Wikimedia Foundation/Communications/Sound Logo/Sound collaboration/pl
![]() | Pracownicy i twórcy Fundacji Wikimedia razem ze społecznością wolontariuszy dbają o treści w tej sekcji. | ![]() |
![]() | Well played Wikimedia. 2065 votes for the Sound of all Human Knowledge. Thanks to your participation, we have a sound logo. |
Below was an audio collaboration page, intended to be inspiring and a place to collaborate with others to find or create a collection of sound recordings useful for constructing a sound logo for Wikimedia. The Wikimedia sound logo contest was open from September to October, 2022. Thanks to hundreds of Wikimedia volunteers who participated in and supported this project and thousands of people from around the world that submitted their version of the sound of all human knowledge to the contest. With this participatory, open contest, and a community vote, we now have a winner. Have a listen above.
Many recordings below come from and have been clearly released as CC0/public domain on the site. It's also good to find audio that is already on Wikimedia Commons that is dedicated by someone as their “Own Work”.
Please feel free to edit your ideas, themes, examples, audio and anything else below.
Themes and ideas of what the logo could represent are in one column. The next column describes examples of what corresponding sounds could be used to show the themes, while the final columns are high-quality, CC0 or public domain audio recordings. You can play multiple recordings at once to get a sense of what feelings can be communicated by mixing sounds together.
Possible combinations
Note: play all sounds at once to hear a combined sound.
Themes, Ideas and Sounds
Idea, Theme | Examples | Sound | Sound | Sound |
Puzzle | locking, mechanical clicking | |||
Enlightenment | gong, bell, ding, spark | Gallery of gongs
Gallery of Ghana bells |
Gallery of Glockenspiel sounds | |
Flow | Rivers, streams, fluids | |||
Crowd | Noisy outdoor crowd, clapping crowd, voices, choir | |||
Geography | Gravel under boots, commuter jet, commuter train, | |||
Literature | Pages flipping in a book, books, typing | Gallery of sounds of pages turning | ||
Education | markers, chalkboard, | |||
Math science | beeps (sputnik), camera shutter release | Gallery of achemical elements | ||
Sport | Race cars, basketball dribbling, shoes on gymnasium squeak, scoreboard buzz, Referee whistle | |||
History | Clock ticking, | |||
General ambience | Campfires, forests, deserts, wind | Gallery of Ambience | ||
Biology | Heartbeats, cricket chirp | |||
Art | Music | |||
Connections Forming | ||||
Knowledge Growing | ||||
Question & Answer | ||||
Trusted Information | ||||
Free & Open knowledge |
Mediawiki audio markup
Wolne i darmowe oprogramowanie
Poniższe narzędzia są dostępne na wolnej licencji („wolne”) i/lub bezpłatne („darmowe”).
- Audacity - wolne oprogramowanie do edycji dźwięku
- MilkyTracker - wolny tracker (oprogramowanie przydatne do edycji przebiegów fal)
- MuseScore - darmowy i wolnoźródłowe oprogramowanie do obsługi notacji muzycznej
- Spek - przeglądarka spektrogramów do wizualnego porównywania plików audio
- LMMS - darmowy, wolnoźródłowy i multiplatformowy pakiet narzędzi do edycji cyfrowych plików audio
Zamknięte oprogramowanie
Poniższe narzędzia są dostępne bezpłatnie.
- OnlineSequencer — helpful for playing with note intervals (only 12-semitone equal temperament supported, however)
- Web browser
- Waveform / Tracktion — few limitations to think of. Potentially too simple for advanced users but advanced users would likely already have their own preferred platform...simple to use but advanced sounds
- Linux, macOS, Windows
- Pro Tools First — Intro to industry standard; 16 track limit (likely not relevant in the context of the sound logo contest)
- Windows, macOS
- Cubase LE — Limited track capacity
- Android smartphone, Windows, macOS Chromebook, iPad, iPhone, other tablets
- Ableton Live Lite — Easy sampling + midi; 8 track limit (likely not not relevant in the context of the sound logo contest)
- Windows, macOS
- Soundation – A web-based multiplayer DAW with three projects included in the free plan. Virtual instruments and effects plus more that 20k samples
Zobacz też
- Porównanie cyfrowych edytorów audio (ang.)
- – darmowe, licencjonowane dźwięki
Nie znalazłeś dźwięku, którego potrzebujesz?
Wpisz tutaj swoją nazwę użytkownika i opisz, jakiego rodzaju dźwięku szukasz. Być może ktoś będzie w stanie ci pomóc w nagraniu takiego dźwięku.
- MKaur- Sound of water droplet and gentle drizzle sound
- Add your name
Pomoc w nagraniach
Czy możesz nagrać dźwięk i przesłać go do Wikimedia Commons na licencji CC0? Podaj tutaj swoją nazwę użytkownika oraz wszelkie szczegóły dotyczące rodzaju nagrania, jakie możesz przygotować.
- Wprowadź swoją nazwę użytkownika
Thinking about a different theme? Different sound concepts?
If you have a different theme you're thinking about, please share. What is your prompt and what does it feel like? What would it sound like? We'd love to hear from you.
- Add theme or concept here