Wikimedia Foundation/Annual Report/2010-2011/Contributors
[edit]The Wikimedia Foundation benefits from its unique global community of volunteer editors and financial contributors. We thrive due to the vital support we receive from this community, which in 2010–11 made over 155 million edits and over 500,000 financial contributions. Going forward, we intend to continue to serve this worldwide community with every resource at our command.
$1 million +
[edit]- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Stanton Foundation
- Anonymous
$100.000 – $999.999
[edit]- The Brin Wojcicki Foundation
- David and Jamie Cummings
- The Ford Foundation
- The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
- Omidyar Network
- The James and Angela Thompson Foundation
$25,000 – $99,999
[edit]- The Craigslist Charitable Fund
- John N. Caulkins
- The Google Matching Gifts Program
- The Kaphan Foundation
- The Shor Family Foundation
- Two Sigma Investments, LLC
- Yardi Systems, Inc.
- Anonymous (4)
$5,000 – $24,999
[edit]- Andras Konya, Jr.
- Annette J. Campbell-White
- The Apple Pickers Foundation
- The Arlene & Arnold Goldstein Family Foundation
- Armen Avanessians
- The Boris and Inara Teterev Foundation
- Brian Kim
- Casey DeGroot
- Christopher Ruddy
- Craig Hatkoff
- Djordje Jankovic
- Elon Musk
- Galip Tomac
- Goldman, Sachs, and Company Matching Gifts Program
- Ilja Pljusnin
- J. Willis Jarvis
- Jeff Hartline
- Jeffrey Dauber
- Jeffrey Weber
- Jeremy Coller
- John Baldridge
- John Doerr
- John Little
- Kaz Foundation for Social Advancement
- Kevin O'Shea
- Kevin Shepherd
- The King and Linda Won Family Fund
- Laurent Drion
- Leon David Michaud
- Liam Connell
- The Madan Family Gift Fund
- The Marc Haas Foundation
- Marco Teubner
- Margo Seltzer and Keith Bostic
- Mattias Söderhielm
- Mehrdad Golabgir
- The Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
- Milonja Bjelic
- Neil Riordan
- The Nora Roberts Foundation
- Paul Spraos
- Peter Macaulay
- Purnendu Ojha
- Ron Unz
- Ruslan Panasovskyi
- The Ruth and David Levine Charitable Fund
- Sarah Wesley
- Sean Lennon
- Shabbir Moosabhoy
- Shvat Shaked
- The Sigrid Rausing Trust
- The Skowronski Family Foundation
- Srinivasan Krishnan
- Stephen B. Ippolito
- Susan Petersmeyer
- Tripling Elephants
- Anonymous (4)
$1,000 – $4,999
[edit]- Aaia Nugent
- Aase Lindahl
- Abdul Bin laden
- Abdulla Al-Thani
- Abdulmajeed Alshatti
- The Academy Place Foundation
- Adam Fila
- The Adam J. Weissman Foundation
- Adobe Matching Gifts Program
- Ajay Goel
- Akash Jain
- Alan Dunn
- Alan Gorenberg
- Alan Weiner
- Albert James Hudspeth
- Albert Shahugian
- Alex Blavatnik
- Alex Hsu
- Alex Poon
- Alexander Polsky
- Alexander Rousmaniere
- Alfred Zimmermann
- Alisa Oleary
- Alistair Woodman
- Allan Stephan
- The Amont Foundation, Inc.
- Andrew Hillstrom
- Andrew Kraft
- Angela K. Hodge
- Anna Scott
- Anna Wodynski
- Anup Mantri
- Arthur Hunter
- Aspera, Inc.
- Ayco Charitable Foundation
- B. S. Ramamurtie
- Beauchamp Place Communications Inc.
- The Behemoth
- The Bell Family Foundation
- The Belmonte Foundation
- The Ben Williams Fund
- Bernard Halim
- Bernhard Friess
- Betty Gerlack
- BiblioLabs, LLC
- Bill McCune
- Boris Kontsevoi
- Brad Wilson
- Bradford Sherburne
- Brandon Kopetzky
- Brian Burnim
- Brian McInnis
- Brian Potter
- Brian White
- The Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Matching Gifts Program
- The Brooks Family Foundation
- Burada Iulian
- Burt Cutler
- The Caithness Foundation
- Carla Flournoy
- Caroline Hu
- Catherine L. Leung
- Cedar Street Advisors
- Charles Gibbs
- Charles Smith-Dewey
- The Chevron Humankind Matching Gifts Program
- Christine A. Molinaro
- Christine Herget
- Christopher Jannuzzi
- Christopher J. Lingle
- Christopher Turner
- Chuck Silvers
- Claude Blackburn
- The Coleman Foundation
- The CYLA Charitable Fund
- Cynthia Boyd
- Dalibor Antonic
- Dave McComb
- David Agraz
- David Brauer
- David Bunton
- David Bydeley
- David Cline
- David Dacus
- David Fischer
- David Harris
- David Hitz
- David Humm
- David K. Donald
- The David L. and Marilyn S. Wenner Fund
- David Peltz
- David S. Starr
- Derrick Strickland
- The Dillon Fund
- Dimitrios Staikos
- Dirk Pranke
- Djordje Jankovic
- Dmitry Sagalovskiy
- Domas Mituzas
- Don Garrett
- Don Husby
- Don Melton
- Donald Jaycox
- Doron Daveed Ben-Avi
- Doug Jaffe
- The Douglas B. Marshall, Jr. Family Foundation
- Douglas Durst
- Douglas Ferguson
- Drew Perkins
- The Drexler Estate Fund
- Dustin Frazier
- Dylan Parker
- Earl Hemphill
- Eben Moglen
- Edna Sugihara
- The Elbrun and Peter Kimmelman Family Foundation, Inc.
