

- 路在何方?維基媒體基金會CEO瑪麗安娜·伊斯坎德爾的一封信。
- 卡托維策維基媒體國際會議議程(2024年8月7日至10日)現已上線!立即報名,線上參與!
- 您會在維基媒體國際會議上發表演講嗎?這裡有一些演講者資源。
年度目標進展 基礎設施
參見電子報:維基媒體App · Growth · 研究 · 網頁 · Wikifunctions與抽象維基百科 · 技術新聞 · 語言與國際化 · 其他Mediawiki.org電子報
- 基金會最近開設了南美洲第一座資料中心。了解它如何縮短載入時間。
- 技術新聞功能更新:監管員現在可以對帳號實施全域封鎖、維基媒體網站使用者現在可以透過GlobalVanishRequest提交帳號隱退請求、FlaggedRevs(標記修訂,又稱「Pending changes」)的介面得到改進。
- 深色模式將改變維基百科的無障礙。敬請介面管理員和使用者腳本維護人員在深色模式下檢查小工具和使用者腳本,查找任何寫死的顏色並修復它們。
- 使用「共享資源影響力指標」了解維基共享資源上GLAM內容的影響力,現在可以透過數據轉儲和API取用。
- Key findings from user research about confusion in uploading images to Wikipedia.
- This month’s Wikimedia Research Showcase highlighted the impact machine translation has on both content and readers of Wikipedia and provided interesting insights on how to overcome related challenges. Watch the recording.
- The Charts project officially kicked off. The goal of this new initiative is to restore basic data visualization capabilities to the wikis. Check out the project page and follow our progress on Phabricator.
- The CampaignEvents extension is now available on Meta-wiki, Arabic Wikipedia, Igbo Wikipedia, and Swahili Wikipedia, and can be requested on other wikis. This extension helps manage and make events more visible. Learn about how to request this extension.
- The Campaigns Product & Programs teams have launched a consultation on WikiProjects and other forms of collaboration on the wikis. They want to understand why they work (or don’t work) for some Wikimedia communities, and they want to learn what can be done to improve the experience. Everyone is encouraged to share their feedback.
- 您是技術貢獻者嗎?查看最新的技術社群電子報。

- The Wikimania Core Organizing Team (COT) for 2025 is delighted to announce that the 20th Wikimania will be hosted in Nairobi, Kenya.
- The Wikipedia Library secured new partnerships with Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Central European University Press, and l’Informé and is adding more content collections in the library.
- Three new A Wiki Minute videos have been released which address reader privacy and content management on Wikipedia, as well as how Wikipedia differs from social media platforms. Learn how A Wiki Minute videos have helped increase awareness about our work.
- The Committee Support Team year-in-review and reflections.
- A new 20-minute audio interview about the WikiLearn platform with Asaf Bartov, in an episode of the WikipediaPodden podcast.
- More of the Wikipedia core policies curriculum developed for the Africa Growth Pilot is available for review. After edits and improvements by the community, recorded videos would become a permanent core policies course on WikiLearn.
- 一個新的維基已建立:捷克語維基導遊
年度目標進展 安全與誠信
參見博客:全球倡導博客 · 全球倡導電子報 · 政策博客
- 《通用行為準則》協調委員會(U4C)的投票期持續開放至8月10日。了解選民資格和更多。
- 美國最高法院對NetChoice案件的裁決:這對維基百科有什麼影響?
- 公布2023-2024年研究基金受資助者及其資助計畫。
參見:維基媒體基金會理事會布告板 · 地方自治體委員會電子報
- 六月理事會會議的結果於元維基發布。八月會議的議程見此。
- Welcoming new affiliates: Recognition of Wikimedistas Wayuu User Group, Wikimedia Community of Togo User Group, and Wikimedians of Singapore User Group.
- The Board of Trustees selection pre-onboarding and campaign period is open from July 25 to August 26.
- Foundation Trustee Dariusz Jemelniak was appointed to the Governing Board of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, established as part of the EU’s key funding program for research and innovation.
- 《運動憲章》選民回饋:所有評論現在都在元維基上(65條評論來自地方自治體投票者和447條評論來自個人投票者)。
參見:Diff博客 · 動態 · Wikimedia World · Signpost (en) · Kurier (de) · 其他電子報: