Wikimedia CH/Newsletter/032015
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Please find the third edition of the Wikimedia newsletter 2015. Happy reading. If you wish to communicate your event or activity through this newsletter, please feel free to send us a message to
[edit]* Update on the General Assembly from the Wikimedia CH Board
- Wikimedia CH held its annual General assembly on March 23 in Bern. For those of you who missed it, we are happy to report that it was a great day and a smooth meeting (whose minutes can be found here).
- The proposal to change art.7 of our bylaws so as to simplify the membership process was accepted;
- We're pleased to announce that all of the board re-candidated and were re-elected. We're even more pleased to welcome a new board member: Micha L. Rieser (user:Micha)!
- Micha's tenure will per our bylaws start 2 months after his election, i.e. on May 22nd. As of this date, your favourite Board members will be:
- Patrick Kenel (President) (SZ)
- Bagawathram (Ram) Maheswaran (treasurer) (BE)
- Frederic Schütz (VD)
- Gabriel Thullen (GE)
- Mauro Cassina (TI)
- Stephane Coillet-Matillon (VD)
- Micha L. Rieser (ZH)
- Furthermore we were sad to announce that our current Chief Science Officer Charles Andres will move back to France for family reasons. His last day in the office will be on June 30. Charles was first a Board member, then President of Wikimedia CH, before becoming our first Chief Science Officer when we decided to professionalize the team. Charles has over the years given a lot of time and effort to the Wikimedia movement, and those who know him will miss him and his relentless enthusiasm for new ideas and projects. The Board will decide on the best way forward to succeed him, and will keep you informed.
- The meeting concluded with Iolanda Pensa presenting Wikimania 2016 in Esino Lario, which Wikimedia CH will help organize.

- Everyone was then invited for lunch, and the day concluded with a guided visit at the Alpine Museum.
- We would like to thank all the attendees, our staff who came to work on a Saturday and presented their current projects to the Assembly, and our excellent Master of Ceremony Hannes Gassert.
- We're looking forward to seeing you next year or during one of the many events we will be organizing until then to help improve Wikimedia projects.
[edit]- Zurich Stammtisch Reunion on April 18
The next Zurich Stammtisch will take place on April 18 in Solothurn. Join Wikipedians spontaneously for their guided tour through the Museum Blumenstein and the dinner afterwards. You'll get all the information needed on Wikipedia:ürich
- Upcoming events in the Cantonal Library of Thurgau
- On Valentine's Day, February 14, Wikipedians were invited to the Cantonal Library of Thurgau in order to get to know the library's portfolio as well as to write articles about Thurgau-related topics.
- We're excited that upcoming events are planned for June 20, August 29 and November 28. If you're interested to join, have a look at the following page:
- Wikipermanences/Wikipedia Workshops in Biel/Bienne:
- Two Wikipedia Writing Sessions already took place in 2015 in the City Library of Biel/Bienne. Join us for one of the upcoming writing atelier during lunch-time and create articles related to the city of Biel/Bienne. You can get more information on
- Eventnote: "Women for Wikipedia"
- The associations FemWiss and Wikimedia CH are inviting women to join the Wikipedia atelier on April 25 in Bern. The writing atelier will take place from 10am until 4pm at the Urbanfish Co-working space at Kramgasse 58 in Bern. Bring your laptop and literature you want to use for your contributions to Wikipedia! You can register for the event via Women out there, we're very much looking forward to seeing you in Bern!
- Upcoming events at the Rencontres de Genève Histoire & Cité May 13-17
- The University of Geneva and ‘La Maison de l’histoire’ are organizing the first History festival in Switzerland, chaired by Kofi Annan and on the theme of ‘Building peace’. You may find the festival's brochure here.
- Wikimedia CH will participate both by presenting a talk on " How to build Peace on Wikipedia?" on May 14 (11am, Room D300 of Uni Dufour) and by co-organizing with and the Geneva City Library an edit-a-thon on Wikipedia articles related to the topic of Peace on May 15. You may find the list of articles and the link to register to this event here.
- We are on the look out for Wikipedians who wish to lead groups during the edit-a-thon, do get in touch with Gabrielle ( if you are interested to join.