- Elecia White
- Elisabeth Bylund
- Greg and Liz Lutz
- Emil Biendara
- Emmanuel Balseca
- Eric Lee
- Eric Stokes
- Eric Yao
- Erich Hoop
- Ethel W. Moore
- Florin Miron
- Francisco Sampaio
- Francois Delori
- Frank Brunckhorst
- Frank Rothacker
- Franz Heinsen
- Franziska Bodmer Mancia
- Fred Hipp
- Frost Bank
- Gabe Newell
- Gavin Moodie
- The Geisel Family Foundation
- George T. Anagnost
- Gerald Jay Sussman
- Graeme Birchall
- The Graham Weston Gift Fund
- The Grainger Matching Gifts Program
- Graphics Press, LLC
- Green Bicycle Fund
- Greg Grass
- Greg Hendershott
- Gregory Richards
- H.M. Koo
- Heather Bendler
- The Highland Vineyard Foundation
- Hiromasa Nagase
- Holger Madsen
- The Houser Foundation
- Howard Ahmanson
- The HP Company Foundation Matching Gifts Program
- The Huber Gift Fund
- Hugh Glenister
- Iain McClatchie
- Iqbal Shamsul
- Irene and Richard Van Slyke
- J. Michael Miller
- Jacob Albrecht
- Jacqueline Shelburne
- James Cogbill, Jr.
- James Mason
- James McClave
- James O'Shaughnessy
- James Ward
- Janet DeNicola
- Jaroslav Verchkovski
- Jawaad Mahmood
- Jay Flatland
- The Jeff and Linda Hendricks Family Foundation
- Jeffrey Feddersen
- Jeffrey Krug
- Jeffrey Lamkin
- Jelly Vision Inc.
- Jennifer King
- Jennifer Lazuka
- Jesse Ausubel
- The Jewish Community Endowment Fund
- Don and Jill Knuth
- Jim Hobart
- Jimmy Janacek
- Joan Sherman
- Jochen Titus
- John Dove
- John E. Peters
- John Eckstein
- John Hughes
- John McKnight
- John Nelson
- John O'Connor
- John Powell
- John Rowley
- John Stanford, Jr.
- Jonathan Tobert
- Jordan Hare
- Jose Trejo
- Josef Frick
- Joseph Brandt
- Joseph Sokal
- Joshua Eckhardt
- Joshua Guberman
- Jude Montassir
- Juergen Wagentrotz
- Jules Bernstein and Linda Lipsett
- Julie Johnson
- Julien Basch
- Kanghao Lu
- Karen Lawrence
- Karine Joly
- Katharine Brigham
- Katherine Erickson
- Keah Yong Heng
- Keith Tyson
- Kenneth Eddings
- Kevin Arpe
- Kevin C. Hammond
- Kevin Cheng
- Ki Yan Karen Lo
- Kim Henry
- Kim Spitznagel
- Kim Stowers
- Kimberley Harding
- Kimberly Mayfield
- The Koppelman Family Foundation
- Kristine M. Lung
- Kuang-Hsiang Lin
- Kurt Ackermann
- L. David Mirkin, M.D.
- Lars Markhus
- Lars Petter Mathiassen
- Las Vegas Hotels
- Laurel Touby
- Laurence Boyd
- Laurie Pitman
- Lawrence D. Cavanagh, Jr.
