Wikimedia CH/Newsletter/062016/en
Please find Wikimedia CH's newsletter for the month of June.
If you wish to share an event or activity through this newsletter, please feel free to send us a message at
Happy reading!
[edit]Creative workshop: Save the date for July 9th
Wikimedia CH is organizing a community workshop on Saturday the 9th July in Olten at the University of Applied Sciences & Art Northwestern Switzerland from 10:30 am to 4 pm.
The purpose of this event is for the Wikimedia community to get together and collaboratively shape the outlook of the association WMCH for the upcoming years whilst staying within the framework set by the Wikimedia Foundation and the vision of the WMCH Board and staff.
If you have ideas and projects you wish to share with us, this is a great opportunity help build your local chapter.
You may find all the details pertaining to the event and it’s registration details through this link.
Handing over the presidential duties

On Monday, May 30, Patrick Kenel officially handed over the president's duties to the newly elected board member and president of Wikimedia CH, Dorian Credé. We thank Patrick Kenel again for all his efforts and commitment to Wikimedia CH and the Wikimedia Movement. At the same time we wish Dorian good luck in his new role. For your information, as of the 2nd June, the 2016/2017 board has officially taken its function, please use this page to access the list of the board members.
Vision finding workshop

On April 30, Wikimedia CH's board and staff met in Bern for a vision finding workshop. The outcome of this meeting will partly contribute to the future guide board for our associations activities, it will soon be shared with the community. We will keep you posted!
Wikimedia CH is now a member of Iberocoop
Wikimedia CH has been accepted as a member of Iberocoop, a regional cooperation of chapters speaking a latin language. Wikimedia CH joins two other European chapters, Wikimedia Italy and Wikimedia Spain to the group of Ibero-American chapters.
Youth Hackathon
On the 22nd of May, a total of 39 participants, 10 trainers and several volunteers from Italy and Switzerland met in Esino Lario for the Youth Hackathon organized by Wikimedia CH. Ated4kids and the Wikimania team, took the opportunity to test the internet connection set for Wikimania. The event was a trial to replicate the usual Hackathon done during Wikimania but shifting the focus to a younger audience. During the event the participants from 10 to 18 years old participated in workshops on Scratch, drones, Open Street Map, 3D printers, cryptography and naturally Wikimedia projects. During the afternoon, a treasure hunt was organized based on Open Street Map, with QR codes linked to Wikipedia articles. We are delighted that the parents and the grand-parents joined the workshops on this warm and sunny day. Check out the video.
Let's fill the gender gap project On the 28th June, the "let's fill the gender gap" workshop will be welcoming all of this year's participants and therefore new contributors to attend the last event. The initiative was a great success and produced over 70 new articles in the french speaking wikipedia about women connected to Switzerland. We would like to thank the users Nattes à chat and LaMèreVeille for their dedication to the project as well as the partners on the project the Bureau de l'égalité of the University of Geneva as well as the Emilie Gourd Foundation. Please check the project page for more information. All the community members are welcome to attend the event. Should you wish to participate to this get together, please send an email to natacha.rault[at] so that the catering option may be adapted to the number of guests.
GLAM on Tour in Davos at the Kirchner Museum

Wikipedia User:Lantus is organizing the GLAM on Tour event in Davos. The 3 day event is composed of a visit to the Museum, going through the exhibition "Alles Kirchner! Das Museum als Wunderkammer", visiting other locations which are related to Kirchner, listening to Kirchner-Luminaries and as a matter of course host an edit-a-thon. Seats are limited for 20 people only due to space restrictions. You can get more information regarding the event and subscription process in the german-speaking Wikipedia through this link.
Save the date for the Strauhof Edit-a-thon in Zurich On August 27, the Strauhof in Zurich, Wikimedia CH and a group of artist are hosting an Edit-a-thon with regards to the topic "Anarchy. Facts & Fiction". Save the date! More information will follow.
Do you know about DDS - the Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland?

