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Wikimedia Enterprise

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Enterprise and the translation is 30% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Wikimedia Enterprise
Building new opportunities for both revenue generation and free knowledge dissemination through partnerships and earned income.

Wikimedia Enterprise es un servicio de la Wikimedia Foundation, disponible a través de enterprise.wikimedia.com. La meta del servicio es ser a su vez cimiento de servicios para reutilizadores comerciales de alto volumen del contenido de Wikimedia. El servicio se anunció en marzo de 2021 (entrada de blog, artículo de Wired) y lanzado en octubre del mismo año (comunicado de prensa, artículo de OpenFuture).

El enfoque está en las organizaciones que quieren reutilizar el contenido de Wikimedia en otros contextos, proporcionando servicios de datos a gran escala, para que sean más rápidos y completos, fiables y seguros. Wikimedia Enterprise tiene como objetivo mejorar la experiencia de los usuarios de Wikimedia más allá de nuestros propios sitios web; aumentar el alcance y la capacidad de descubrimiento del contenido; y mejorar el conocimiento y la facilidad de atribución y verificabilidad por parte de las organizaciones que más reutilizan el contenido de Wikimedia, a través de servicios de autofinanciación.

Hay una barrera de entrada muy alta para el uso de los datos de Wikimedia, fuera de los casos de uso comunes de lectura o edición. Esto se debe a que el contenido es difícil de segmentar y comprender para máquinas, lo que a su vez afecta al alcance de los datos de Wikimedia más allá de nuestro propio ecosistema, y a la escala de impacto que puede tener.

En las recomendaciones de la Estrategia del Movimiento Aumentar la sostenibilidad de nuestro movimiento y Mejorar la experiencia del usuario están las recomendaciones de, respectivamente "Explorar nuevas oportunidades tanto para la generación de ingresos como para la difusión del conocimiento libre a través de asociaciones e ingresos ganados, por ejemplo... Construir APIs (interfaces de programación de aplicaciones) a nivel empresarial", y "Hacer que el conjunto de APIs de Wikimedia sea más completo, fiable, seguro y rápido, en alianza con usuarios a gran escala.... y mejorar la conciencia y la facilidad de atribución y verificabilidad para los reutilizadores de contenido."

Es bien conocido que unas cuantas empresas masivas utilizan los datos de nuestros proyectos. Esas empresas reconocen que sin los proyectos Wikimedia no podrían ofrecer una experiencia tan rica o fiable a sus propios usuarios. Hace tiempo que los miembros de la comunidad consideran que estas empresas deberían hacer más para reinvertir en las comunidades Wikimedia por los beneficios que obtienen del contenido y los recursos que utilizan.

Esto llevó a la idea de desarrollar un nuevo enfoque que sea más sostenible a largo plazo y que proporcione una relación mucho más clara entre Wikimedia y los usuarios empresariales. La mayor parte de los beneficios financieros para Wikimedia probablemente sólo provendrían de un número muy reducido de grandes usuarios comerciales, y retroalimentaría el movimiento Wikimedia.

A medida que esta idea se desarrollaba, quedó claro que existe la responsabilidad de democratizar nuestros datos para las organizaciones que no poseen los recursos de estos usuarios más grandes, para asegurar que estamos aplicando reglas de juego equitativas y ayudando a fomentar un Internet saludable sin reforzar los monopolios. Los beneficios de este servicio no deberían ser sólo para las start-ups o las alternativas a los gigantes de Internet, sino también para las universidades y los investigadores universitarios; los archivos y los archiveros; junto con el movimiento Wikimedia en general.

Visión general

Wikimedia Enterprise se centra en las empresas que reutilizan nuestro contenido, normalmente a gran escala, por ejemplo, integrado en gráficos de conocimiento, búsqueda, asistentes de voz, mapas, informes de noticias, herramientas comunitarias, aplicaciones de terceros y estudios completos de investigación. Aumentar los numerosos conjuntos de datos de Wikimedia para estructurar nuestros contenidos no estructurados permitirá a todos nuestros reutilizadores de contenidos satisfacer sus necesidades individuales, al tiempo que nos prepara para construir nuevas herramientas y servicios en el futuro, disponibles para todos. Los reutilizadores de nuestros contenidos buscan tres componentes fundamentales:

  • Frecuencia: Imágenes periódicas y actualizadas de los proyectos de Wikimedia
  • Fiabilidad: Infraestructura fiable y accesible
  • Calidad: una "buena versión más reciente"

Hacer hincapié en un conjunto autofinanciado de casos de uso específicos permite al equipo de la API de Wikimedia centrarse en los voluntarios, los equipos y las organizaciones que buscan acceder a nuestros conjuntos de datos (y, sobre todo, interactuar con ellos). Esto incluye la mayoría de las herramientas de edición de la comunidad, que estarán fuera del alcance de este proyecto. Para más información sobre las mejoras de las APIs de Wikimedia existentes, consulte la página del proyecto sobre la iniciativa "API Gateway".

