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Wikimedia Chapters Association/Research/Survey 1/US-DC

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki


  • Name of the Chapter: Wikimedia District of Columbia
  • Date of legal foundation: 2011-05-06
  • Wikiprojects and languages of your primary interest: No officially designated projects or languages of interest. Most of our activity benefits English Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons.


Year Number of Members (incl. institutional) No. of Institutional Members Inflow of Members Outflow of Members Annual Member Fee Notes
2011 35 N/A 35 0 $10 2011 was a partial year, beginning May 6, 2011 and ending September 30, 2011
2012 57 N/A ? ? $10 / $5 for half-year membership
Now 57 N/A ? ? $10


  • If applicable, please provide a number of members for the end of the year, e.g. 2012-12-31. If you do not have this data, please put some firm data with the date.
  • Institutional Members - members of your Chapter which are not physical persons but organizations (NGOs, companies etc.), wherever they are a supporting or a full rights member. If your Chapter does not allow such members, please put N/A (Not Applicable).
  • Inflow of Members - number of new members admitted during the year. Outflow of Members - number of Members quiting or removed from your Chapter.
  • Annual Member Fee - a payment per year for the membership. If your Chapter does not enforce fees, please give N/A. If your Chapter imposes a fee (it removes non-paying members) but the amount paid is up to members, please give a minimum obligatory amount (e.g. 0.01). Please note which currency you are using.
  • In the last line, please give the most current data.


Year Number of active Board Members Number of staff at the end of the period Total number of unique staff members in the year Notes
2011 7 0 0
2012 7 0 5 One program coordination intern, June–September 2012, plus four additional contractors hired for Wikimania 2012
Now 7 0 0


  • If applicable, please provide a number of Board Members for the end of the year, e.g. 2012-12-31. If you do not have this data, please put some firm data with the date.
  • Please consider as staff full-time employed, part-time employed and temporary/hired for a task contractors
  • Number of staff in the end of a year (eg. 2012-12-31) can be smaller than a total number of staff in the year if a temporary contract is finished, a staff member quits etc.

Term of office

  • How long is a single term of your Board and President? (e.g. President and Board Members are elected for two years).
Answer: Board members serve two-year terms. The president serves a one-year term.


  • Did your chapter provide one or more of its Board Members with external training(s)? If yes, what was it? (e.g.: training in project management, workshops in grants evaluation or grants writing etc.)
Answer: No
  • Did your chapter provide one or more of its staff (regular and contractors) with external training(s)? If yes, what was it? (e.g.: training in project management, workshops in grants evaluation or grants writing etc.)
Answer: No



Wikimania Scholarships


Did your chapter offer scholarship(s) to attend recent Wikimanias? Please answer Yes or No.

Answer: No

If your chapter offered additional scholarships for participant from other countries, please mention it in Notes

Year Scholarship(s) (Y/N) Notes
2010 Gdańsk
2011 Haifa
2012 Washington
2013 Hongkong

Conferences / Symposia


We are interested in local conferences/symposia/assemblies/events organized by local Chapters.

Did your chapter hold one or more conference or symposium organized by themselves? Was one of them at least two-days long? Please answer Yes or No.

Year Conference? (Y/N) 2+ Days Long? (Y/N) Notes
2011 N
2012 Y Y Wikimania 2012, July 10–15, 2012, at The George Washington University. 1,400 attendees.
2013 Y Y GLAM Boot Camp, April 26–28, 2013, at the U.S. National Archives. 17 attendees, 12 of which were recruited from throughout the United States and Canada.



Incomes vs. Expenses

Year Total Income Total Expenses Notes
2011 $5,546.01 $415.79
2012 $577,172.75 $566,853.87 Wikimania 2012 was responsible for 96% of revenue and 97% of expenses in this fiscal year.

Sources of Income

Year Member Fees Donations WMF Grants Other Incomes Notes
2011 $350.88 $0 $5,195.13 $0
2012 $205.00 $90.00 $22,070.00 $554,807.75 Miscellaneous income includes Wikimania 2012 registration and hotel bookings as well as event sponsorships.


  • In donations please include all the donations from members and non-members, excluding member fees and grants provided by Wikimedia Foundation


Year Did the Chapter have an office? Total office costs (excl. staff) Total staff expenses Notes
2011 No
2012 Yes $2,982.06 $67,030.00 Program coordination intern, June–September, 2012, plus Wikimania 2012 contractors.
Now Yes $825.00 $0.00 Reflects costs year-to-date.


  • As the office costs please include costs of rental, hardware&software, postal services etc. but please exclude staff costs.
  • Please consider as staff full-time employed, part-time employed and temporary/hired for a task contractors
