Wikimedia Deutschland/Jahresplanung 2017/Kompass/en
Annual Compass 2017 » Focal points and fields of action for 2017 |
Annual Plan 2017 » Goals and objectives for the compass and financial plan 2017 |
This page shows the translated version of Wikimedia Deutschland's Annual Compass 2017 which has been resolved by our Supervisory Board. The two participatory phases which provided questions and input that helped shape this Compass can be found under Auftaktveranstaltung and Partizipationsphase (in German).
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Annual Compass 2017
The WMDE 2017 Annual Plan was developed with extensive community participation, described at length below under 4. The plan awaits final approval by the WMDE members’ assembly in November 2016. The WMDE 2017 Annual Compass, developed by the board, is the basis for the Annual Plan. It identifies five focal points across three fields of action.

● 1) Attract and retain new volunteers for Wikimedia projects
WMDE would like to increase the number of people who are actively engaged in Wikipedia for the long-term, in order to sustainably assure openness, diversity and quality of the project. In 2017, building on the analysis and first approaches developed in 2016, we gain new volunteers for Wikipedia and support their continued engagement. We take advantage of the reach of Wikipedia to encourage its thousands of daily readers to become actively engaged.
● 2) Support volunteers in Wikimedia projects
Volunteers engaged in free knowledge continue to be significantly supported in 2017 – logistically, financially and technically. The long-term viability and quality of Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects is assured through volunteers that are effectively supported. Applications for support continue to receive a quick turnaround, and the support provided meets high expectations for satisfaction. Non-German speaking users are increasingly integrated and their projects supported. Finally, based on the 2016 analyses and successes, volunteers are empowered through strong, vital local and regional hubs.
● 3) Expand Wikidata and further develop MediaWiki
WMDE continues to develop Wikidata as the central data backbone of Wikimedia projects. We extend the reach of Wikidata into the Wikimedia projects and beyond. In 2017, we will assure the sustained improvement of Wikibase and its interfaces, as well as technological innovation and further development of features. (These basic activities are ensured through funding from the Wikimedia Foundation. Development of new features beyond the base maintenance are possible given additional movement or external funds.) Technical maintenance is paired with non-technical activities, such as supporting and empowering our community, assuring data quality and building data partnerships with innovative institutions.
Further, it is WMDE’s responsibility, jointly with the Wikimedia communities and the Wikimedia Foundation, to maintain and develop MediaWiki. For this purpose, we set aside resources and capacity, so we can appropriately react to technical challenges, in a timely manner address technical wishes of the German and the international communities, and take advantage of opportunities for collaboration and innovation.
● 4) Strengthen legal and political conditions for free knowledge
WMDE strives to improve the political and legal conditions for free knowledge at the regional, national and EU levels. This is in tune with the mission of the organization to work towards equity in access to knowledge and education, and to do this in collaboration with our communities. In 2017 we work to impact policy, among others, on Open Educational Resources, Open Access/Science and Freedom of Panorama in Europe.
● 5) Together with communities, liberate content through cooperation with institutions
In order to liberate the largest possible amount of content to benefit the Wikimedia projects, WMDE and its communities jointly cooperate with institutions such as departments of education, research institutes, galleries, libraries, archives and museums. Using new and proven formats, WMDE supports institutions in their efforts to make content open and available, and communities in their efforts to re-use the content for the projects.