Objetivos del programa:

  • Contenido: Poner a disposición de todos los investigadores y reutilizadores un mayor número de contenidos de nuestro movimiento en formatos coherentes y legibles por máquinas.
  • Carga de recursos: Reducir la necesidad de un raspado de sitios de alta intensidad por parte de los reutilizadores de mayor frecuencia y volumen, que actualmente se dirigen a nuestros servidores de producción.
  • Recaudación de fondos: Proporcionar una forma más clara y coherente para que los mayores reutilizadores reinviertan los beneficios derivados en el movimiento, en lugar de hacer donaciones altruistas ocasionales que varían en tamaño.


Wikimania 2023 presentation slides

Contact the team if you would like to arrange a conversation about this service with your community, at a time and meeting software platform of your choice.

Past public meetings:

marzo de 2021 #1 & marzo de 2021 #2, abril de 2021, junio de 2022, febrero de 2023

...and also at the EMWCon Spring 2021 conference (video); March and July 2022 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) meetings; the May 2021 Wikimedia Clinic; at Wikimania in 2021 and 2023.

Estos son los párrafos de introducción para un Ensayo para la comunidad mucho más detallado.

El ensayo completo abarca los siguientes temas

En inglés la palabra “free” tiene dos significados, que en español son dos palabras muy diferentes: Libre y Gratis.

Los proyectos Wikimedia son, han sido y serán siempre libres. Los principios de las obras culturales libres significan que cualquiera puede usar Wikimedia sin restricciones, incluso comercialmente. Como movimiento, aceptamos esto. Por eso rechazamos las licencias "no comerciales", ya que limitarían los tipos de reutilización posibles. Y por eso consideramos que la reutilización comercial es un medio importante para distribuir el conocimiento al público.

Igualmente, los proyectos Wikimedia son, han sido y serán siempre gratuitos. La capacidad de acceder libremente al conocimiento disponible en todos los proyectos de Wikimedia siempre ha sido el núcleo de la misión de la Fundación y del movimiento. Proporcionamos este acceso no sólo a las personas que visitan nuestros sitios web, sino también a las máquinas de forma programada para que nuestro contenido pueda ser reutilizado en otros entornos. El corpus completo del contenido de Wikimedia siempre ha estado, y continuará estando, disponible para su reutilización en varias formas (incluyendo, pero no limitándose, a volcados de bases de datos, APIs y scraping) sin costo alguno.

Como resultado, nuestro contenido es reutilizado con frecuencia por organizaciones comerciales que dependen de él para apoyar sus modelos de negocio, y que, en consecuencia, obtienen ingresos de él. Fuera de las donaciones corporativas voluntarias a la Fundación Wikimedia, el movimiento nunca ha recibido beneficios de ninguno de estos ingresos a través de la inversión de retorno. En reconocimiento de esto, bajo el título de Aumentar la sostenibilidad de nuestro movimiento, el proceso de la Estrategia del Movimiento pidió a la Fundación Wikimedia que explorara, entre otras cosas, "APIs a nivel empresarial... modelos para los reutilizadores comerciales a escala empresarial, teniendo cuidado de evitar las dependencias de los ingresos u otra influencia externa indebida en el diseño y desarrollo del producto". Además, bajo el título Mejorar la experiencia del usuario, otra recomendación decía: "Hacer que el conjunto de APIs de Wikimedia sea más completo, fiable, seguro y rápido, en colaboración con los usuarios a gran escala donde se alinee con nuestra misión y principios, para mejorar la experiencia del usuario tanto de nuestros usuarios directos como indirectos, aumentar el alcance y la capacidad de descubrimiento de nuestro contenido y el potencial de retorno de datos, y mejorar el conocimiento y la facilidad de atribución y verificabilidad para los reutilizadores de contenido."

El equipo del proyecto Enterprise está desarrollando un nuevo recurso dirigido a los reutilizadores de contenidos comerciales, que tienen requisitos de productos, servicios y sistemas que van más allá de lo que ofrecemos gratuitamente. El uso de esta oferta no será necesario para la reutilización de contenidos comerciales; las empresas pueden seguir utilizando las herramientas actuales disponibles sin costo alguno. Todos los ingresos de la API empresarial se utilizarán inequívocamente para apoyar la misión de Wikimedia, por ejemplo, para financiar los programas de Wikimedia o ayudar a aumentar la dotación de Wikimedia.

