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Human Rights


Welcome to the Digital Security Resource Center! Here you will find articles, tools and links to interactive learning platforms to learn about digital security concepts and inform yourself of the various risks and threats that exist as you interact with digital technologies online. Take the time to go through the resources and learn to better protect yourself, the people you interact with and the communities you support.

For mental health resources, please visit the Mental Health Resource Center.


The Digital First Aid Kit (DFAK) provides some preliminary self-diagnostic support for people facing the most common types of digital threats.

Internet Basics

We use the internet everyday, yet how much do you actually know about how it works?

Assessing Your Risk

Improving your digital security means figuring out what your risks are and making decisions about what tools and techniques you might need and are willing to learn to use to protect yourself and those around you.


Safer Browsing

As Wikimedians, web browsing is part of our core activities. How do we keep on doing that while staying safe online?



  • Test your browser to see how well you are protected from tracking and fingerprinting by using this tool by EFF
  • Blacklight by The Markup helps you scan and reveal user-tracking technologies on websites — and who’s getting your data
  • HTTPS Everywhere, by EFF and the The Tor Project, is a browser extension that encrypts your communications with many major websites, making your browsing more secure.
  • Privacy Badger, by EFF, is a browser extension that automatically learns to block invisible trackers.

Interactive Learning

Secure Accounts and Communication

Were you aware that sending an email is like sending a postcard, i.e. that anyone having access can read it? As almost all of our communications move online and become digital, lets ensure it does not come at a cost to our privacy and safety.



  • Attachments can be malicious! Dangerzone, by FPF, lets you take potentially dangerous PDFs, office documents, or images and convert them to a safe PDF.

Interactive Learning

Safer Devices

As our devices increasingly become extensions of ourselves, it is perhaps time to think about how to keep them safe to keep ourselves safe.

Your Online Identity

"On the internet nobody knows you are a dog" is a popular axiom that emerged in the early years of the internet. Is that still accurate today?


Interactive Learning

Regionally specific resources

Self organizing

  • Cyberwomen digital security curriculum: Cyberwomen is a digital security curriculum with a holistic and gender perspective, aimed at offering trainers with tools to provide in-person learning experiences to human rights defenders and journalists working in high-risk environments.
  • The Organiser's Activity Book: “The Organiser’s Activity Book is a self-learning resource from Tactical Tech’s Data and Activism project.
  • Data Detox Workshops: Here you'll find workshop outlines which have been developed and tested by Tactical Tech trainers and Data Detox Kit's global network of partners.