- Lee Elder
- Lee Hong Gerald Yu
- Lenore C. Cooney
- Leonard Ferrera
- Linda L. Slakey
- Linda Lee
- Linda Weitz
- Lisa Tung
- Lone Pine Capital, LLC
- Lowell Wood
- The Louie-Marsh Family Fund
- Luís Norberto Pascoal
- Luke A. Knowles
- M. Hepel
- Maho Kokuryo
- Manisha her
- Marc Forand
- Marc Heinz
- Marc Labelle
- Marcello Cattaneo Adorno
- Margaret Raymond
- Marilyn Lucht
- Marilyn Simons
- Marius Bakken
- Mark Feldberg
- Mark Heising and Elizabeth Simons
- Mark Leonard
- Mark Melton
- Mark Waber
- Masazumi Miyagawa
- Mathew Donovan
- Matthias Dietrich
- Mehmet Betil
- Melissa A. Chilton
- Michael and Debbie Koss
- Michael Hodnett
- Michael J. Fine
- Michael Marcus
- Michael Matera
- Michael Pryor
- Michael Swart
- Michael Terry
- Michael Totten
- Mikhail Degtiarev
- Mikhail Seregine
- The Million Children Foundation
- Minjen Mao
- Mohammed Al Nahyan
- Mohan Pandit
- The Moorhead Family Fund
- Murtada Elkhalifa
- Nadir Godrej
- Nancy Cornelius
- National Philanthropic Trust
- The Neal and Elizabeth Weber Fund
- Nicholas Fink
- Nicholas Riesland
- Nicole Ingeborg Lieger
- Nora Klein
- The Nord Family Foundation
- Oisin Crawley
- Oliver Wright
- Omer Ayfer
- The Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts Program
- Patrick Condon
- Paul Haahr
- Paul Harvey
- Paul von Kuster
- Paul Wilmes
- Pavel Kostenko
- Pawel Ciszewski
- Peter A. Wiringa
- Peter Francati
- Peter J. Enyeart
- Peter Swiecicki
- Peter Ungar
- Petr Jirous
- The Philip and Julia Meshberg Family Foundation
- Philip Mateescu
- Philip Perlman
- The PMJJ Harmon Foundation
- The Pond Family Foundation Trust
- Pooja P. Rutberg
- Pradeep Sindhu
- R. G. Geisler
- Raghavan Srinivasan
- Rahul Bhadani
- Ramamoorthi Bhaskar
- Rasheed Aleid
- Rau Abari
- Ravi Kalidindi
- The Raymond Family Foundation
- Rebecca Reynolds
- Reuben E. Last
- Richard Kandarian
- Richard Saada
- Richard Yonash
- Rob Napier
- Robert Ashcroft
- Robert Capps
- Robert Kaplan
- Robert M. Chin
- Robert Prestezog
- Robert Ruderman
- Robert Thomas
- Robert W. Roper
- Rohan Murty
- Rory O'Connor
- Rosanne Cerello
- Roy H. Jablonka
- The Royce Family Foundation
- Rutherford Gong
- Ryusuke Koyama
- Sadao Milberg
- Samuel Klein, Jr.
- The San Diego Foundation
- Sara Smollett
- Sarah Alfadl
- Sathien Tejapaibul
- The Sawa Family Charitable Fund
- Scott Coulter
- Scott Jensen
- Scott Johns
- Scott Johnston
- Scott R. Knight
- Seattle Foundation
- Shamsa N.
- Shon Harris
- Sid Harth
- Sienna Deano
- The Skinner Fund
- The Snyder White Oaks Foundation of Delaware
- Sohei Machida
- Spencer V. Pricenash
- Stefan Edlis
- Stefan Schwab
- Stefan Winkler
- Stephen C. Hecht
- Stephen Gray
- Steve Kass
- Steven B. Schlossstein
- Steven VanRoekel
- Stuart Cheshire
- Sudhir Sadalge
- Susan Borden
- Susan Woodward
- Swiftrank Pte Ltd
- Tahir Gozel
- Takashi Kousaka
- Takeshi Mano
- Talal AlFaisal
- Taner Halicioglu
- Tetsuya Isozaki
- Thai Tan Nguyen
- Thomas Salander
- Tilman Reinhardt
- Timothy Mott
- Timothy Robinson
- Tomaso Renoldi Bracco
- Torunn Birkeland
- Tradebot Ventures, Inc.
- Tuula Simell
- The Vadasz Family Fund
- Vadim Asadov
- Victoria Walsh
- Vijay Santhanam
- Villazzo, LLC
- Vinay Jain
- Vincent Paquet
- Warren Snaider
- Whitney Robinson
- The Wikimedia Foundation Staff
- WIG Company
- Wilford Reynolds
- William B. Edwards
- William Foster
- William K. Rohwedder
- William Lynch
- William Wenheim
- The Windmill Foundation
- Xie Wu
- The Yahoo! Matching Gifts Program
- Yaso ITO
- Yasuhiro Murakami
- Yu-Chen Chen
- Yudson Gondobintoro
- Zoline Foundation
- 瑞霙 洪
- Anonymous (5)
Gifts in-kind
[edit]- Cisco
- comScore
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- EvoSwitch
- Exbrook Design
- Kennisnet Amsterdam
- Leaseweb
- No Starch Press
- Perkins Coie
- Tele2
- TeliaSonera International Carrier
- WatchMouse
- Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich, & Rosati
Wikimedia chapters
[edit]- Wikimedia Australia
- Wikimedia Austria
- Wikimedia Deutschland
- Wikimedia France
- Wikimedia Hungary
- Wikimedia Netherlands
- Wikimedia Sweden
- Wikimedia Switzerland
- Wikimedia United Kingdom
![]() | You are more than welcome to edit this report for the purposes of usefulness, presentation, etc., and to add to the translations. |
(About this wiki version)
The Way the World Tells its Story — Dispatch from India: Stories from the Future — Class Assignment: Wikipedia — New Tools for the Knowledge Trade — The Revolution Will Be Mobilized — A Decade that Changed the World — "Our revolution is like Wikipedia" — Case Stories — Gdańsk welcomes Wikimania — Governance and Chapters — Financials — Contributors — Projects