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Wikimedia Community User Group Uganda/WMUGU AGM 2022

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

The Annual General Meeting is an organ of the Wikimedia Community User Group Uganda and will be hosted as an in-person event this year.

The meeting is held once a year and its purpose is :

  1. To receive the report of the Board Directors regarding the activities of the past year;
  2. To review and evaluate the past activities of the Organization;
  3. To pass any amendments to the constitution ;
  4. To accept and dismiss members of the organization ;
  5. To elect or dissolve members of the Board of Directors at the expiry of designated terms of office;
  6. To deal with such other business as may be deemed necessary ;

Date and Venue


The AGM will be held between 28th - 30th October at :

Venue : Emperor Hotel, Nalya

Time : 9am - 4pm


Time Activity Responsible Associated links
Friday 28th October
1300 - 2200 WMUGU Board Internal discussion(s) WMUGU Board of Directors
Saturday 29th October
0830 - 1000 Arrivals, registration & breakfast WMUGU
1000 - 1010 Introduction & opening remarks Drake Tamale / Faith Kwera
1010 - 1030 Consideration of the 2021 AGM minutes, matters arising & ratification
Presentation of the user group's 2021 - Present activity  report including but not limited to
  • Administration and statutory compliance
  • Finances
  • Human Resource
Alice Kibombo
1130 - 1245 Presentation of the audited accounts for FY 2021 THOOKELL CPA (U)
1245 - 1300 Group photo & interaction Attendees
1400 - 1615 WMUGU in 2021 to present : Project Lead reports
  • Education
  • Content & diversity
  • GLAM
WMUGU project leads
WMUGU in 2023 : SaPG 2023 in review and projections Attendees
1615 - 1630 Report/update on user group strategy process Nurudeen Hamidu Online
Conclusion & farewell
Sunday 30th October
0900 - 1300 Board internal discussion(s) and resolutions WMUGU Board of Directors

Minutes of the meeting


Please follow this link to access the minutes of this meeting.

