of a nationally- or globally-focused organization (non-profit, for-profit, or governmental).
mwanachama mwanzilishi wa kamati ya lugha ya WMF
Executive experience.
The candidate has worked at an executive level for an organization, department, or project of comparable (or greater) size, complexity, and scope to the Wikimedia Foundation.
Mwanzilishi wa Omegawiki
Subject matter expertise.
The candidate has worked or significantly volunteered in an area relevant to the work of the Foundation and the Board. Such areas will be determined on an annual basis and may include areas such as Global movement building and community organization, enterprise-level platform technology and/or product development, public policy and the law, knowledge sector (e.g., academia/GLAM/education), human rights and social justice, open Internet/free and open source software, organizational strategy and management, finance and financial oversight, non-profit fundraising, human resources, board governance.
Niliendesha mradi wa kwanza wa GLAM pamoja na Tropenmuseum
Diversity: Background
The candidate belongs or belonged to a group that has faced historical discrimination and underrepresentation in structures of power (related to, for example, gender, race, ethnicity, disability, LGBTQ+ identity, social class, economic status, or caste).
Utapata historia yangu ya miaka 15 katika ushiriki wangu katika [1] yangu.
Diversity: Geography
The candidate would contribute to the overall geographic diversity of the Board of Trustees, based on the geographic regions where they have lived.
Diversity: Language
The candidate is a native speaker of a language other than English.
Kiholanzi, Kiingereza Kijerumani
Diversity: Political system experience
The candidate has substantial experience living in and/or working to share knowledge in a non-democratic, state-censoring, or repressive context.
Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Candidates/Gerard Meijssen/sw