Este proyecto representa un nuevo tipo de actividad en la Fundación. El proyecto se encuentra en una fase muy temprana que debe considerarse un periodo de aprendizaje. Tendremos éxitos, cometeremos errores y tendremos que adaptar nuestras estrategias. El equipo se compromete a escuchar, participar en diálogos y, en la medida de lo posible, integrar los comentarios que recibamos sobre nuestro trabajo. Este documento es orgánico y refleja el pensamiento actual del equipo; estamos intentando documentar todo el trabajo posible de forma abierta. Hasta ahora, nuestro trabajo ha sido moldeado por una serie de entrevistas iniciales con miembros de la comunidad, la Junta Directiva y el personal de la Fundación Wikimedia, investigadores y reutilizadores.

...siga leyendo el resto del Ensayo para la Comunidad. Consulte también la sección de preguntas frecuentes y los Principios.

Dada la naturaleza del proyecto, la toma de decisiones principal recaerá en la Fundación Wikimedia. Buscamos la opinión de la comunidad, en particular de la comunidad técnica y de aquellos que han participado en el proceso de estrategia, a lo largo de la vida del proyecto. Se ha recolectado información técnica de los colegas de la Fundación Wikimedia, de los socios de la industria y la investigación, de los socios técnicos de todo el movimiento y de las comunidades técnicas más amplias a través de Phabricator. Las aportes al componente de desarrollo de la financiación del proyecto seguirán un patrón similar. Seguiremos recopilando información a través de entrevistas de investigación y grupos de discusión, así como comentarios aquí en Meta de acuerdo con nuestros principios.


Para obtener acceso a los conjuntos de datos de la API empresarial, existen tres métodos:


All content is freely-licensed (see also the project's principles).

  • De pago
    • *Masivo y en tiempo real. A través del sitio web dedicado del producto Enterprise API, cuando se ponga en marcha.
  • Gratis
    • Creating an account via the Enterprise API product website includes 5,000 on-demand API requests that refresh monthly (including the Structured Contents endpoint) and twice-monthly snapshot API files in NDJSON format at no cost (refreshes on the 2nd and 21st of each month).
    • Several datasets are available outside of the WME website. An update of the Enterprise API data is provided for all every two weeks on the Wikimedia Dumps site. Several Beta datasets are also available on HuggingFace.
    • ** En tiempo real.' El equipo de Wikimedia Enterprise está trabajando con Wikimedia Technical Engagement para añadir soporte gratuito a la comunidad a través de servicios en la nube para junio de 2021.
    • Those who have a non-commercial and mission-relevant use-case, which cannot be fulfilled by existing free-access APIs/dumps etc, can request expanded access to the API service at either reduced cost or no cost depending on usage and application.


For full information about the product, see the regular technical updates on MediaWiki.org and the documentation page.

Over time, the "API product" being offered will grow and improve. This information is accurate as of September 2024.


All of our APIs return the same structured JSON (or ND-JSON) response format making it easy to augment one API with another. Three APIs; same data, different retrieval methods:

  • Retrieve bulk data with the Snapshot API
  • Receive changes instantly with Realtime API streaming
  • Retrieve single articles with the On-demand API

API responses include article data such as summary, image, Wikidata QID, license, and more. Also included is data specific to the last revision, such as editor, size of change, and credibility score with revert probability.

On-demand API

Reusers that use an infrastructure reliant on the EventStream platform depend on services like RESTBase to pull HTML from page titles and current revisions to update their products. High-volume reusers have requested a reliable means to gather this data, as well as structures other than HTML when incorporating our content into their KGs and products.

The Wikimedia Enterprise On-demand API allows users to retrieve single articles from any Wikimedia project at anytime.

  • Make standard HTTP requests to retrieve documents by ID or name from all projects and languages, or use filters to limit response
  • Request the latest page data anytime to augment your Realtime or Snapshot API data
  • A wide range of commercial and consolidated schemas under SLAs

Realtime API

High-volume reusers currently rely heavily on the changes that are pushed from our community to update their products in real time, using EventStream APIs to access such changes. High-volume reusers are interested in a service that will allow them to filter the changes they receive to limit their processing, guarantee stable HTTP connections to ensure no data loss, and supply a more useful schema to limit the number of api calls they need to make per event.

The Enterprise Realtime API allows users to stream updates in real-time from any Wikimedia project.

  • Streaming: Receive streaming updates (firehose) of every change as they occur in real-time
  • Batch: Download compressed snapshot files of incremental updates every hour
  • Instant updates for new content, any edits, deletions, and breaking news events including community-curated visibility changes
  • Filtering of events by Project or Revision Namespace
  • A wide range of commercial and consolidated schemas under SLAs with guaranteed connections

Snapshot API

For high volume reusers that currently rely on the Wikimedia Dumps to access our information, we have created a solution to ingest Wikimedia content in near real time without excessive API calls (On-demand API) or maintaining hooks into our infrastructure (Realtime).

