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Wikimedia Community User Group Wales/Minutes March 2018 - en

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Welsh version of these minutes are available here ->

Wikimedia Community User Group Wales, 27 March 2018


Venue: Education Room, National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 3BU Time: 11:00-16:00


Apology accepted from:



Everyone were welcomed to this, the first meeting of the new Community User Group, being also the first Welsh entity to be recognised by the Wikimedia Foundation. It was announced that the Welsh Wikipedia (Wicipedia Cymraeg) had just reached the important milestone of 100,000 articles on that very day and that a celebration would follow the meeting.



A summary was given of the discussions and process leading to the formation of the Group.

The Group's Objectives


The Group's Objectives were dicussed (as outlined on the page on Meta), and several comments were made. These will be listed and discussed at the next meeting.

Relevant Group Activities


Every member of the meeting was encouraged to share their thoughts in informal presenations of not more than 5 minutes each, based on activities, project or future ideas. Discussions followed and included:

  • Wici-Môn
  • Wici-Caerdydd
  • Wici-Iechyd (NLW)
  • Europeana Impact Playbook Case Study (NLW)
  • The potential of Wikidata, machine translation, the Internet of Things
  • The Welsh Language
  • Mentrau Iaith Cymru (Language Groups) ; targets on editing Wicipedia are being developed by each Menter (Venture)
  • the Celtic Knot Conference, 2018

Agweddau ymarferol


The following were agreed:

  • Language: the language of the meetings will be Welsh, and most of our work, activities and projects will will be through the medium of Welsh.
  • Membership: contributors to Wikimedia projects who also contribute to in achieving the Group's Outcomes will be welcome. Invitation to meetings will be sent by email to past members (including those who have appologised). The meetings will also be announced in the Wicipedia Cymraeg community area (the 'Caffi'). Group members can also suggest names of individuals or bodies, societies and institutions for inclusion on the email list.

It was agreed that a more formal decission making process be agreed at the next meeting.

  • Chair: Dr Dafydd Tudur to continue as Chair.
  • Meetings to be held during weekdays, rather than weekends, for the time being. The next meeting to be held at the National Eisteddfod (first week of August at Cardiff), which needs to be more open as it's recognised by most as being held during a holiday period. Evening meetings were ruled out.
  • Venue: to be held 3 times a year in the north, south and mid-Wales. One of those will be the National Eisteddfod (which moves around each year). A reception was also discussed this year, posibly at the Coleg Cymraeg or one of the universities units. This year: Cardiff; next year: Llanrwst.
  • Communication: meetings arranged and confirmed through email and Slack which be used to coordinate activities between meetings.
  • Community User Group Logo: Examples of current logos used by other Community Groups were discussed. https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_user_groups Use of the Welsh Dragon was encoraged, rather than a map of Wales. The logo needs to be acceptable to Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Agenda: Through invitation to individuals/groups, who will suggest Agenda headings for discussions at the meetings. The Agenda will also include international activities which may be of interest to members (eg Women in Red, #1lib1ref) so that we can identify and encourage Welsh participation (through both languages).

Any other business

  • #Wici365: It was discussed an initial pilot project whereby an editor commits to creating one new article every day. The #Wici365 hash was agreed to raise awareness on social media.
  • Y Cymro (newspaper): the Group was invited by it's editor (present at the meeting) to contribute articles on Wicipedia Cymraeg, and that space would be set aside.

Next meeting


Next meeting to be held at the Eisteddfod Genedlaethol (National Eisteddfod) at Caerdydd 2018.
