Wikimedia Foundation/Annual Report/2010-2011/Summary/pt/Contributors
[edit]A Wikimedia Foundation beneficia da sua comunidade global única de editores voluntários e contribuidores financeiros. Nós prosperamos graças ao apoio vital que recebemos desta comunidade, que em 2010–11 realizaram mais de 155 milhões de edições e mais de 500 000 contribuições financeiras. De futuro, pretendemos continuar a servir esta comunidade mundial com todos os recursos à nossa disposição.
$1 milhão+
[edit]- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Stanton Foundation
- Anonymous
$100 000 – $999 999
[edit]- The Brin Wojcicki Foundation
- David and Jamie Cummings
- The Ford Foundation
- The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
- Omidyar Network
- The James and Angela Thompson Foundation
$25 000 – $99 999
[edit]- The Craigslist Charitable Fund
- John N. Caulkins
- The Google Matching Gifts Program
- The Kaphan Foundation
- The Shor Family Foundation
- Two Sigma Investments, LLC
- Yardi Systems, Inc.
- Anonymous (4)
$5000 – $24 999
[edit]- Andras Konya, Jr.
- Annette J. Campbell-White
- The Apple Pickers Foundation
- The Arlene & Arnold Goldstein Family Foundation
- Armen Avanessians
- The Boris and Inara Teterev Foundation
- Brian Kim
- Casey DeGroot
- Christopher Ruddy
- Craig Hatkoff
- Djordje Jankovic
- Elon Musk
- Galip Tomac
- Goldman, Sachs, and Company Matching Gifts Program
- Ilja Pljusnin
- J. Willis Jarvis
- Jeff Hartline
- Jeffrey Dauber
- Jeffrey Weber
- Jeremy Coller
- John Baldridge
- John Doerr
- John Little
- Kaz Foundation for Social Advancement
- Kevin O'Shea
- Kevin Shepherd
- The King and Linda Won Family Fund
- Laurent Drion
- Leon David Michaud
- Liam Connell
- The Madan Family Gift Fund
- The Marc Haas Foundation
- Marco Teubner
- Margo Seltzer and Keith Bostic
- Mattias Söderhielm
- Mehrdad Golabgir
- The Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
- Milonja Bjelic
- Neil Riordan
- The Nora Roberts Foundation
- Paul Spraos
- Peter Macaulay
- Purnendu Ojha
- Ron Unz
- Ruslan Panasovskyi
- The Ruth and David Levine Charitable Fund
- Sarah Wesley
- Sean Lennon
- Shabbir Moosabhoy
- Shvat Shaked
- The Sigrid Rausing Trust
- The Skowronski Family Foundation
- Srinivasan Krishnan
- Stephen B. Ippolito
- Susan Petersmeyer
- Tripling Elephants
- Anonymous (4)
$1000 – $4999
[edit]- Aaia Nugent
- Aase Lindahl
- Abdul Bin laden
- Abdulla Al-Thani
- Abdulmajeed Alshatti
- The Academy Place Foundation
- Adam Fila
- The Adam J. Weissman Foundation
- Adobe Matching Gifts Program
- Ajay Goel
- Akash Jain
- Alan Dunn
- Alan Gorenberg
- Alan Weiner
- Albert James Hudspeth
- Albert Shahugian
- Alex Blavatnik
- Alex Hsu
- Alex Poon
- Alexander Polsky
- Alexander Rousmaniere
- Alfred Zimmermann
- Alisa Oleary
- Alistair Woodman
- Allan Stephan
- The Amont Foundation, Inc.
- Andrew Hillstrom
- Andrew Kraft
- Angela K. Hodge
- Anna Scott
- Anna Wodynski
- Anup Mantri
- Arthur Hunter
- Aspera, Inc.
- Ayco Charitable Foundation
- B. S. Ramamurtie
- Beauchamp Place Communications Inc.
- The Behemoth
- The Bell Family Foundation
- The Belmonte Foundation
- The Ben Williams Fund
- Bernard Halim
- Bernhard Friess
- Betty Gerlack
- BiblioLabs, LLC
- Bill McCune
- Boris Kontsevoi
- Brad Wilson
- Bradford Sherburne
- Brandon Kopetzky
- Brian Burnim
- Brian McInnis
- Brian Potter
- Brian White
- The Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Matching Gifts Program
- The Brooks Family Foundation
- Burada Iulian
- Burt Cutler
- The Caithness Foundation
- Carla Flournoy
- Caroline Hu
- Catherine L. Leung
- Cedar Street Advisors
- Charles Gibbs
- Charles Smith-Dewey
- The Chevron Humankind Matching Gifts Program
- Christine A. Molinaro
- Christine Herget
- Christopher Jannuzzi
- Christopher J. Lingle
- Christopher Turner
- Chuck Silvers
- Claude Blackburn
- The Coleman Foundation
- The CYLA Charitable Fund
- Cynthia Boyd
- Dalibor Antonic
- Dave McComb
- David Agraz
- David Brauer
- David Bunton
- David Bydeley
- David Cline
- David Dacus
- David Fischer
- David Harris
- David Hitz
- David Humm
- David K. Donald
- The David L. and Marilyn S. Wenner Fund
- David Peltz
- David S. Starr
- Derrick Strickland
- The Dillon Fund
- Dimitrios Staikos
- Dirk Pranke
- Djordje Jankovic
- Dmitry Sagalovskiy
- Domas Mituzas
- Don Garrett
- Don Husby
- Don Melton
- Donald Jaycox
- Doron Daveed Ben-Avi
- Doug Jaffe
- The Douglas B. Marshall, Jr. Family Foundation
- Douglas Durst
- Douglas Ferguson
- Drew Perkins
- The Drexler Estate Fund
- Dustin Frazier
- Dylan Parker
- Earl Hemphill
- Eben Moglen
- Edna Sugihara
- The Elbrun and Peter Kimmelman Family Foundation, Inc.
