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Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia/Reports/Malaysia-Thailand meetup 1

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Students listening to Wikipedia talk at Thaksin University

Malaysia-Thailand meetup 1 was an introductory talk on Wikipedia and the Wikimedia movement as part of an international study tour by Sabah Student Union (PERSIS) of University of Science, Malaysia (USM) to Thaksin University (TSU). It was held at Faculty of Fine Arts, TSU in 5 September 2019. This is a collaboration between Wikimedia Thailand and Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia (WCUGMY).



User:Tofeiku as a member of both WCUGMY and one of the vice project directors for the international study tour has suggested to include a talk on Wikipedia as part of the itinerary of the study tour. He approached Wikimedia Thailand via Athikhun Suwannakhan, member board of Wikimedia Thailand, to give the talk for both PERSIS USM students and TSU students.

Report summary


This report gives detail on the Wikipedia talk at TSU.


I am really grateful that we successfully organised the talk for both universities students as part of the international study tour. The advisor of PERSIS USM, Andy Siti, greenlights the talk and glad that the students could learn something from the trip.

Programme process


I (User:Tofeiku) suggested to hold a talk on Wikipedia as part of the 1st annual international study tour organised by PERSIS USM since I am one of the vice project director. I asked my advisor, Andy Siti, about the talk and she was glad to have this talk as part of the tour. Then, I approached Wikimedia Thailand via Athikhun Suwannakhan to give the talk for both students of the two universities. He was happy to give the talk and come all the way to the southern part of Thailand for this collaborative meetup. Initially, we wanted to organise a workshop instead to do a hands-on edit with the students. However, there was a problem in contacting with TSU to organise the TSU tour as a whole faced by PERSIS USM. TSU did not give fast response to PERSIS USM for the event since a computer room is needed for the workshop. Approaching the day for the international study tour, TSU gave confirmation that PERSIS USM will be able to meet them as part of the tour. However, they only allocate an hour for the workshop. Athikhun has already preapared early for the workshop and due to the change, he had to do some changes on the activities. There was no problem on PERSIS USM and WCUGMY with Wikimedia Thailand side.


  • Contact well the university for the event.
  • Allocate more time for the talk/workshop.
  • More collaborative programme with the country's Wikimedia for the study tour.



All of the programme details are available in the main en:Wikipedia:Meetup/Malaysia-Thailand 1 page.

Session Notes
Welcoming ceremony Deputy dean of Faculty of Fine Arts delivered a welcoming speech to PERSIS USM participants and Wikimedia Thailand for visiting Thaksin University.
Cultural performance from USM and TSU Both universities performed a traditional dance native to their country. Sumazau from Sabah, Malaysia and Arayan from Thailand. Participants took photo of the performances. After that, both sides exchange their dance and perform it.
Wikipedia Workshop Athikhun with the help from Taufik conducted the talk. Instead of hands-on editing, a demonstration took place instead.
  • Introduction to Wikipedia and Wikimedia movement
  • Wikipedia Five Pillars
  • Editing Wikipedia article demonstration
  • Uploading pictures of the dance performance to Wikimedia Commons
  • Q&A
Souvenir ceremony PERSIS USM presented a token of appreciation to both TSU and Wikimedia Thailand for having them in the international study tour. Photo session followed.
Campus tour Lead by the students of TSU and explanation helped by Athikhun as translator.


  • Thaksin University article was updated by updating the chancellor of the university.
  • Pictures of both dances were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.
  • Since, there was no illustration of Sumazau in the English Wikipedia article en:Sumazau, Athikhun added the photo uploaded in front of the students.
  • Many questions were asked about Wikipedia and the movement.
  • For next year international study tour, hoping a Wikipedia session would be there.

Minor impressions

  • Both sides do not know well about Wikipedia and the movement.
  • Students are well engaged and have a lot of questions about it.