Wikimedia Foundation elections/2017/Board of Trustees/Candidates/sv
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The election ended 11 juni 2017. No more votes will be accepted. The results were announced on 19 juni 2017. Please consider submitting any feedback regarding the 2017 election on the election's post mortem page. |
This page contains candidates for the 2017 Wikimedia Foundation Board elections. Members of the 2017 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, or the Wikimedia Foundation staff, will verify wiki based candidate requirements. Wikimedia Foundation staff will verify identification and later verify offline candidate requirements. Verification of wiki based requirements and identification will be identified on this page. Offline candidate requirements will be verified at a later stage.
Statements provided by candidates who are not eligible to run in this election will be archived on a subpage.
Statements by any candidates who withdraw will be archived here.
The three individuals selected by the community will join these members of the Board of Trustees:
Name | Languages | Location |
Kelly Battles | en-N | United States of America |
Christophe Henner (Schiste) | fr-N, en-4 | France |
Nataliia Tymkiv (NTymkiv (WMF)) | uk-N, en-4, ru-4 | Ukraine |
Jimmy Wales (Jimbo Wales) | en-N | England |
Alice Wiegand (Lyzzy) | de-N, en-2 | Germany |
Chris Keating (The Land)
The Land (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Sammanfattning | ![]()
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Presentation | I will use what I learned when I was Chair of Wikimedia UK to keep WMF focused on its mission and its communities, and ensure the Board is open, listening and effective. The Wikimedia movement is about communities first. We should never fall into the trap of thinking WMF is only about tech. | |
Online wikiarbete | I’ve been part of the Wikimedia movement for over 13 years. I have seen how we’ve transformed from a crazy idea into a remarkable, vital, reality, at the same time as the rest of the internet has filled up with cat gifs, clickbait and fake news. I have also seen how, when the WMF board works well, it helps staff, affiliates and communities pull together to common goals – and the problems it causes when it doesn’t. I started editing Wikipedia in 2004 and became an English Wikipedia admin in 2006. From 2007 for a few years my main focus was on improving en.wp articles on battleships resulting in four English Wikipedia Featured Articles, which between them get about 160,000 views a month. I’ve written essays on Meta about how the WMF should handle conversations with the community, and about how we should think about measuring impact. If I’m elected to the Board I’ll do my best to take my own advice. How we continue to build our communities, and how we promote diverse, top-quality content is the most pressing question we must address in the strategy process. | |
Offline wikiarbete | I have a record of making positive changes to Wikimedia organisations that last beyond my own term of office. I joined the board of Wikimedia UK in 2011. In 2012 I became Chair to sort out some serious governance problems we faced at the time. This meant working with the WMF to review Wikimedia UK’s governance, implementing the changes, and moving on to develop our strategy and impact. I’ve experienced most of the difficult situations for a board member, like managing a transition of an Executive Director, or handling serious disagreements on the Board, and overcome them. I have led the development of training for Wikimedia board members. I set up the first two international board training workshops, and helped shape Wikimedia Conference towards improving affiliates’ governance and programmes. I’ve also been involved in a number of GLAM and education outreach projects, setting up partnerships with institutions like JISC, and running editathons on topics ranging from World War I to feminist cinema. Outside of Wikimedia, I have been a fundraiser for a number of non-profits, and worked and volunteered extensively for the UK’s Liberal Democrat party. I find this perspective valuable in thinking about the Wikimedia movement. | |
Bekräftelse | Bekräftad av Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia Foundation elections committee eller Wikimedia Foundation anställda. | |
Behörighet: ![]() Bekräftad av: KTC (talk) 18:33, 9 April 2017 (UTC) |
Indentifiering: ![]() Bekräftad av: Jalexander--WMF 05:36, 13 April 2017 (UTC) |
Milos Rancic (millosh)
millosh (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Sammanfattning | ![]()
