Wikimedia Diversity Conference 2013/Social Programme/Monday
Whatever you want
[edit]- general information
- Who offers this tour?: Martin Rulsch (DerHexer), born and living in Berlin
- How can I reach you?: I will contact you in advance via wikimail to give you further information, but you can also contact me by martin.rulsch
- When will we meet?: 10:00 am
- Where will we split?: en:Potsdamer Platz
- When will we split?: later than 6:00 pm for dinner (certainly, we can eat together!)
- How do I go back to my hotel?: by U2
- How much do I have to pay?: depends on the tour, at maximum 25.— € for entrance fees, excluding local transport (up to 6.70 € for a day ticket)
- Choose your tour: Martin offers different tours that can be chosen by you; majority wins. ;o)
- Tour 1 – Potsdam
- Tour 2 – Spandau and Charlottenburg
- Tour 3 – Marzahn
- Tour 4 – Museums
- Tour 5 – Museum Island
- Tour 6 – Main sights in the inner-city
- Tour 1 – Potsdam
See en:Potsdam.
- en:Stadtschloss, Potsdam
- en:Dutch Quarter
- en:Cecilienhof
- en:Belvedere auf dem Pfingstberg
- de:Russische Kolonie Alexandrowka (Russian colony)
- en:Sanssouci Park (with en:Sanssouci, en:New Palace (Potsdam) and further palaces; 8.—/5.— € [maybe some extra fees for some palaces])
- possible visit: de:Filmmuseum Potsdam
- Tour 2 – Spandau and Charlottenburg
- en:Spandau Citadel/en:Spandau Prison (4.50/2.50 € link)
- en:Rathaus Spandau
- en:Charlottenburg Palace (open til 5 pm; 12.—/8.— € up to 19.—/14.— € link)
- en:RAF Gatow with en:Luftwaffenmuseum der Bundeswehr (only open til 4 pm; entrance free)
- en:Ferry transport in Berlin over the en:Großer Wannsee (regular bus ticket)
- en:Wannsee Conference House and en:Liebermann villa (if time is left we can pass these houses; first one is entrance free and closes at 6 pm)
- Tour 3 – Marzahn
See en:Marzahn, it's my neighborhood. ;o)
- starting at de:Bahnhof Berlin-Marzahn, visiting Berlin's fifth largest shopping centre, Marzahn's mall and leisure centre
- by train to Berlin's largest tramway depot, second largest housing area, the de:Wuhle
- en:Erholungspark Marzahn (4.00/1.50 € link; will take about two hours)
- walking to the old village Alt-Marzahn, Marzahn's post mill
- walking through high-rise buildings to Springpfuhl (a pool)
- en:Die Pyramide
- Tour 4 – Museums
Berlin has a lot of interesting museums besides the Museum Island (Tour 5). Recommendations:
- en:German Museum of Technology (will take at least four hours; open til 5:30 pm; 6.00/3.50 € link)
- de:Museum für Kommunikation Berlin (Museum for Communication Berlin; maybe two hours, open til 8 pm; 4.—/2.— € link)
- en:Jewish Museum Berlin (will take at least seven [!] hours = the whole day; open til 6 pm; 7.—/3.50 € link)
- en:Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin
- en:Berlin Musical Instrument Museum
- en:Checkpoint Charlie Museum
- see the list: en:List of museums and galleries in Berlin
- Tour 5 – Museum Island
- en:Angela Merkel's residence ;o)
- en:Lustgarten
- en:Pergamon Museum (with en:Pergamon Altar, en:Market Gate of Miletus, en:Ishtar Gate, en:Mshatta facade, etc.)
- or en:Altes Museum (with the en:Antikensammlung Berlin, en:Duenos Inscription, en:Severan Tondo, etc.)
- or en:Neues Museum (with the en:Egyptian Museum of Berlin including the en:Nefertiti Bust, the en:Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte (Berlin) including en:Priam's Treasure, etc.)
We will have dinner meanwhile at Berlin Friedrichstraße station because these exhibitions will take a lot of time (we could stay there the whole day!). Entrance fee for all museums on en:Museum Island (UNESCO World Heritage) is 18.— €, discounted admission 9.— € (students and others) — do not forget evidence!
Afterwards we can visit (please choose):
- en:Bode Museum and/or en:Alte Nationalgalerie (included in the entrance fee) and/or en:Berlin Cathedral at Museum Island (depends on our remaining time)
- en:Deutsches Historisches Museum (five minutes to go from Museum Island); 8.— €, discounted admission 4.– € (students and others)
- en:Museum für Naturkunde (the largest mounted dinosaur skeleton in the world, "Berlin Specimen" of Archaeopteryx lithographica, etc.); 6.- €, discounted admission 3.50 € (students and others) — going through en:Oranienburger Straße, passing en:New Synagogue (Berlin) (free entrance)
- Tour 6 – Main sights in the inner-city
See Wikimedia Diversity Conference 2013/Social Programme/Friday. Probably some minor changes.
- participants
Please add which tour you prefer.
- —DerHexer (Talk) 21:02, 22 October 2013 (UTC) (No preference.)
- John Andersson (WMSE) (talk) 08:11, 4 November 2013 (UTC) I would love "Tour 6 – Main sights in the inner-city" as this is my first time in Berlin. I was hoping to squeeze in a meeting with the WMDE staff and visit their office in the morning (perhaps I could join an hour later or so if needed?). John Andersson (WMSE) (talk) 10:06, 5 November 2013 (UTC)