- Elecia White
- Elisabeth Bylund
- Greg and Liz Lutz
- Emil Biendara
- Emmanuel Balseca
- Eric Lee
- Eric Stokes
- Eric Yao
- Erich Hoop
- Ethel W. Moore
- Florin Miron
- Francisco Sampaio
- Francois Delori
- Frank Brunckhorst
- Frank Rothacker
- Franz Heinsen
- Franziska Bodmer Mancia
- Fred Hipp
- Frost Bank
- Gabe Newell
- Gavin Moodie
- The Geisel Family Foundation
- George T. Anagnost
- Gerald Jay Sussman
- Graeme Birchall
- The Graham Weston Gift Fund
- The Grainger Matching Gifts Program
- Graphics Press, LLC
- Green Bicycle Fund
- Greg Grass
- Greg Hendershott
- Gregory Richards
- H.M. Koo
- Heather Bendler
- The Highland Vineyard Foundation
- Hiromasa Nagase
- Holger Madsen
- The Houser Foundation
- Howard Ahmanson
- The HP Company Foundation Matching Gifts Program
- The Huber Gift Fund
- Hugh Glenister
- Iain McClatchie
- Iqbal Shamsul
- Irene and Richard Van Slyke
- J. Michael Miller
- Jacob Albrecht
- Jacqueline Shelburne
- James Cogbill, Jr.
- James Mason
- James McClave
- James O'Shaughnessy
- James Ward
- Janet DeNicola
- Jaroslav Verchkovski
- Jawaad Mahmood
- Jay Flatland
- The Jeff and Linda Hendricks Family Foundation
- Jeffrey Feddersen
- Jeffrey Krug
- Jeffrey Lamkin
- Jelly Vision Inc.
- Jennifer King
- Jennifer Lazuka
- Jesse Ausubel
- The Jewish Community Endowment Fund
- Don and Jill Knuth
- Jim Hobart
- Jimmy Janacek
- Joan Sherman
- Jochen Titus
- John Dove
- John E. Peters
- John Eckstein
- John Hughes
- John McKnight
- John Nelson
- John O'Connor
- John Powell
- John Rowley
- John Stanford, Jr.
- Jonathan Tobert
- Jordan Hare
- Jose Trejo
- Josef Frick
- Joseph Brandt
- Joseph Sokal
- Joshua Eckhardt
- Joshua Guberman
- Jude Montassir
- Juergen Wagentrotz
- Jules Bernstein and Linda Lipsett
- Julie Johnson
- Julien Basch
- Kanghao Lu
- Karen Lawrence
- Karine Joly
- Katharine Brigham
- Katherine Erickson
- Keah Yong Heng
- Keith Tyson
- Kenneth Eddings
- Kevin Arpe
- Kevin C. Hammond
- Kevin Cheng
- Ki Yan Karen Lo
- Kim Henry
- Kim Spitznagel
- Kim Stowers
- Kimberley Harding
- Kimberly Mayfield
- The Koppelman Family Foundation
- Kristine M. Lung
- Kuang-Hsiang Lin
- Kurt Ackermann
- L. David Mirkin, M.D.
- Lars Markhus
- Lars Petter Mathiassen
- Las Vegas Hotels
- Laurel Touby
- Laurence Boyd
- Laurie Pitman
- Lawrence D. Cavanagh, Jr.
