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Wikimedia Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
In every language, we wish to say ‘thank you.’ This year, we received donations from millions of supporters. Those donations make our work possible. Thank you for sustaining Wikimedia and benefiting readers around the world.
We are proud to list donors here who gave 1,000 USD and more between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017. Thank you again for supporting free knowledge in the world. We are honored to have you with us.
Wikipedia doesn’t run ads, Wikipedia doesn’t collect data. They don’t try to collect as much information about you as possible, as most of the other websites. So the price of Wikipedia’s independence is your donation.
— Antoine B., Donor
Major benefactors ($50,000+)[ edit ]
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Apple Inc. Matching Gifts Program
Peter Baldwin and Lisbet Rausing
Antoine Bello
Boris and Inara Teterev Foundation
Brin Wojcicki Foundation
Cards Against Humanity
Charina Endowment Fund
Craig Newmark Foundation
craigslist Charitable Fund
Google Matching Gifts
Humble Bundle
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Siegel Family Endowment
Anonymous Donors (3)
Patrons ($15,000 — $49,999)[ edit ]
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Gift Program
The Bitcoin Community
Stephen Bernard Browne
Donors to the National Combined Federal Campaigns
Carl de Marcken
Spencer Glendon and Lisa Tung
Intel Corporation Matching Gifts Program
Keel Foundation
Jack Little
Drew Perkins
The Shor Family Foundation
Russel Simmons
Tripling Elephants
Two Sigma Investments LLC
VMWare Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Anonymous Donors (11)
Leading donors ($5,000 — $14,999)[ edit ]
Argosy Foundation
Bank of America Matching Gifts Program
Kathy Bates
Peter Bing
The Boeing Company Gift Match
Tor Braham
Timothy Carey
James Chambers
Chevron Matching Employee Funds
Ranae DeSantis
Jack Dorsey
William Dougherty
The Durst Family
The Durst Organization LP
Eagleridge Foundation
William Forrest
GE Foundation
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gifts Program
The Grainger Foundation
Holly Gray
The Gray Family (Calgary)
Hewlett Packard Company Foundation
John Horne
William H Hurt
Amy Jernigan
John Templeton Foundation
Jay Jones
Scott Eric Jordan
Steve Kass
Ficus and Beth Kirkpatrick
Igor Kopylov
The Lehoczky Escobar Family
Darrin Massena
The Montgomery Family Foundation
Sheila Mossman
Newgen KnowledgeWorks, Chennai
Newsmax Media, Inc.
Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts Program
Shyam Patel
PediaPress GmbH
Pinion Street Foundation of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund
Qualcomm Matching Gift Program
Red Oak Foundation
Rick & Susan Goings Foundation
Philip Rogers
Bow Ruggeri
Ruth & Peter Metz Family Foundation
Isai Scheinberg
Scooter Software
Mark Heising & Liz Simons
Sprague Foundation
Stack Exchange, Inc.
Susan Isabel Foundation
Richard S. Sutton
Paul Sween
Rabbi Rob and Lauren Thomas
Tradebot Ventures, Inc.
Tungare Manohar Family Foundation
Jaime & Elliot Turner
UnitedHealth Group
William Van der Kloot
Jason VanWees
Peter Wheeler and Elizabeth Munro
Tony Wheeler
Bill and Cynthia Wilby
Samantha Xu
Yardi Systems, Inc.
YourCause, LLC
David and Monica Zwirner
Anonymous Donors (85)
Sustaining donors ($1,000 — $4,999)[ edit ]
Abt Electronics /
Dianne Adelberg
In honor of Yousef A. Alsager
Ameriprise Financial
Amgen Foundation
Mashhur Anam - Life Harmonized
The Anderson Family
Dalibor Antonic
Maite Arango
Ram Darshan Arora
Jesse Ausubel
Autodesk Foundation Employee Engagement Fund
Sam & Sylvia Autrey
Axiom Works, Inc
Prabhu & Rina Balasubramanian
R & A Bandela
Leora Barish and Henry Bean
Michael Barnstijn
Douglas Bates and Mini Pathria
BD Group
David Beck
Belay Foundation
Stefan Bengtsson
John and Nancy Benson
William Benter
Jayashree and K.S. Bhaskar
Graeme Birchall
Claude Blackburn and Family
BlackRock Matching Gifts Program
Carson Block
On behalf of BMO Financial Group
BP Foundation, Inc.