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Presentation | The next big thing for our movement should be democratization, integration of non-organized editors and solidarity within the movement. By choosing me, besides giving me Board member responsibilities, you are giving me the symbolic power to not only raise those issues but also work on them. | |
Online wikiarbete | I have been a member of the Language committee since 2008, I have been responsible for helping small communities create Wikimedia projects in their own languages. As a (former) steward I've successfully solved a number of difficult issues on various wikis, giving those projects the chance to flourish and become important parts of their own societies. In some regards, my on-wiki contribution has been structural, including active participation in the creation of the Language proposal policy and of the Closing projects policy, and in introducing global sysops etc. In 2004 I initiated the creation of the Serbian Wikipedia community. During the following couple of years I worked on building the community around all other Serbian language Wikimedia projects. I was an administrator and bureaucrat on most of the projects in Serbian (as well as a checkuser on Wikipedia). I've significantly contributed to Wikinews in Serbian and Wiktionary in Serbian and Serbo-Croatian, and to a lesser degree to many other projects, including Wikipedia and Wikinews in English. | |
Offline wikiarbete | I was a co-founder of Wikimedia Serbia, the fifth Wikimedia chapter in 2005, its first president and former Board member. Besides creating the organization, my most significant contribution to WMRS was work on its professionalization and on establishing its office between 2009 and 2012. In various roles inside of WMRS, I've organized a proto-Wikimedia Conference in 2006, as well as a couple of regional conferences which would eventually become Wikimedia Central and Eastern Europe. My latest contribution to the Wikimedia movement was as a catalyst and initiator of AfroCROWD, the project aiming to incorporate Black Americans into the Wikimedia movement. I reached out Alice because i knew she was a Black American open-content activist, engaged deeply in the work with various ethnolinguistic groups of Americans of African descent and educated her on the multicultural gap in editorship and content on Wikipedia. I am personally structurally contributing to some parts of our movement, like giving servers and maintenance to the websites for Wikimedia Serbia and AfroCROWD through my small company. I was a member of the Affiliations, Research and Nominating committee. | |
Bekräftelse | Bekräftad av Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia Foundation elections committee eller Wikimedia Foundation anställda. | |
Behörighet: ![]() Bekräftad av: Joe Sutherland (Wikimedia Foundation) (talk) 05:08, 11 April 2017 (UTC) |
Indentifiering: ![]() Bekräftad av: Jalexander--WMF 23:45, 17 April 2017 (UTC) |
Dariusz Jemielniak (pundit)
pundit (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Sammanfattning | ![]() (photo credit: Victor Grigas)
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Presentation | The roles of steward, CU, admin, FDC chair, Board member have taught me that we need Board members who communicate with the community, are constructive but able to speak up, have experience, seek consensus in the movement, bring strong expertise. I’ve actually proven these, so I ask for reelection | |
Online wikiarbete | Experience from the roles of steward/checkuser/admin/bureaucrat/ombudsman/FDC (chair). My editing has suffered heavily during my first term as a Board member (the only community-elected one still standing), but I’ve gained the experience needed for the job. My initial plan for the Board work and how it actually went are here. I did a lot of other work (HR, ED recruitment, governance). The wiki traits I have that the Board needs:
The two years on the Board have been a fast learning experience in tough times. Having had it, I'm well positioned to build on it and avoid rookie mistakes (which I surely made, too, while gaining some grey hair). Now I want to help our movement get more democratic, externally&internally friendly, and help us regain our strategic focus so that Wikimedia never becomes irrelevant. | |
