“”We, the Wikimedia contributors, communities, and organizations, will advance our world by collecting knowledge that fully represents human diversity, and by building the services and structures that enable others to do the same. We will carry on our mission of developing content as we have done in the past, and we will go further. - from our Strategic Direction
Over time, this may help us all better visualize the collective needs, efforts, and opportunities across communities and to identify further collaborations that could be developed or deepened by region, by project, or by another area of interest.
In It Together
This “occurs when a community actively decides to come to the same place at the same time to help achieve some specific goal.” The metaphor comes from the collective effort needed to raise an actual barn, a process that is all but impossible to do on one’s own, and demands collaboration and good will from a community.
Wikis are built by people coming together to achieve something that one person couldn’t do alone. The Foundation’s annual planning is no different. As our movement has shown time and time again, we are better at tackling big ideas and challenges when we come together. A successful plan that truly moves us forward can’t be built by just a CEO, or just a leadership team, or just a small group − even if those people are ultimately accountable. It takes a lot more work and collective effort to shape things together, and to co-create in the wiki spirit of good-faith collaboration.
We hope this is a step in that direction.
- ↑ http://meatballwiki.org/wiki/BarnRaising ; これは、個人の努力に対する感謝の気持ちとして、バーンスター(各利用者から各利用者へ贈るだけの個人的で小さな表彰)が生まれたことにも由来しています。
- ↑ While mostly reminiscent of 18th- and 19th-century rural North America, barn raising is only one example of communal work encountered in many societies around the world. The Indonesian ethos of Gotong royong similarly refers to carrying burdens together, which sometimes translates to literally carrying your neighbor’s home to a new location.