Barry William Boehm
Trace Bond
Olivier Bonnet and family
The Boston Consulting Group, Inc.
Bill and Joann Boyd
Brickell Analytics LLC
Bridgeville Animal Hospital
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Employee Giving Program
Daniel Brönnimann
Brian and Melissa Brothers
Phil and Valerie Brown
Ernest L. Bruns Jr. & Sue Ann Kendall
James Buckingham
Sailesh Buddhavarapu
Thomas Buhr
Chica Burnett
The Burnett Family
Burt and Diana Cutler Family Foundation
Buy Now Signal
Barry Buzan
David Bydeley
Kevin C.
CA Technologies Matching Gift Program
Brian Cairns
Cameron Foundation
Craig Campbell
Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
Rob Capps
Raul Carmenate
In Memory of Andrea F. Carret
Linda Carver & Wayne Hathaway
William Cassidy
Century Arts Foundation
Charles Schwab Foundation Employee Matching Gifts Program
Viola Chen
Stuart Cheshire
James Cho & Sophia Kim
Elmira Choopani & Khanh Vu
Nicholas Chu & Vivian Fuh
In loving memory of N.Gandhi Chowdary, Penumuli
Frank O. Clark, Ph.D.
Mayree Clark
Kathleen Collins
Ryan Conlan
Guy Connolly
Conoco Phillips Gift Matching
John and Lenore Cooney
Thomas Cooper
Christopher Cowart
Ardelle Cowie
Stone Coxhead
Meg Coyle
Oisin Crawley
Critical Mass
In memory of Oliver Cromwell Cyan
Daboosh Family, Israel
Danny Dawson
Phil and Jenni Deamer
Carole Deitrich
Dell Employees Giving Program
Stephen & Elizabeth Detwiler
Jude Deveraux
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation U.S. Matching Gifts Program
Hester Diamond
Joshua S. Dillon
Alex Dingle
A Sibbald Doan
Ann Doerr
David Donoho
Mathew Donovan
Frank H. Douglas
Dropbox, Inc.
Matías Duarte
Edgar Durbin
Susanne Durst
Mark Duttweiler and Christine Pajak
eBay Foundation
Jennifer Ann Eckstine
Kenneth Eddings
Ron Bailey & Bill Edwards
Mats Stafseng Einarsen
Gretchen Eisenach
James Elam
Larry and Kas Eldridge
Ellen Coopers Paris
Ericsson Employee Engagement Fund
Davide G. Erro
Exelon Employee Giving Campaign
Expedia Inc.
ExxonMobil Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Peter Farrell
Damian Farry
Yoseph Feit
Russell Fernald
John Fisher
Gerald & Nancy Fishman
Margaret Flickinger
Norman & Jill Fogelsong
David Ford
Wesley Ford
William Ford
Luigi Francia
Bill & Peri Frantz
Freeman Foundation
Zsupun Frigyes
David Fry and Meidee Goh
Jackson Gabbard
Gartner (The Matching Gift Center)
Genentech Employee Giving Program
George & Alice Rich Charitable Foundation
Betty Harrell Gerlack
Tyson & Elizabeth Gill
Sam & Emily Glick
Jeff & Kelly Glisch
Globalgiving Foundation Inc
Jack Goodman
Richard Gorton
J. Alex Graeffe
Grainger Matching Gifts Program
Ulf Grenander
Dr. Marie R. Grif
Caroline and Dan Grossman
Lisa and Chris Gruwell
Mary Beth Guard
Joshua and Meggan Guberman
Frans Guepin
Alan Guth
Linne Ha
Alexandre Haag
Joanna Haas
Ian Hall
Pauliana and Eric Hall
Mark D Halperin
Lang Hames
Sean Hammons
Ellen Hanson and Richard Perlman
The Harrity Family
Janet and Richard Hart
Healers Who Share
Vanessa Heckman and Brett Babin
Dick Heiser
Stephen Henderson and James LaForce
Paul Henry
Nick Hodulik & Jonathan Taylor
Kenneth Holden
Christopher and LuAnne Hormel
HP Inc
Celia and Daniel Huber
David Humm
Jeffrey Hutchins
Carla and Philippe Ifrah
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
International Monetary Fund
Intetics Co.