- Lee Elder
- Lee Hong Gerald Yu
- Lenore C. Cooney
- Leonard Ferrera
- Linda L. Slakey
- Linda Lee
- Linda Weitz
- Lisa Tung
- Lone Pine Capital, LLC
- Lowell Wood
- The Louie-Marsh Family Fund
- Luís Norberto Pascoal
- Luke A. Knowles
- M. Hepel
- Maho Kokuryo
- Manisha her
- Marc Forand
- Marc Heinz
- Marc Labelle
- Marcello Cattaneo Adorno
- Margaret Raymond
- Marilyn Lucht
- Marilyn Simons
- Marius Bakken
- Mark Feldberg
- Mark Heising and Elizabeth Simons
- Mark Leonard
- Mark Melton
- Mark Waber
- Masazumi Miyagawa
- Mathew Donovan
- Matthias Dietrich
- Mehmet Betil
- Melissa A. Chilton
- Michael and Debbie Koss
- Michael Hodnett
- Michael J. Fine
- Michael Marcus
- Michael Matera
- Michael Pryor
- Michael Swart
- Michael Terry
- Michael Totten
- Mikhail Degtiarev
- Mikhail Seregine
- The Million Children Foundation
- Minjen Mao
- Mohammed Al Nahyan
- Mohan Pandit
- The Moorhead Family Fund
- Murtada Elkhalifa
- Nadir Godrej
- Nancy Cornelius
- National Philanthropic Trust
- The Neal and Elizabeth Weber Fund
- Nicholas Fink
- Nicholas Riesland
- Nicole Ingeborg Lieger
- Nora Klein
- The Nord Family Foundation
- Oisin Crawley
- Oliver Wright
- Omer Ayfer
- The Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts Program
- Patrick Condon
- Paul Haahr
- Paul Harvey
- Paul von Kuster
- Paul Wilmes
- Pavel Kostenko
- Pawel Ciszewski
- Peter A. Wiringa
- Peter Francati
- Peter J. Enyeart
- Peter Swiecicki
- Peter Ungar
- Petr Jirous
- The Philip and Julia Meshberg Family Foundation
- Philip Mateescu
- Philip Perlman
- The PMJJ Harmon Foundation
- The Pond Family Foundation Trust
- Pooja P. Rutberg
- Pradeep Sindhu
- R. G. Geisler
- Raghavan Srinivasan
- Rahul Bhadani
- Ramamoorthi Bhaskar
- Rasheed Aleid
- Rau Abari
- Ravi Kalidindi
- The Raymond Family Foundation
- Rebecca Reynolds
- Reuben E. Last
- Richard Kandarian
- Richard Saada
- Richard Yonash
- Rob Napier
- Robert Ashcroft
- Robert Capps
- Robert Kaplan
- Robert M. Chin
- Robert Prestezog
- Robert Ruderman
- Robert Thomas
- Robert W. Roper
- Rohan Murty
- Rory O'Connor
- Rosanne Cerello
- Roy H. Jablonka
- The Royce Family Foundation
- Rutherford Gong
- Ryusuke Koyama
- Sadao Milberg
- Samuel Klein, Jr.
- The San Diego Foundation
- Sara Smollett
- Sarah Alfadl
- Sathien Tejapaibul
- The Sawa Family Charitable Fund
- Scott Coulter
- Scott Jensen
- Scott Johns
- Scott Johnston
- Scott R. Knight
- Seattle Foundation
- Shamsa N.
- Shon Harris
- Sid Harth
- Sienna Deano
- The Skinner Fund
- The Snyder White Oaks Foundation of Delaware
- Sohei Machida
- Spencer V. Pricenash
- Stefan Edlis
- Stefan Schwab
- Stefan Winkler
- Stephen C. Hecht
- Stephen Gray
- Steve Kass
- Steven B. Schlossstein
- Steven VanRoekel
- Stuart Cheshire
- Sudhir Sadalge
- Susan Borden
- Susan Woodward
- Swiftrank Pte Ltd
- Tahir Gozel
- Takashi Kousaka
- Takeshi Mano
- Talal AlFaisal
- Taner Halicioglu
- Tetsuya Isozaki
- Thai Tan Nguyen
- Thomas Salander
- Tilman Reinhardt
- Timothy Mott
- Timothy Robinson
- Tomaso Renoldi Bracco
- Torunn Birkeland
- Tradebot Ventures, Inc.
- Tuula Simell
- The Vadasz Family Fund
- Vadim Asadov
- Victoria Walsh
- Vijay Santhanam
- Villazzo, LLC
- Vinay Jain
- Vincent Paquet
- Warren Snaider
- Whitney Robinson
- The Wikimedia Foundation Staff
- WIG Company
- Wilford Reynolds
- William B. Edwards
- William Foster
- William K. Rohwedder
- William Lynch
- William Wenheim
- The Windmill Foundation
- Xie Wu
- The Yahoo! Matching Gifts Program
- Yaso ITO
- Yasuhiro Murakami
- Yu-Chen Chen
- Yudson Gondobintoro
- Zoline Foundation
- 瑞霙 洪
- Anonymous (5)
Donativos em géneros
[edit]- Cisco
- comScore
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- EvoSwitch
- Exbrook Design
- Kennisnet Amsterdam
- Leaseweb
- No Starch Press
- Perkins Coie
- Tele2
- TeliaSonera International Carrier
- WatchMouse
- Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich, & Rosati
Divisões da Wikimedia
[edit]- Wikimedia Australia
- Wikimedia Austria
- Wikimedia Deutschland
- Wikimedia France
- Wikimedia Hungary
- Wikimedia Netherlands
- Wikimedia Sweden
- Wikimedia Switzerland
- Wikimedia United Kingdom
![]() | You are more than welcome to edit this report for the purposes of usefulness, presentation, etc., and to add to the translations. |
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(About this wiki version)
Síntese — Wikimania 2010 — Governação e divisões — Contribuidores — Finanças — Projetos