Wikimedia Foundation elections/2017/Funds Dissemination Committee Ombudsperson/id
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Pemilihan berakhir pada 11 Juni 2017. Tidak akan ada lagi suara yang diterima. Hasil akan diumumkan pada 19 Juni 2017. Silakan pertimbangkan submisi tanggapan mengenai pemilihan 2017 di halaman post mortem pemilihan. |
The 2017 elections for the Funds Dissemination Committee Ombudsperson will be held from 3 to 11 June 2017. Members of the Wikimedia community have the opportunity to elect one candidate to a two-year term which will expire in 2019. The purpose of the FDC Ombudsperson is to receive and publicly document complaints about the FDC process, and to feedbacks and recommendations to the Board of Trustees about how the FDC process could improve.
The Election Committee will announce the results on or before 16 June 2017. Detailed results will be available.
Information for voters
- Penyunting
Anda dapat memberikan suara menggunakan salah satu akun terdaftar Anda di wiki milik Wikimedia. Anda hanya boleh memberikan suara satu kali, tidak peduli berapa banyak akun yang Anda miliki. Agar berhak memberikan suara, akun yang Anda gunakan haruslah:
- tidak diblokir pada lebih dari satu proyek;
- dan bukan akun bot;
- dan telah membuat setidaknya 300 suntingan sebelum 1 April 2017 di wiki Wikimedia;
- dan sudah membuat paling sedikit dua puluh suntingan antara 1 Oktober 2016 dan 1 April 2017.
Aplikasi AccountEligibility dapat digunakan untuk memverifikasi dengan cepat hak pilih penyunting.
- Pengembang
Pengembang berhak memberikan suara jika:
- merupakan pengurus server Wikimedia dengan akses shell;
- atau memiliki akses commit dan telah membuat paling sedikit satu merged commit di git ke repo Yayasan Wikimedia antara 1 Oktober 2016 dan 1 April 2017.
- Staf dan pegawai kontrak Yayasan Wikimedia
Staf dan kontraktor Yayasan Wikimedia saat ini berhak memberikan suara jika telah bekerja di yayasan ini per 1 April 2017
- Staf dan kontraktor afiliasi gerakan Wikimedia
Chapter Wikimedia sekarang, organisasi tematik atau staf dan kontraktor grup pengguna berhak memberi suara jika telah bekerja dalam organisasi mereka per 1 April 2017.
- Anggota dewan Yayasan Wikimedia, anggota dewan Penasihat, anggota komite FDC
Anggota dan mantan anggota Dewan Pengawas Yayasan Wikimedia, Dewan Penasihat Yayasan Wikimedia, dan Komite Diseminasi Dana berhak untuk memberikan suara.
Information for candidates
Roles and responsibilities of the FDC Ombudsperson
- From the FDC portal
The FDC Ombudsperson plays several important roles in the FDC process:
- To receive and publicly document complaints about the FDC process;
- To support complaints investigations (only when formally requested to do so by the Board representatives on the FDC);
- To publish an annual report to the Board that summarizes the feedback it receives and make recommendations about how the FDC process could improve
Criteria for FDC Ombudsperson
To be eligible for the Ombudsperson role, an individual:
- Be at least 18 years old and of legal age in your home country;
- Must be able to work effectively in English (although full fluency is not required);
- Must have been active in the Wikimedia community for at least 2 years;
- Should have sufficient time and dedication to commit to this process;
- Have a track record of constructive engagement in community discussions and an orientation toward collaborative problem solving; and
- Be able to set aside any conflicts of interest and work towards the mission goals of the Wikimedia movement without considering individual or organizational interests
Prerequisites to candidacy
The eligibility requirements for candidates are the same as for voters (see voter requirements) with the following additional requirements:
- You must not have been convicted of a serious crime or any crime involving dishonesty or deception; and
- You must not have been removed from a position at a non-profit organization or other company because of mismanagement or misconduct; and
- At the time of nomination or election, you may not be banned or blocked from any Wikimedia project for a period of 30 days or longer; and
- You must be over 18 years old and over the age of majority in your home country; and
- You must submit proof of your identity to the Wikimedia Foundation (see below).
Submission process
If you are eligible, you can submit your candidacy by doing the following:
- Write a brief summary of no more than 1200 characters (excluding spaces) stating what you would do if you were elected to the Funds Dissemination Committee, your relevant opinions and experience, and anything else you think is relevant. You may not use your candidate summary to link to lists of endorsements or other platform pages, and may not run on a slate with other candidates.
- Submit your summary between 00:00, 15 May 2017 (UTC) and 23:59, 28 May 2017 (UTC). Your statement may only be changed in the 3 days after submission, or up to 28 May, whichever comes first, except for minor corrections (for instance, spelling correction) or translation. Any additions or changes to content submitted after this deadline will be time-stamped and presented separately from the original summary, and will only be presented to voters if they get translated into all of the same languages as the original summary. You should note that earlier submissions allow time for translation into more languages, and that submissions provided on the due date or just before may not be as widely translated.
- Please note: To allow voters to engage with candidates quickly statements will be sent for professional translation within 48 hours of submission. While the first translation will be on a 24 hour turn around future updates will be grouped together and may take longer.
- As part of your submission, you must respond to standard questions. The responses to these questions will not count as characters for your summary. The standard questions are:
- What experiences of yours do you think will enhance the work and recommendation process of the FDC?
- Around directing and/or evaluating annual plans and programs?
- Around grantmaking?
- What do you understand to be the Ombudsperson's role?
- What are some potential complaints about the FDC process that you believe could be documented with the Ombudsperson, and how might you deal with them?
- What experiences of yours do you think will enhance the work and recommendation process of the FDC?
- Submit proof of your identity to the Wikimedia Foundation before 23:59, 28 May (UTC). You will be privately contacted by a member of the Election Committee with further information about meeting this requirement when you list yourself as a candidate.
Candidates who fail to comply with the above requirements and deadlines will be disqualified.
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Mulai pencalonan Anda untuk:
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Submitting proof of identity to the Wikimedia Foundation
Candidates for this position must submit proof of identity and evidence of age of majority as a condition of candidacy. This proof may be provided in one of the following manners:
- Copy or scan of driver's license.
- Copy or scan of passport.
- Copy or scan of other official documentation indicating real name and age.
This may be provided to the WMF in one of the following means:
- via email to secure-info
- via facsimile to +1 (415) 882-0495
- via post (snail mail) to:
- Wikimedia Foundation Inc.
- 149 New Montgomery Street, 3rd Floor
- San Francisco, CA 94106
- Note that post is not recommended. Exceptions will not be made if a candidate's documentation has not arrived at the WMF offices by the deadline of 23:59 UTC, 28 May 2017.
Time line
- 28 May 2017: Deadline for candidate submissions and Identification verification
- 29 May – 2 June 2017: Questions and discussion between candidates and community
- 3–11 June: Voting
- 12–14 June: Vote-checking
- 15 June: Goal for announcement of results