Intuit Foundation
Roy Jablonka
Douglas Jaffe
Dirk Jagdmann
Kent Janér
The Joh Family Charitable Fund
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Juniper Networks’ Company Matching Gifts Program
In honor of APJ Abdul Kalam, former President of India
Mitch Kapor
Danny Kaufman
Susan S Kelly
Peter Kelsey
The Keough Family Foundation
Jack Kessler
Michael W. Kidd
Donald King Jr
In honor of Harold D. King
Sam King
Louise Kinkel & William August Boehmke
Nora Klein, MD
Igor Kliakhandler and Ekaterina Podossinnikova
Jeffrey Knauth
Don & Jill Knuth
Elliott Krause
Joshua Kwan and Angeline Protacio
Thomas Kwiatkowski
En souvenir de Réal Labelle
Robert and Vivian Lamb Fund
Jeffrey Lamkin
Lam Research
Laurence Lapeyre
Lawrence Livermore Labs
Diane & John Laxmi Family
Jaebum Lee
Leo Model Foundation
David Levy
Richard Li
Li Lu Humanitarian Foundation
Richard Lin
Greg Linden
Yonghong Lily Li
Christopher J. Lingle
LinkedIn Matching Gifts Program
John Longres & Jeff Graham
Joseph Love & Laurie Reynolds
Jennifer Luft
In honor of Pessie Madan
Williams & Christina Maddox
Anup Mantri
Gary Marcus
Greg Marra and Elizabeth Dixon
John Marx AIA
Matshym Foundation
Charles Maxfield Parrish and Gloria F. Parrish Foundation
Merck Foundation
Rosa and Brian McCormick
Bill and Marilyn McCune
Josh McFarland
Elizabeth McGlynn
McKesson Foundation Matching Gifts Program
McKinsey & Company Matching Gift Program
Evie and John McNiff
Medtronic Foundation Volunteer Grant Program
Inspired by Ann Melim
Bardia Mesbah
Kathleen Messina
Marten Mickos
Steven Miller & Patricia Meyer
Ryan Mills
In honor of Trudy Milne
Craig Minassian
Dr. L. David Mirkin
Moneta Asset Management
J. Stuart Moore
Morgan Stanley c/o Cybergrants, Inc.
Tim Mott for Sam Mott
MRC-Holland bv
The Mudd Foundation
Mr. Money Mustache
Jasmine Nabi
Radha Narayan
National Instruments Employee Engagement Fund
Nead Werx, Inc.
