Wikimedia Conference 2012/Documentation/Day 2/Coordinating-projects
- dropbox can be used
- open source software
- best practices for chapters? what to use for e-mail, websites, organize members? every chapter needs infrastructure for e-mail etc.
- maintaining servers or using external services
- some chapters write blogs
- netherlands have lists server - needs to be maintained, much work
- what to use for filesharing? googledocs, dropbox, commons
- ethical questions: do we want to use cloud computing? do we want to use google?
- what if the companies that we use go bankrupt? all the data could be gone for good.
- not much experience from chapters available: chapters could write down short experiences on meta so that other chapters can benefit from it
- nothing wrong with paying for software if it solves the problem, but preferably open source
- time-tracking is important (e.g. achievo) when you have paid staff
- event management: make it easy for people to register, mailing lists etc. (amiando was used for wmcon)
- survey systems: make a form in googledocs and transform it into a table or use limesurvey
TGR notes
[edit]- lack of communication /coordination between chapters
- multiple toolservers
- multiple (parallel?) efforts to customize civicrm
- software experiences, best practices? (OSS?)
- email infrastructure (mailing lists, mass mailing)
- mailman
- google groups
- homepage infrastructure
- blog infrastructure
- wordpress
- wikimedia-themed skins (wordpress etc)
- file sharing / backup
- dropbox
- project management / time tracking
- achievo
- event registration
- civicrm
- amiendo
- eventbrite
- survey
- google docs
- limesurvey
- WMF system?
- ...
- email infrastructure (mailing lists, mass mailing)
- survey for chapters to collect used / tested software, experiences, suggestions
- consolidate into best practices document
- chapters could offer centralized services
main points
[edit]- chapters should document things they research, identify the open source software
- survey for every chapter to find out what they used for which problem
- share experiences with other chapters
- create a page on meta with different software needs and ask chapters for input/past experiences
Started at to make a plan