Sacha Zala was attending the Wikipedia-Atelier on May 21st in the Swiss National Library to introduce the database of Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland as a research tool for Wikipedians. Have a look at and see for yourself how rich and diverse this database is and how these documents can help you to contribute on Wikipedia articles.
Wikimania Esino Lario
Wikimania 2016 is kicking off next! Wikimedia CH is glad to inform you that we were able to provide 16 scholarships to our communities. We're very much looking forward to spending time with the community in Esino Lario. Follow their twitter account @WikimaniaEsino to receive every bit of news.
[edit]Wiki on Rails

On June 1st, the longest railway tunnel in the world opened in Switzerland. This Gotthard Tunnel completes the billions worth AlpTransit, also known as New Railway Link through the Alps. This is the reason why many Swiss heritage institutions, we refer to as GLAMs (an acronym for Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums), in collaboration with the Wikimedian community have organized events on the theme of rail transport. The project "Wiki on Rails 2016" came to life thanks to the assessment that there are many railfans in the Wikimedia community. Ten well-known Swiss institutions are participating to the initiative: the Alfred Escher Foundation, the Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland (DDS), the Historical Museum Basel, the Swiss Railway Heritage Foundation (SBB Historic), the Swiss Federal Archives, the Swiss National Library, the Social Archives Zurich, the Swiss economic Archives (SWA), the Museum of transport Switzerland and the Central library Solothurn. Many events are scheduled, you may find the complete list on this page. Save the dates!
ETH Library launches a mass uploading campaign for photographs from their archives

The uploading project of the ETH's library image Archive conducted in collaboration with Wikimedia CH has got underway, starting with around 350 photographs documenting two flights by Swiss aviation pioneer Walter Mittelholzer (1894–1937):
- Scenic flights over Spitsbergen, 1923 (images on Commons)
- Flight to Persia, 1924/25 (images on Commons)
The trained photographer captured sensational aerial images of landscapes that had never been photographed from a bird’s-eye view before. Used as illustrations in his popular travel guides, the images contributed a great deal to Mittelholzer‘s fame as an aviator, photographer, adventurer and entrepreneur. From today’s perspective, the photographs are also interesting as an image source for (post-)colonial research.
Around 134,000 images are scheduled to be uploaded, including additional Mittelholzer photographs and other collections from the ETH-Bibliothek Image Archive’s roughly 340,000 digitised photos:
- Additional photographs by Walter Mittelholzer from his flights over Switzerland and abroad, including Abyssinia, Kilimanjaro and Lake Chad (approx. 18,000 images)
- Portraits of formers members and students of ETH Zurich and famous scientists (approx. 800 images)
- Historical photographs of buildings, institutes, lecture theatres and laboratories at ETH Zurich (approx. 5,000 images)
- The photo archives of the former Swiss airline Swissair (approx. 40,000 images)
- Extensive aerial photograph holdings (approx. 70,000 images)
Feel free to use all this content in your various Wikimedia contributions.
We are building the biggest online library in Rhaeto-rumantsch languages The 25th May, Gianfrancesco Esposito (Mizardellorsa), leader of the project of the Rhaeto-rumantsch digital library, with the support of Mauro Cassina, board member of Wikimedia CH, and Ilario Valdelli, community manager, met the University of Bozen with Wikimedia Italy to extend the collaboration for the Rhaeto-rumantsch digital library and to develop it as a trans-national project. At the moment Italian Wikisource is hosting the biggest online library in Rhato-rumantsch languages, thanks to the support of Wikimedia CH, the University of Bozen is going to donate the digitization and the transcription of additional 502 texts of the colloquial language spoken in the Val Badia.
[edit]Date | Events | Location |
21-28.06.2016 | Wikimania 2016 conference | Esino Lario |
28.06.2016 | Let's fill the wiki gender gap Session 3 | University of Geneva |
01-02.07.2016 | Open Cultural Data Hackathon | University Library Basel |
09.07.2016 | Wikimedia CH Idea Workshop | Olten, University of Applied Sciences & Art Northwestern Switzerland |
19-21.08.2016 | WikiConvention FR | Paris |
25 & 27.08.2016 | Edit-a-thon "Anarchy. Facts & Fiction" | Zurich |