Offline wikiarbete | I'm a full professor of management (one of the youngest in the field in Poland) at NeRDS and associate faculty at Berkman-Klein Center for Internet&Society at Harvard. I wrote the first ethnography of Wikipedia (Common Knowledge? Stanford University Press - it won 2015 Dorothy Lee Award, among others), and I've published academic articles about Wikipedia, as well as op-eds in magazines (Slate, The Daily Dot, The Chronicle of Higher Education, etc.). I've had visiting appointments at Cornell, Harvard, Berkeley, MIT. My other current research projects involve FOSS organizations governance (OpenHub projects) and online community building in alterscience and DIY-science movements. I understand how good-will participative movements can slide into organizational tensions and bureaucracies, and I hope to be able to avoid it. More on my past work can be read on wiki. I have experience from another board of an organization of a similar budget&size: Copernicus Science Center. I’ve advised on strategy professionally. I also developed and sold 3 Internet startups (but no, I'm not a Silicon Valley type, not even close ;). My experience of having grown up in a regime with censorship, and frugally (~30 USD/month) help me understand the world outside of the Western bubble. For the last 4 years I've been a member of honorary committee of Polish Pride Parade. As a hobby, I practice krav-maga (and I'm an Israeli-licensed instructor), but I've never ever hit a person outside of a training, and I really rarely get angry - possibly due to a really high stress-threshold. | |
Bekräftelse | Bekräftad av Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia Foundation elections committee eller Wikimedia Foundation anställda. | |
Behörighet: ![]() Bekräftad av: Joe Sutherland (Wikimedia Foundation) (talk) 16:53, 11 April 2017 (UTC) |
Indentifiering: ![]() Bekräftad av: Jalexander--WMF 05:51, 13 April 2017 (UTC) |
James Heilman (Doc James)
Doc James (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Sammanfattning | ![]()
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Presentation | För att uppnå vårt mål om öppen kunskap behöver vi arbeta tillsammans som jämlikar, utforma våra mål tillsammans, och förbli oberoende. Styrelsen behöver medlemmarsom förstår våra gemenskaper. Efter fler än 10 år och fler än 210.000 redigeringar över 110 olika projekt fyller jag detta behov. | |
Online wikiarbete | Våra gemenskaper av redigerare är unika och hur de fungerar är ofta dåligt förstått. En sådan förståelse kan endast uppnås genom att i stor utsträckning och konstekvent delta i projekten över många år. Som aktiv redigerare jag har utomordentlig förståelse av våra kärnvärderingar och hur det interna arbetet fortlöper. Jag har varit administratör på engelska Wikipedia sedan 2010.
Samtidigt som mitt arbete online har fokuserat på att utarbeta medicinskt material har jag även varit iblandad i byggandet av ett "copy-paste" indentifieringsverktyg, arbetat med frågor kring icke-offentlig betald redigering, uttalat mig för våran rätt att hosta innehåll under öppna licenser, och hjälp till att införliva Wikivoyage som del av våran rörelse. Under 2011 startade jag medicinska översättningsprojektet, till en början tillsammans med Översättare utan gränser. Projektet har sedan utökats och vi samarbetar nu även med Rubric och Wikimedia Taiwan. Vårt arbete har lett till att flera än 5 miljoner ord har översatts, och vi har översatt till fler än 100 olika språk. | |
Offline wikiarbete | WMF befinner sig idag i ett mycket bättre läge än då jag valdes till styrelsen 2015. Detta är till viss del på grund av mina försök att upprätthålla våra värderingar av transparans och att demokratiska beslut. Våra framgångar innefattar bland annat avvecklingen av superprotct och ersättandet av vår dåvarande VD med en som är bättre för våran rörelse.
Vad gäller andra befattningar inom rörelsen var jag en av de grundande medlemmarna till Wikimedia Canada (WMCA) år 2010 och Wiki Project Med Foundation (WPMEDF) under 2012. Jag sitter för närvarande i styrelsen för WMCA och är styrelseordförande i WPMEDF. Tillsammans med Wikimedia Schweiz har vi tagit fram en offline medicinsk app. Vi har för närvarande versioner i 10 språk med fler än 150.000 nerladdningar, varav ~80% är från låg- eller medel-inkomstländer. Dessa appar når en befolkningar som vårat onlineinnehåll har svårt att nå. Efter arbete med WMF kommer huvudklienten för Android snart ha förbättrade offline funktioner. Jag har forskat och publicerat på Wikipedia i vetenskapliga tidsskrifter, och talat om vikten av det vi gör. Detta har innefattat hålla föredrag vid akademiska konferenser, bli interviewad av pressen, och att förläsa för studenter. Jag har varit delaktig i sammarbeten med ett antal likasinnade organisationer, inklusive vetenskapliga tidsskrifter, Världshälsoorganisationen, och University of California San Francisco. | |
Bekräftelse | Bekräftad av Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia Foundation elections committee eller Wikimedia Foundation anställda. | |
Behörighet: ![]() Bekräftad av: Matanya (talk) 21:08, 19 April 2017 (UTC) |
Indentifiering: ![]() Bekräftad av: Jalexander--WMF 23:45, 17 April 2017 (UTC) |
Abbad Diraneyya (عباد ديرانية)
عباد ديرانية (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Sammanfattning | ![]()
