Wikimedia Conference 2017/Program/35
35: Building strategic processes within the movement
[edit]How to move forward
session group
- What was this session about?
This session was about how create basic strategic goals for a group/organization, using the SWOT analysis as a basic framework. Several groups used the fictitious example of “Wikimedia Antarctica” to apply these methods.
- What are the next steps to be taken?
There are no next steps planned.
- Slides

- Photos
- Audience
- Staff and volunteers involved in the strategic planning process of an affiliate
- Session Format
- Workshop
- Length
- 60 minutes
- Description
The hands-on session will focus on learning what strategic processes within the movement can look like and how steps can be taken to create or improve the strategic planning process of an affiliate by working with strategic tools.
- Desired Outcome
The attendees are capable of implementing a basic strategic plan within the affiliate they work at, while also sharing their experiences of implementing those processes with a wider audience.
- Next Steps and Milestones
- Ideally the attendees will use the knowledge learned at this workshop to implement strategic processes back home - although definitely not part of that process, the speakers will stay in contact with the participants and offer their feedback during the year if needed.
- Speakers
- Philip Kopetzky, Mattias Blomgren
- Documentation
There is no transcript of the session itself, however the slides are pretty self-explainable and useful for re-reading the methods applied in the workshop session. Below, you can find the results of the group work.
Group 1
- Strengths
- Penguins are cool → easily attract new users.
- Positive international reputation
- Very dedicated community
- Weaknesses
- Penguins can’t fly → Less international exchanges
- NPOV: cannot get neutral coverage of polar bears
- Keyboards don’t support penguin input methods
- Difficult integration (no English, bad candies)
- Opportunities
- More users swim to Antarctica → more exchanges
- Better input method for penguin input method → boost number of users
- Editing while babysitting → lots of time
- Threats
- Global warming
- Local conflicts with polar bears
- Regional political conflicts
- Poor internet infrastructure
Strategic goals
- Improving technology for better input method
- Building infrastructure (internet, Wikipedia Zero)
- Facilitate integration (English/Penguin content translation)
- Double community size
Group 2
- Strengths
- Budget available
- Special area
- Weaknesses
- Reports (they have to write them)
- Language
- Location area
- Opportunities
- Exclusivity
- Very detailed knowledge
- Increase communication through internet
- Threats
- Weather / Climate conditions
- Not good relationship with polar bears (they could take exclusivity)
Strategic Goals
- N/A
Group 3
- Strengths
- Strong community
- Adorable
- Can focus on a goal
- Can swim
- 50k USD / years
- Weaknesses
- Reports
- Can’t fly
- Working with other animals
- Distant from other Wikimedia affiliates
- Opportunities
- Inviting scientists
- Can engage new members
- Media exposure
- Threats
- Seals
- Global warming
- Mining
- Polar bears
- Less food available → more fighting → events more expensive
Strategic Goals
- Foremost source of knowledge in Antarctica
- Partner with scientists to write reports
- More science articles in Penguin language
- More content on seals, mining, global warming, polar bears
Group 4
- Strengths
- United community
- Everyone is close to each other
- Basic common goal (stay warm)
- Super cute → sympathy
- Small language group → identity boost
- Weaknesses
- Geographically isolated
- Lack of infrastructure
- Bad housekeeping?
- Budget discipline?
- Narrow interests
- Small language group → language barriers
- Opportunities
- Media focus because of Global Warming
- Threats
- Global warming
- Territory melting
- Polar bears!
Strategic Goals
- Find others with the same interest
- Raise awareness of the eco/environmental movement
- Free knowledge about polar bear defense
- Get content translation to Penguin language
Group 5
- Strengths
- Polar bears are far away → no fear
- More harsh nature resistant (can work during harsh winter time)
- Weaknesses
- Don’t like to write reports
- Don’t have ten fingers for typing
- Only audio articles
- Opportunities
- Help humans for broader geographical outreach
- Help humans to understand their language
- Threats
- Global warming
- Human interference
- Ice breaker ships
- Internet connection
- Small language community
Strategic goals
- Help humans to understand penguins better
- Gather more knowledge about fish and Antarctica
- …
Group 6
- Population of penguin is big
- Native to continent → unique understanding of opportunities
- Strong sense of community
- Already a chapter
- Huge knowledge about fishing
- Weaknesses
- One chapter cannot cover all of the continent
- Dislike of reports
- Language barrier → hard to learn from or engage with global movement
- Opportunities
- Climate change → new land
- As Antarctica already is an “international zone” → access to international partners
- International interest in Antarctica
- Threats
- Climate change → no snow
- Dislike of reporting → might be hard to get money
Strategic goals
- Making most comprehensive knowledge base on fish
- Work with international fish organizations to create a Penguin Wikimedia in Residence to liberate accurate fish information