Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Candidates/CandidateQ&A/zh
The election ended 31 8月 2021. No more votes will be accepted.
The results were announced on 7 9月 2021. Please consider submitting any feedback regarding the 2021 election on the elections' post analysis page.
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2021年维基媒体董事会选举 |
主页 |
候选人 |
选举信息 |
可轉移單票制 |
结果 |
讨论 |
常见问题 |
问题 |
组织 |
翻译 |
帮助文档 |
- 您認爲要如何增加維基媒體計劃的志願者?
- 您期望未來理事會會如何與其他羣體(社羣、分會)互動?
- 當選後候選人會如何與社羣互動?
- 你认为wiki是否能打造互联网的未来?为让这个想法成为现实,维基媒体基金会能够怎样向wiki社群提供帮助?
- 請發表您對於基金會的形象重塑的看法
- 您認爲在最近两到三年內,基金會可以如何與社羣互動?
- What does diversity in the Wikimedia Community mean to you? How can this quantifiably be achieved? (Example: Reduction in Data Gaps)
- What is your opinion on the claim of autonomy by Wikipedia communities and the attempts of the Wikimedia Foundation to regulate control over community?
- What do you think could be done to improve combating bias?
- 你认为较小的维基媒体项目,如维基物种、维基新闻、维基学院的未来会是怎样的?维基媒体基金会能怎样帮助这些项目的发展?
- 你对维基媒体基金会将资金用在与维基媒体项目无关的目的有什么看法?
The full list of community questions, along with a list of endorsements for each question, is available. Candidates may choose to answer additional questions from that list here.
Candidates that have answered community questions in addition to those in the list above are: