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Wikimedia Foundation/Legal/Global Advocacy/Documentation

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Global Advocacy

Archive and Documentation


This page gives an overview and quick access to documents relating to core public policy priorities of the Wikimedia Foundation. The "Resources" tab includes policy briefs, position papers, templates, how-to guides and best-practice of campaigns, open-letters and more. For EU-specific policy resources see Wikimedia Europe's archive and documentation page. All material is stored on Wikimedia Commons.


Topic overview

Copyright matters because overly restrictive copyright laws block people from accessing and sharing information online. Wikimedia projects depend on laws and policies that balance copyright protections with protections for speech and access to information.

Examples of legislative concerns:

Topic archive

  • Free knowledge for research. Open norms, science and AI This 2024 report by WM Sweden covers essential copyright topics such as the three-step test and freedom of panorama, open science and open access, as well as text and data mining and AI.
  • See the Copyright advocacy repository. This is a centralized resource that contains open letters, official comments, webinars, position papers, and other campaign materials that Wikimedians have used to advocate for copyright reform since 2016. It should be used alongside this report, which summarizes the findings of the mapping: how Wikimedians run advocacy campaigns, their motivations for doing so, the common challenges and successes they may have experienced, as well as the capacity and resources they invested in this work. It also includes recommendations.
  • Let's Connect workshop on copyright reform and advocacy featuring experiences from Wikimedia Colombia and Wikimedia Italia. January 30, 2024. See slide deck and video recording.
  • Presentation on Wikimedia copyright reform in Europe by Dimi Dimitar from WM Europe, 2022. See slide deck.

Further reading & resources

Anti-Surveillance & Pro-Privacy


Topic overview

Mass surveillance robs people on our projects of privacy, safety, and freedom - especially people in vulnerable and disadvantaged communities. We must change the deeply invasive surveillance programs around the world to make sure our people are protected.

Examples of legislative concerns:

Topic archive

Further reading & resources

Liability Protections


Topic overview

Without liability protections, Wikimedia and project contributors could be held liable for content added by other users. If Wikimedia had to defend itself in court every time a user contributed something inaccurate or upsetting, we wouldn’t be able to maintain and grow the world’s largest free encyclopedia. Discussions about liability protections may also refer to 'intermediary liability', or 'platform responsibility.'

Examples of legislative concerns:

Topic archive



Topic overview

Disinformation is a danger to democratic processes and human rights around the world, but the wrong response to disinformation can threaten freedom of expression. Wikipedia and the wikimedia projects are an antidote to disinformation and critical for the information ecosystem. We must tackle disinformation on our projects and make sure disinformation policies around the world protect freedom of expression.

Examples of legislative concerns:

Topic archive

Human Rights


Topic overview

Free knowledge, along with the fundamental right to freedom of expression, empowers people to exercise many other rights, such as the rights to education; artistic expression; economic advancement; and social, political, and cultural participation. There are a number of internal and external threats facing Wikimedians that could prevent them from participating in Wikimedia projects safely and, therefore, fully realizing their human rights. The Global Advocacy team works with stakeholders across the Foundation and the movement to proactively identify these threats and to find ways to protect Wikimedians from them.

Examples of legislative concerns:

Topic archive

Additional Resources


Preserving and protecting Wikimedia's community-led model

Internet access

Digital Commons

WP20Symbols 2002 Wp diskussion
  • ESEAP hub public policy page: Meta-Wiki page for public policy initiatives and projects for the ESEAP region.
  • Commons Category: Free Knowledge Advocacy: Category on Wikimedia Commons that contains files related to public policy advocacy actions taken across the movement (from affiliates and the Foundation). It includes infographics, statements given at the United Nations, examples of letters to MEPs, statements to Parliament, public comments, and more.
  • Wikimedia Europe public policy page: Meta-Wiki page that documents all of the advocacy work of the European Wikimedia chapters. The "Documentation" and "Handouts" tabs are particularly useful.
  • Old Advocacy page: Meta-Wiki page that was last consistently updated in 2015, which documents some of the advocacy work that has taken place across the movement from 2011-2017.
  • Public Policy Mailing List: Mailing list about public policy that is used by Wikimedia affiliates, Foundation staff, and allies from the broader free knowledge and digital rights ecosystem to share updates, resources, discuss policy developments, and more.