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Presentation | What I have to offer is simply another set of rich Wikimedia experiences and, hopefully, a little bit of a new perspective that comes from a relatively underrepresented region of the world. As any other dedicated Wikimedian, I carry plenty of ideas and hopes for our future that I had wish to speak up... | |
Online wikiarbete | I made my first edit to a Wikipedia article over ten years ago, when I was a little school child who is too disappointed of how little, poor resources he could access in his very own language. Since then, Wikipedia had raised me, educated me, and helped me grow up and understand the world so much better; it taught me how to be subjective, respectful and take an unbiased as far as possible in literally every matter. My work focuses on editing content and creating long, extensively researched articles. So far, I have contributed over a thousand articles on Arabic Wikipedia, nearly 60 of which were nominated as good or featured. I have various contributions to sister Wikprojects as well, having helped in founding ar-Wikiversity and creating a lot of content for Wikibooks and Wikinews among others. Earlier this year, I have successfully finished and electronically published my first book, Hikayat Wikipedia (The Story of Wikipedia), which was viewed and downloaded by a few thousand people. I also do a plenty of logistic work. I was an online ambassador of Wikipedia education program (Egypt), a Wikipedia Library coordinator (Arabic language) and an OTRS member for various periods of time. In 2017, I helped facilitating the strategy discussion among the Arabic community as a Strategy Coordinator. | |
Offline wikiarbete | I was a co-founder of Wikimedia Levant, one of the early Wikimedia affiliates to show up in the Arabic-speaking region. Before we had that, I participated as one of the first few ambassadors for the Wikipedia Education Program in Jordan, and helped in introducing Wiki Loves Monuments to Jordan and Syria, in challenge of the war, in 2013 and 2014. After launching Wikimedia Levant, I served as the vice director of WikiArabia, a regional conference with participants from about twenty countries, which was held at Amman in March 2016. I also had the great pleasure of attending Wikimania in Hong Kong and London, in addition to a few other international wiki events. Currently, I am actively instructing and helping students of my university to contribute new articles on Wikipedia. | |
Bekräftelse | Bekräftad av Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia Foundation elections committee eller Wikimedia Foundation anställda. | |
Behörighet: ![]() Bekräftad av: Ruslik (talk) 08:26, 15 April 2017 (UTC) |
Indentifiering: ![]() Bekräftad av: Jalexander--WMF 00:54, 20 April 2017 (UTC) |
María Sefidari (Raystorm)
Raystorm (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Sammanfattning |
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Presentation | Hej! Jag har dedikerat min tid som vice ordförande till att få WMF tillbaka på den väg som gör det möjligt för vår gemenskap att nå sitt mål; frambringa fritt innehåll för världen. Jag vet som långvarig Wikimedian, att vårt arbete inte är slutfört - jag strävar till att också i fortsättningen ställa min erfarenhet och drivenhet, samt färdighet, till tjänst för WMF. | |
Online wikiarbete | Jag är en långtida Wikimedian, för det mesta har jag fungerat som skribent. Jag har redigerat i över 11 år. Jag började med engelska Wikipedia, där jag skrev en "utmärkt artikel". Efter detta tog jag mig an spanska Wikipedia, där har jag gjort väsentliga bidrag till 14 "utmärkta artiklar". Jag har varit adminstratör och byråkrat på spanska Wikipedia sedan 2007.
Jag bidrar också till Commons och Wikidata. För tillfället deltar jag i #100wikidays utmaningen - och än så länge ser det bra ut! Jag har också en aktiv arkiv-bot, RaystormBot. Jag har deltagit i många projektinitiativ - jag grundade det framgångsrika spanska LGBT Wikiprojektet. Jag har organiserat och koordinerat många skrivtävlingar, som UN Women och Wikipedia, Iberoamerican women och BBC 100 Women. Mitt engagemang är, att se till att underepresenterade röster lyssnas till i våra projekt och att de tas till hänsyn på styrelsenivå. Jag arbetar för detta varenda dag. | |
Offline wikiarbete | Jag är vice ordförande i Wikimedia Stiftelsens (WMF) styrelse. WMF var kanske på sin lägsta punkt, då jag återgick till styrelsen tidigt förra året. Jag arbetade med de andra styrelsemedlemmarna för att förbättra situationen. Sedan dess, har vi utnämnt en ny verkställande direktör, påbörjat WMF:s strategiprocess, arbetat för att öka på genomsynligheten, gjort bekämpandet av trakasserier en prioritet, och godkännt ett beslut om miljöpåverkan.