The Enterprise Snapshot API allows users to retrieve entire Wikimedia projects as a database dump file.

  • Download a compressed file containing everything in any project, in any language
  • Article body in HTML as well as Wikitext
  • Up to a daily snapshots cadence
  • 24-hour JSON, Wikitext, or HTML compressed dumps of "text-based" Wikimedia projects
  • A hourly update file with revision changes of "text-based" Wikimedia projects
  • A wide range of commercial and consolidated schemas under SLAs
  • SLA and Support

Contracted accounts receive 99% SLA and support response time guarantees. All accounts have access to our introductory onboarding resources and help center faqs.


El personal de la Wikimedia Foundation que se dedica en exclusiva a este proyecto es:





Names in bold indicate management.

Many people from different teams also contribute significantly, including from the WMF Legal, Engineering, Partnerships, Design, Communications teams etc. Additional contract work provided by: PartnerHero provide customer support services; Vuurr are assisting our sales process; and Super Natural Design are the designers of the project website.


La junta de la LLC que supervisa el proyecto desde la dirección de la Fundación Wikimedia son: Grant Ingersoll, Director Técnico; Lisa Seitz-Gruwell, Directora de Promoción, Tony Sebro, Consejero Legal General Adjunto; y Lane Becker.

En última instancia, la LLC está sujeta al gobierno del Consejo Directivo de la Fundación Wikimedia.

All reports and official documents of the LLC are published on a dedicated Wikimedia Enterprise page on the Wikimedia Foundation Governance website. For convenience, annual reports are also linked here:

See also: FAQ § Legal


Initial announcement - March 2021

Initial Wikimedia Foundation Diff blogpost
note: media stories listed below are written and published independently and were neither pre-reviewed nor approved by the WMF

Of particular note:

The Verge Wikimedia will launch a paid service for big tech companies
TecMundo Wikipedia will start charging Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple (translated from Portuguese)
9 to 5 Mac Apple might soon have to pay up for the Wikipedia data it uses
ShiftDelete.net Wikimedia launches its paid service (translated from Turkish)
Digital Trends Español Wikipedia will start charging large companies (translated from Spanish)
everyeye.it Will Apple Soon Have Ti Pay Wikipedia For Information Taken From Siri? (translated from Italian)
iPadizate Apple will have to pay Wikipedia to use its data (translated from Spanish)
T3N Wikimedia Foundation launches paid service for Wikipedia content (translated from German)
The Telegraph Wikipedia plans to charge tech giants for access
iPhone Italia Wikipedia may soon ask Apple for 'the bill' (translated from Italian)
Mashable Wikipedia wants to charge Google, Amazon, and Apple for using its content
MacGeneration Apple, Google, and others could pay to mine Wikipedia information (translated from French)
AppleInsider Apple might soon pay for Wikipedia content
EZANIME.net Apple will soon have to pay for the Wikipedia data it uses (translated from Spanish)
RTL Nieuws Wikipedia will offer payment services to tech giants (translated from Dutch)
RPP Wikipedia will start charging giants like Google and Apple for the information in its encyclopedia (translated from Spanish)
Tuga Tech Apple may have to pay to use Wikipedia data (translated from Portuguese)
vc.ru Wikimedia Foundation launched a commercial project - the organization plans to collect fees from technology companies (translated from Russian)
turi2 Wikimedia launches paid service for businesses. (translated from German)
Sec News Wikipedia: Will Google, Amazon and Apple charge for its content? (translated from Greek)
El Español Wikipedia creates a paid version, but only for large companies (translated from Spanish)
PhoneArena.com Big Tech firms will soon have to whip out their wallets in order to use Wikipedia
Les Echos Wikipedia wants to make Gafa pay (translated from the french)
Resumé The Omnicom agency is accused of forcing employees to return to the office - threatened with dismissal (translated from Swedish)
The Mac Observer Wikipedia Wants Big Tech to Pay for its Content
Tech Radar Big tech companies may soon have to pay for Wikipedia content
Web Tekno Wikipedia Seeks To Receive Money From Google And Apple For Using Its Content (translated from Turkish)
Gridam Wikimedia to launch paid service for internet giants (translated from French)
MC Pro Wikipedia will launch a paid edition for large technology platforms (translated from Spanish)
TechStory Wikipedia will not be free for tech-giants anymore, launches Wikimedia Enterprise
Hypebeast Wikipedia Is Putting a Price Tag on Its Content for Big Tech Companies
Punto Informatico Wikimedia Enterprise to debut by 2021 (translated from Italian)
Cybe Out Google and Apple will soon have to pay Wikipedia to access its content (translated from Italian)
SoMag News WikiMedia is launching paid service service
C News Wikipedia becomes paid. So far for IT giants (translated from Russian)
Voicebot.ai Wikipedia Will Start Charging Tech Giants and Their Voice Assistants for Data Access
voicebot.ai Wikipedia Will Start Charging Tech Giants and Their Voice Assistants for Data Access
Hypebeast Wikimedia Foundation announces Wikimedia paid service 'Wikimedia Enterprise' (translated from Korean)
SDP Noticias Wikipedia will have a paid version for companies (translated from Spanish)
Exchange Wire Disney to Dethrone Netflix by 2024; Wikipedia to Charge Big Tech for Content
technews.tw Wiki will push the paid version of Wikimedia Enterprise to corporate customers, the current service is still free (translated from Traditional Chinese)
Clubic Wikimedia wants to make GAFA pay for more stable income (translated from French)
El Pais Wikipedia lanza un servicio para que las grandes tecnológicas paguen por usar su contenido
Hindustan Times Wikipedia will launch a paid service for enterprise later this year
AIN Wikipedia Publisher Launches Commercial Product - Wikimedia Enterprise (translated from Russian)
Gadgety The Wikimedia Foundation has announced its first commercial project (translated from Hebrew)
Tivi Now that’s enough for charity - Wikipedia is starting to ask for money for content (translated from Finnish)
Mikro Bitti Wikipedia is starting to sell its content - no longer just a free service (translated from Finnish)
TechTimes Amazon, Google, and Apple to Pay Wikipedia For Their Published Contents in the Future
Asia One Wikipedia is launching a paid service for big tech companies
L'usine Digitale Wikimedia wants to launch a new paid service for digital giants (translated from French)
IThome Wikimedia launches enterprise-level services for large commercial organizations to pay for content (translated from Traditional Chinese)
version2.dk Wikipedia will sell its content to businesses (translated from Danish)
Pirate Press Apple may soon have to pay if its wants to use data from Wikipedia
Spider's Web Wikipedia becomes a commercial, earning entity. This is great news (translated from Polish)
ComputerBild Wikimedia Enterprise: Wikipedia will ask for cash in the future (translated from German)
Cinco Días (El País) Wikipedia will launch its paid version for companies at the end of the year (translated from Spanish)
Vesti Wikipedia launches a paid service for large IT companies (translated from Bulgarian)
Slo Tech The Wikimedia Foundation prepares paid services (translated from Slovenian)
Web Pro News Wikimedia Enterprise Seeks to Turn Big Tech Into Paying Customers