Netent Casino
Jerrold Newman/Willowridge Partners, Inc
Nike Employee Matching Gift Program
Niverplast BV
Jeremy Norman and Patricia Gilbert
Becky Norquist
North American Herb and Spice
Nvidia Employee Giving Program
Jim O'Brian
Jocelyn Olcott
Open Geo Group
Laura O’Shea
Others Foundation
P&C Collins Fund at the Bessemer Trust
Pale Blue Dot
PayPal Gives Employee Engagement Fund
Paradox Interactive
Jean Park and Jacob Taylor
James Parks
Philipp Patch
In memory of my beloved mother, Pravina Patel
Paul Pedersen and Sally Johnson
The Perullo Family
In honor of Nick Peter
Bjoern Peters
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
In memory of Andrew G. Phillips
Duane Phillips
Joseph C. Pistritto
James Pitcock
Joel and Tamara Podolny
Alexander Polsky
Dan and Gail Powell
Stephen Powelson
Rob and Anna Prestezog
Thomas G. Pretlow II
William Prinzmetal
Prudential Financial Inc
Quality Logo Products
Bouchra Rachid and Nicolas Pinto
Christine Raimondi
Venkat Ramdass
Marsha D Rappley, MD
Tom and Xiaoling Rawson
Raymond Family Foundation
Chris Redlich Jr
Regeneron Matching Gift Program
Nancy B. Coleman & Paul M. Resch
Paul Resnick and Caroline Richardson
Paul & Lori Reszutek
Richard and Beth Sackler Foundation
James and Cyndi Richardson
Tim and Mary Riordan
Green Rives
Kathleen Rogers & Rick Teller
Ileana Roman & Sam Roman
Donald Rosenfeld
Jesse I Rosenthal
Robert Rosenthal
Wayne Rosing
Dennis Rossman
Richard Royce
Robert Rubenstien
Flavio Rump
M. Duane Rutledge
Kavita Saini
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Dr Steven G. Sanders
Sarva Mangal Family Trust
Scott Satterwhite
David Schloss
E. Schmale
Richard Schmidt
Roy Schneiderman
Robert Schroeder
Tony Schwartz and Deborah Pines
The Schweitzer Family
Mick & Alison Seaman
Raquel Sefton and J. Daniel Sharp
Selz Foundation
Bertrand Serlet
Jerome Seydoux
Michael Shannon
Nathaniel Sharpe
Shell Matching Gifts Program
Michael Shimoide
Theodore C. Shiveley
Edward and Elaine Shoben
Benjamin Wiley Sittler and Rebecca Middleton
Sara Smollett
Anne Soder
Jordan Sorensen
S&P Global Community Matching Gifts Program
Spelautomater Casino
Joel Spiegel
D. Squire
James Stanard
Thomas Stanis
Standard Insurance
Leonard Steuart (Skip)
Steuart Foundation
Stormy and Rusty
G. & M. Swaminathan
Robert C Switzer III, Ph.D.
Tableau Foundation Employee Engagement Fund
Steve Tai and Kin-Ching Wu
Vincent Talbot
Yael Taqqu and Jeremy Levine
Tyrus and Samantha Tenneson
John S Thompson
Thomson Reuters My Community Program
T-Mobile USA, Inc
Jonathan Tobert
Kit Transue
TripAdvisor Gift Matching Program
Ben Tristem
Ashok Trivedi
Puduvankunnil Udayakumar
Rui Ueyama
Peter Ungar
United Technologies Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant Programs
Jason Ursaner
In Memory of Mary and Theodore Urzy
James Uttley
Erik Vaaler
Vafa Family
Verizon Foundation
Maximilian Vermilye
Visa Matching Gifts Program
Ernst Volgenau
Jennifer and Luke Wagner
In memory of Jack Wahl
Ted Waitt
Walt Disney Company Foundation
Yejun Wang and Minmin Cui
Robert Wares
Jim and Judy Warner
Rich Warner
Wells Fargo Community Support
Naida S. Wharton
Janet White and Michael Clark
Benjamin Wiley Sittler and Rebecca Middleton
John and Lacey Williams Family
Ms. Caryl and Janice McNeilly and Dr. Robert E. Williamson
Wil Wilstro
The Witter Family
The Wolff Family
Daniel Wong - Love trumps hate
Workday, Inc.
Yahoo Employee Funds Matching Gifts
Hiroo Yamagata
Alan Frederick Young
Alice Young
Mimi Yu
Brandon Zehm
Zephyr Charitable Foundation
Yuan Zheng & Jeffrey van Gogh
Patricia Ziel
Brian Zingale
Matt Zukowski
Anonymous Donors (553)