WMF:s styrelse är i ett mycket bättre skick nu. Det finns ännu arbete att göra, men vi är på rätt väg vad gäller att leva upp till förväntningarna. Jag tror på samarbete, på att lyssna och på att inkludera alla synpunkter. Jag tror på att förstå de underliggande problemen och hitta en gemensam grund och en väg framåt. Mångfalden av vår rörelse är viktig för mig och jag har alltid arbetat för detta mål. Före jag gick med i WMF:s styrelse, var jag medlem och första skattmästare i Affiliations Committee, då vi introducerade användargrupper. Jag var också medlem i IEG utskottet och jag har understött Iberocoop sedan dess skapande. Jag var med om att grunda och var den första vice ordförande för Wikimedia Spain. Jag var medgrundare och är rådgivare för Wikimujeres. Jag är också rådgivare till Whose Knowledge? och hjälper till regelbundet med tillställningar i Madrid. I teach at the Digital Communications, Culture and Citizenship Master’s degree at a Spanish University. | |
Bekräftelse | Bekräftad av Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia Foundation elections committee eller Wikimedia Foundation anställda. | |
Behörighet: ![]() Bekräftad av: Ruslik (talk) 20:55, 16 April 2017 (UTC) |
Indentifiering: ![]() Bekräftad av: Jalexander--WMF 00:54, 20 April 2017 (UTC) |
Peter Gallert (Pgallert)
Pgallert (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Sammanfattning | ![]()
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Presentation | The Foundation needs a Board that is transparent, honest, and open, in order to gain credibility from the company's prime asset, the editors. I am running for attaining these values and will stand by them. I have the competence to do the work, and I am ready to be held accountable. | |
Online wikiarbete | I have been editing Namibian articles for a number of years now. While my edit count (roughly 17K across all projects) is low compared to other candidates, please consult the results. I believe I have made a positive change in the coverage of Namibian politics, geography, and history. I am probably best known for the Oral citations experiment, a controversial effort to convince fellow editors to allow citations to oral sources in order to accommodate the requirements of societies whose main mode of knowledge transfer is oral. I have met every regular Namibian editor in person and have been to the first-ever meetups of Namibian Wikipedians. Unfortunately we fit on a single table, a sign of how difficult it is to popularise Wikimedia projects in Southern Africa. This is despite all the workshops and university assignments that I have organised, and despite the support from outside institutions. See the Signpost of December 2016 for some reflections of the difficulties. | |
Offline wikiarbete | I have given talks on several conferences, attended Wikimania (4x) and WikiIndaba (2x), and organised an editathon and several outreach activities. I have also published academically about Wikipedia, its role for human knowledge, its approach to written and oral knowledge repositories, its conflict-laden relationship with indigenous knowledge and the communities that harbour it, and many other aspects. For three of my research projects I have received grants from the Foundation, and I have written on the WMF Global Blog as well as for the Signpost. My user page contains a rather long list of events where I have been involved, and links to videos, slide shows, and web pages showcasing my work. I teach computer networking at the Namibia University of Science and Technology and have been in various managerial positions of my university for almost a decade. From that exposure I draw the experience of
abilities that I am willing to lend to the Board of Trustees, should you have confidence in me. | |
Bekräftelse | Bekräftad av Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia Foundation elections committee eller Wikimedia Foundation anställda. | |
Behörighet: ![]() Bekräftad av: Mardetanha talk 19:48, 19 April 2017 (UTC) |
Indentifiering: ![]() Bekräftad av: Jalexander--WMF 20:15, 20 April 2017 (UTC) |
Yuri Astrakhan (yurik)
yurik (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Sammanfattning | ![]() (credit Matthew Roth)
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Presentation | Content and community made Wikipedia succeed, but neither should be taken for granted. A happy community needs better ways to interact, manage, and create. Good content must engage readers, be interactive and easy to understand. My technical & community work will aid board effectiveness/focus | |