Stuff Wikipedia will soon offer a paid service to Big Tech
Tech Radar Pro Wikipedia is getting a 'premium' paid version - but you can't get it
G1 Wikipedia launches paid service for companies to use its content (translated from Portuguese)
Sawt Beirut International Create a paid service for companies that rely on Wikipedia data (translated from Arabic)
UDN.com Wikipedia bargaining war! "Free Encyclopedia" intends to discuss content payment agreement with technology giants (translated from Traditional Chinese)
Newsgram Wikimedia To Launch New Paid Service For Tech Giants
blog none Launch of Wikimedia Enterprise, a paid API service that allows corporate customers to absorb massive amounts of data in real time. (translated from Thai)
cnBeta Wikimedia announces the launch of a new paid content for major technology companies (translated from Traditional Chinese)
der brutkasten Wikipedia misses out on a business model (translated from German)
Gadgets Now Apple, Google may have to pay to Wikipedia in the future, here's why
lowyat.net Wikimedia To Launch Paid Service For Tech Companies
Money Control Wikipedia wants big tech to pay up for using its database
Techshout Wikipedia Wants Google, Facebook and Others To Pay For Using Its Content
Milenio Will you still be able to consult it? Wikipedia presents its paid version, oriented to companies (translated from Spanish)
Canal RCN Wikipedia will launch a paid version for companies (translated from Spanish)
nuevodiario.web Wikipedia announces its first paid version aimed at large companies (translated from Spanish)
El Heraldo Won't it be FREE anymore? Wikipedia announces new paid version (translated from Spanish)
New Kerala Wikimedia plans paid service for big tech firms
Ammon News Wikipedia turns some of its services into "paid" (translated from Arabic)
Nexofin Wikipedia announces that it will have a paid version (translated from Spanish)
PocketNow At last, Wikipedia asks tech giants to pay for solving their own problems
developpez.com Wikipedia Finally Asks Big Businesses To Pay: Wikimedia Enterprise Will Provide New Options For Businesses Using Its Content (translated from French)
The Times Hub Wikipedia Launches a Service for Big Tech to Pay to Use Their Content
OnlineMarketing.de Google and Co. should pay: Wikipedia plans payment service Wikimedia Enterprise (translated from German)
Gigazine Wikimedia Foundation announces offering paid "enterprise API" (translated from Japanese)
iPhonemod.net Apple may have to pay. If you want to use information from Wikipedia (translated from Thai)
Lupa.cz Wikimedia is preparing a paid service for large companies that use data from Wikipedia (translated from Czech)
Thanh Niên Apple will pay for Wikipedia content (translated from Vietnamese)
Business Insider Mexico Wikimedia will offer a payment service to companies that use its content (translated from Spanish)
Yahoo News Wikipedia plans to charge large organizations using its encyclopedia
Engadget Wikipedia plans to charge large organizations using its encyclopedia
Yahoo! Finance Wikipedia plans to charge large organizations using its encyclopedia
ITC.ua Wikipedia will launch a paid service Wikimedia Enterprise for large companies this summer (translated from Russian)
Micky Apple, Google and Facebook soon to pay for Wikipedia links
HackerNews Wikimedia Foundation to offer community's free content via paid-for Enterprise API
Heise Online Wikimedia Enterprise: Wikimedia Foundation creates business customer access (translated from German)
Jablickar Apple today: Another source has refuted the arrival of AirPods 3 and Apple may have to pay Wikipedia (translated from Czech)
Belbalady Baladi: Wikipedia intends to charge technology companies to use its platform (translated from Arabic)
Feber Wikimedia launches business payment service (translated from Swedish)
Letem světem Applem Apple may have to pay Wikipedia to use Siri's content (translated from Czech)
Digital Information World Wikipedia to Now Charge Big Tech Giants for Using Its Content
Go4it Wikipedia introduces paid services through Wikimedia Enterprise (translated from Romanian)
Critical Hit Wikipedia launches a new premium service for corporates
suara.com No longer free, Wikipedia will charge users (translated from Indonesian)
Syoa Cincau Wikipedia to launch a new service to make big tech companies pay for their content
Techtoday Wikipedia will be paid, but users should not worry (translated from Ukrainian)
Canal Tech Wikipedia will have a paid version, but you won't be able to use it; understand the reason (translated from Portuguese)
WIRED Italia Wikipedia will have a paid service reserved for big techs (translated from Italian)
WERSM Wikimedia Creates New Paid Enterprise Service
The Hustle Big Tech loves using Wikipedia. Now, the free site is planning an enterprise product.
dir.bg Wikipedia will charge large organizations that use it (translated from Bulgarian)
ProgrammableWeb The Wikimedia Foundation Launches a Fee-Based Enterprise API
Bug.hr Wikimedia launches a paid service for large companies (translated from Croatian)
ilan365 Reason Use of Content: Wikipedia Will Receive Money From Google And Apple (translated from Turkish)
De Standaard Wikipedia is getting a paid version (translated from Dutch)
El Universal Wikipedia plans to start charging for its content (translated from Spanish)
masralyoum.net Reports: Use of Wikipedia will not be free for these parties (translated from Arabic)
TechOrange [Wikipedia is going to be commercialized? 】Free Wiki stepping into history, intending to charge large-scale technology companies such as Google, Apple, and Facebook (Traditional Chinese)
Sputnik News "Wikipedia" to charge for major IT companies (translated from Japanese)
Market Research Telecast Wikipedia announces its first paid version for large companies
TCN Wikipedia plans to charge a series of fees for names Apple, Google, Amazon ... (translated from Vietnamese)
Business AM Wikipedia will soon no longer be free for everyone (translated from Dutch)
Tamindir You will not be able to buy the Wikipedia Paid Membership System (translated from Turkish)
sentieriselvaggi.it Wikipedia's payday: Wikimedia Enterprise is born (translated from Italian)
Tweakers Wikimedia foundation starts a company that delivers content to tech companies for money (translated from Dutch)
The Hindu Wikipedia wants big tech to pay for using its content
MediaPost Wikipedia Wants Tech To Pay Up For Content
MSN Wikipedia is set to start charging big businesses for its encylopedia data
Game Stanza Wikipedia is about to Charge Google, Amazon, and Apple for using its content! : Technology
Heidi.news Wikipedia wants to bring GAFA to the cashier (translated from French)
Hebergement Webs Wikipedia is preparing accounts for large companies for its encyclopedia data (translated from Lithuanian)
Abondance Wikimedia Enterprise: Wikipedia wants to charge the big guys on the Web to use its data (translated from French)
Xataka What is Wikimedia Enterprise and how will paid Wikipedia affect businesses (translated from Spanish)
The Friday Checkout Story 3: Wikipedia getting paid (via YouTube)
Business Insider Apple, Amazon, and Google don't pay to integrate Wikipedia articles into their search products. The non-profit now hopes to use contracts with Big Tech to help fund 'knowledge equity' around the world.
La Stampa Are the tech greats willing to pay to use Wikipedia? (translated from Italian)
China Press Wikipedia will charge a fee! (translated from Simplified Chinese)
TecnoAndroid Wikipedia: Apple, Amazon and Google will have to pay for the internal explanatory links (translated from Italian)
CTWANT Don't even think about earning so much. Wikipedia will charge the tech giants for free (translated from Traditional Chinese)
BitPort A really weird pairing: comes the enterprise Wikipedia (translated from Hungarian)
Business Insider South Africa Apple, Amazon, and Google use Wikipedia for free – but new enterprise contracts may change that
El Mundo (Pixel) Wikipedia is paid: this is all you need to know (translated from Spanish)
Libre Mercado Wikipedia wants to charge Google, Facebook or Amazon for a new service (translated from Spanish)
genk.vn Wikipedia will ask the tech giants to stop using their platforms (translated from Vietnamese)
itZone Wikipedia will ask the tech giants to stop using their platforms
Corriere della Sera Wikipedia launches Enterprise: Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook now have to pay for its content (translated from Italian)
kumparanTech Wikipedia Will Have Premium Version, Comotous Content is Charged (translated from Indonesian)
iDrop News Time to Pay? Wikipedia Is Looking for Cash from Google, Amazon, and Apple
Connect! Wikipedia charges for its services. But it will remain free for ordinary users (translated from Czech)
marketingprzykawie.pl Wikipedia is launching a paid service for big tech (translated from Polish)
El Comercio Wikipedia announces its first paid version on the internet (translated from Spanish)
PYMNTS Big Tech Compliance Tracker: Apple Ordered To Pay $308.5 Million Over Patent Infringement; Multiple US States Join Texas-Led Antitrust Suit Against Google
ComputerWorld Wikipedia on the way with new payment service: Want the tech giants to cough up (translated from Danish)
Tokar.ua Wikipedia will be paid for by IT giants (translated from Ukrainian)
ZDNet France Wikimedia Foundation wants to sell tech giants improved access to Wikipedia data (translated from French)
HICOMM Paid Wikipedia platform launched for technology giants (translated from Bulgarian)
iPro Up Wikipedia launches its paid version aimed at companies (translated from Spanish)
Agencja Informacyjna Wikipedia is commercializing (translated from Polish)
Medianama Wikimedia Introduces Paid Version Of Wikipedia For Big Tech
tyinternety Wikipedia wants Google, Amazon and Apple to pay for using its content (translated from Czech)
Breitbart Wikipedia Seeks to Tighten Its Relationship with Big Tech
Nezavisne novine Wikimedia is launching a paid service for large companies (translated from Bosnian)
Pravda Wikipedia will charge encyclopedia access fees from large companies (translated from Slovak)
it resenja Wikimedia is launching a paid service for large companies (translated from Bosnian)
Geek.hr Wikimedia will launch a paid service for large technology companies (translated from Croatian)
Digital de León Wikipedia will be paid, we tell you everything (translated from Spanish)
Business Insider Italia Apple, Amazon and Google take advantage of Wikipedia for free. But with the new business contracts, things could change (translated from Italian)
Compromiso Atresmedia Wikipedia will have a paid service (although you will never use it) (translated from Spanish)
31Mag Wikimedia will no longer be free for Internet giants (translated from Italian)
SDP Noticias Wikipedia would charge Google and Amazon for using your information (translated from Spanish)
65 y Más Wikipedia Enterprise: the new paid version for companies (translated from Spanish)
GizLogic Wikipedia Enterprise, the paid version for companies confirmed (translated from Spanish)
denik.cz Wikipedia no longer wants to be free, it wants to make money. Siri and Alexa will pay (translated from Czech)
Commercial launch - October 2021