Online wikiarbete | I have been contributing to MediaWiki as a volunteer developer for many years, initially creating the MediaWiki API in 2006. Until recently, I also worked at WMF for four years, leading Wikipedia Zero and Interactive engineering efforts. I am one of the top five MediaWiki code contributors. At WMF, I worked on adding interactive maps to articles, and collaborated with many Wikipedia and Wikivoyage language communities to improve the new technology. As a volunteer, I created the Signpost-featured <graph> tag (GSP example, night sky, graph template collection). I also created Commons Datasets, allowing wikis to reuse content beyond images, and paving the way to shared multilingual templates. I feel the wikiverse has become complacent with our success, and needs to focus to continue improving. Just like hands-on museums, our content needs to be captivating, full of interactive multimedia, and focused on learning. I believe Wikipedia content is too "static", and often does not tell an engaging story. Readers need to interact in order to learn better. Editors need good tools to create and mange content, and to easily cooperate with each other. Let's put editors’ needs first, concentrate on wishlists, and don’t try to replace editors with algorithms. | |
Offline wikiarbete | I regularly attend and present at Wikimedia and OSM community events including Wikimania, the developer's conferences (hackathons), and the local meetups where I live in New York City. I have presented at numerous Wiki-related as well as general educational learning conferences in Armenia, Ukraine, Russia, and USA. I strive to educate people about the values Wikipedia represents, the way it functions, and the value it brings to the world. Outside of the Wikiverse, I used to work as a CTO of an investment firm, tech-consulted several banks, went to Burning Man for many years, and hosted couchsurfers. I enjoy hiking, camping, campfires with guitars, as well as the city life. Recently I joined Elastic, the developer of the open source technology behind Wikipedia search. There, I continue improving the cartography tech built for Wikipedia. My wife encourages my wiki habit, but with the exception of special events, I try to keep my work/volunteer/family time balance in place. | |
Bekräftelse | Bekräftad av Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia Foundation elections committee eller Wikimedia Foundation anställda. | |
Behörighet: ![]() Bekräftad av: KTC (talk) 00:20, 20 April 2017 (UTC) |
Indentifiering: ![]() Bekräftad av: Jalexander--WMF 00:54, 20 April 2017 (UTC) |
Abel Lifaefi Mbula (BamLifa)
BamLifa (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Sammanfattning | ![]()
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Presentation | More than 10 years since the Wikimedia movement began. But, alas ... the particular aspects of the (black) African and other Southern country communities are often ignored during Wikimedia decision making on its strategies It is a real handicap that will not allow the movement to reach its ultimate goal... | |
Online wikiarbete | As a little bit of everyone, I started contributing to Wikipedia on different IP addresses since 2008. My contributions were not punctual. Since 2015, I actively collaborate on Wikipedia in French coupled with Commons. My contributions do not end there. I also contribute on Wikipedia in English, in Lingala (national language in DR Congo), on meta-wiki, etc.
I have a computer background but I'm a touch-and-go. Sometimes I work on welcoming newcomers (oh, as I like helping them to taking their first steps!) or on translation projects (mainly English, French and Lingala). The projects of improvement of the encyclopedia interest me particularly; So I give my time to deseckings, re-readings, addition of infobox, etc. I also do patrol to see what has changed in the encyclopedia since my last connection. And also without forgetting the various projects related to Africa: Afripedia, Wiki Indaba, Kiwix, etc. | |
Offline wikiarbete | As a teacher, I teach to my students an introduction to Wikipedia. I take my time to educate people about this encyclopedia, to answer questions (sometimes difficult even as is Wikipedia reliable), to convice them about the potential that Wikipedia and its sister projects abound.
Living in a country where people have difficult access to the Internet, I work actively so that everyone has access to Wikipedia via Kiwix software. And since 2015, most of my students and others are using this software and are very satisfied with it. I think about how to allow the majority of disadvantaged populations to have access to Wikipedia. I'm wondering if it is a good idea to join the project of FaceBook of free Internet in Africa. Other projects I planning are to encourage Africans in general and Congolese in particular to translate Wikipedia in their local languages, to upload their patrimonies on Commons, etc. | |
Bekräftelse | Bekräftad av Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia Foundation elections committee eller Wikimedia Foundation anställda. | |
Behörighet: ![]() Bekräftad av: Ruslik (talk) 19:11, 20 April 2017 (UTC) |
Indentifiering: ![]() Bekräftad av: Jalexander--WMF 19:09, 20 April 2017 (UTC) |