Wikimedia Foundation Press release

Of particular note:

MacObserver New Wikimedia Enterprise API Enables Public Data Access
Programmable Web Daily API Roundup: Wikimedia, APM Terminals. Hot Stokes, Postnick
The Information Wikimedia Foundation Asks Big Tech To Pay For Trove of Data
Golem Wikipedia gets a commercial offer (Translated from German)
Linux-Magazin.de Wikimedia Enterprise has a commercial offer (Translated from German)
First customers - June 2022

Press Release
note: media stories listed below are written and published independently and were neither pre-reviewed nor approved by the WMF

Of particular note:

Tech News Wikipedia for-profit platform launches, with Google as its first customers
Chrome Unboxed Google partners with Wikimedia Foundation to leverage its information in Search
Media Post Google To Pay Wikipedia For Content In Search, Knowledge Panel
Business Recorder Google agrees to pay for beefed-up Wikipedia service
CNBC TV 18 This week in Tech: Telegram’s premium service, Google to partner with Wikipedia, and more about Nothing Phone
Lao Dong Google becomes the first customer of Wikimedia Enterprise
The Times of India Google paying Wikimedia Foundation to access its content more efficiently
Domain B Google agrees to pay for Wikipedia content
PC Guia Google will pay for content to Wikipedia
India Today Google to work with Wikimedia Enterprise to access and use Wikipedia content
My Navi News Google et al. Became the first customer of "Wikimedia Enterprise" to acquire 100 million pages of content via API
The News International Google agrees to pay for beefed-up Wikipedia service
Siasat Daily, The Google paying Wikimedia Foundation to access its content more efficiently
ZD Net Wikimedia Enterprise announces its first customer: Google
Metro Libre Internet Archive and Google, first clients of Wikimedia Enterprise
California 18 Google will pay Wikipedia for the use of its content on its search engine
Siecle Digital Google and Internet Archives are the first customers of Wikimedia Enterprise
Le Courrier Google becomes a Wikipedia customer
Sempre Update Google starts paying the Wikimedia Foundation, Wikipedia administrator
Business Insider Netherlands In addition to news media, Google will now also pay Wikipedia for sharing information
Economic Times Google paying Wikimedia Foundation to access its content more efficiently
Europa Press Internet Archive y Google, primeros clientes de Wikimedia Enterprise
La Nacion Internet Archive and Google, the first Wikimedia Enterprise customers
Business Insider India Google becomes one of the first companies to pay Wikimedia - the group behind Wikipedia
WION Search giant Google ready to pay for enhanced Wikipedia services
New India Express Google agrees to pay for ramped-up Wikipedia service
Tweakers Internet Archive gets free access to commercial Wikimedia Enterprise API
CN Beta Wikimedia Enterprise announces Google and the Internet Archive as its first customers
Gigazine The Wikimedia Foundation officially released the paid API service "Wikimedia Enterprise", and the first customers are Google and Internet Archive.
Radio Canada Google becomes one of the first customers of Wikimedia, the foundation behind Wikipedia
Le Numeriques Google will pay to have better access to Wikipedia
Exame Google agrees to pay for Wikipedia content
Lesoir Google becomes a Wikipedia customer
Madison Leader Gazzette, The Google is paying the Wikimedia Foundation for better access to information
wwwhatsnew Estos son los primeros clientes de Wikimedia Enterprise: Google y Internet Archive
Golem De Google pays for use of Wikipedia content
Bolly Inside To improve access to information, Google is funding the Wikimedia Foundation
Voonze These are the first clients of Wikimedia Enterprise: Google and Internet Archive
Next Impact Wikimedia Enterprise announces its first two customers: Google and Internet Archive
Diario De Penambuco Google agrees to pay for Wikipedia content
Olhardigital Google partners with the company responsible for Wikipedia
3d News The first clients of Wikimedia Enterprise were Google and Internet Archive
Nieuws Google will pay for information from Wikipedia
Estado de Minas Google agrees to pay for Wikipedia content
Le Figaro Google will pay for information from Wikipedia
France 24 Google becomes a Wikipedia customer
Heise Online Wikipedia finds celebrity buyers for access to free info
Excelsior Google makes a deal with Wikipedia, they will pay for content
RFI Google agrees to pay for Wikipedia content
CNBC TV 18 Google will now pay Wikimedia for improved access to information
ENCA Google agrees to pay for Wikipedia content
El Universal Google becomes a Wikipedia client
NDTV Gadgets Google Agrees to Pay for Wikipedia Content Displayed on Search Engine
Tech Crunch Google and the Internet Archive are the first customers to pay for commercial access to Wikipedia content

Véase también

  • API:Página principal - el listado central de todas las APIs de Wikimedia.
  • Wikitech: Portal de servicios de datos - Una lista de servicios orientados a la comunidad que permiten el acceso directo a las bases de datos y a los volcados, así como interfaces web para la consulta y el acceso programático a los almacenes de datos.
  • Enterprise hub - una página para aquellos interesados en utilizar el software MediaWiki en contextos corporativos:
    • MediaWiki Stakeholders group - una organización afiliada independiente que defiende las necesidades de los usuarios de MediaWiki fuera de la Fundación Wikimedia, incluyendo las empresas comerciales.
    • Enterprise MediaWiki Conference - una serie de conferencias independientes para esa comunidad.