Wikimania Esino Lario 2016
[edit]- As you know, Wikimedia CH is a a supporter and co-organizer of Wikimania Esino Lario 2016. This section will provide updates on the progress of its organization.
- The Wikimania Esino Lario team has set its communication strategy. Please find the results of their work below:
- March 15: Milan, Meeting with the working group
- March 29: Esino Lario, Meeting within the local communication team and updates on Wikimania
- The next meeting will take place on April 19 online and in Esino Lario. Great news, people from the Wikimedia Foundation will be visiting on the 9th and 10th May in Esino Lario. Do get in touch if you wish to join us during the week-end. All the Wikimania Esino Lario meetings are being coordinated on the Italian Wikipedia: If you're interested in getting involved do let us know!
Wikimedia CH Projects
- Wikivillage
- The contest's first edition is a wrap since April 2 and the internal jury of Wikipedians is currently working on the first round of reviews. You may find all the articles here. The external jury will be meeting up and deliberating on May 11 and the prize ceremony will take place in Lausanne (BCUL Riponne) on May 27 at 16:30.
- Bern University of Education
- We're glad that Wikipedia is part of teacher education in Bern: On March 30, Wikimedia CH presented Wikipedia as part of the ICT lecture at the Bern University of Education (Pädagogische Hochschule Bern). We're very much looking forward to return to the campus in autumn.
- An Italian GLAM Conference will be held in Lugano the May 5th
- Wikimedia CH is collaborating with SUPSI (Laboratory of :Visual culture for a conference of Swiss Italian GLAMs (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums). The event will take place in Lugano at the SUPSI of Trevano on May 5 with a keynote by Marco Majoleth of the Swiss Federal Archives and Jason Grant of the Herbarium of Neuchâtel. The whole program is available here:
*The Alps
- The winner is...
- In March, just before our General Assembly, Wikimedia CH published the winners of the Wiki Loves Monuments 2014 contest. Have a look at the amazing pictures on Wikimedia Commons:
- We will not be hosting a prize ceremony this year but we have a little surprise in store for all the photographers. Indeed, Wikimedia CH planned the next photo contest called "Wiki Loves Earth - Wiki4Alps" edition.
- Wiki Loves Earth
- Wiki Loves Earth

- Wikimedia CH has started to organize the next online photo contest "Wiki Loves Earth - Wiki4Alps" edition 2015 ( which will kick off on May 1st. This time, the main focus will be on nature and natural wonders in Switzerland. If you're interested to organize photo expeditions or help organizing Wiki Loves Earth, please get in touch with us!
[edit]Date | Event | Location |
18.04.2015 | Wikipedia Zurich Stammtisch | Solothurn |
19.04.2015 | Wikimania 2016 Working group meeting | Esino Lario (Italy) |
20.04.2015 | Public Domain Arbeitstagung | Basel |
21.04.2015 12:00-13:45 | Wikipermanence | Library CHUV Lausanne |
23.04.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | HEG library, Infothèque, Geneva |
25.04.2015 | Wikipedia Atelier for Women, in collaboration with Femwiss | Bern Urbanfish, Kramgasse 58 |
28.04.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | Library of the Institute of Ethnology and the Museum of Ethnography in Neuchâtel |
05.05.2015 | Swiss Italian GLAM meeting | SUPSI - Lugano |
05.05.2015 | Wikipermanence | City Library La Chaux de Fonds |
06.05.2015, 12:15-13:45 | Wikipermanence (bilingual) | City Library of Biel/Bienne |
09.05.2015 | Wikipedia Atelier | Swiss National Library |
09.05.2015 | Esino Lario Working group meets Wikimedia Foundation | Esino Lario (Italy) |
10.05.2015 | Esino Lario Working group meets Wikimedia Foundation | Esino Lario (Italy) |
12.05.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | Library of the Institute of Ethnology and the Museum of Ethnography in Neuchâtel |
14.05.2015 | WMCH talk on "How to make Peace on Wikipedia" during the Festival Histoire & Cité | Geneva |
15.05.2015, 10:00-18:00 | Edit-a-thon "Construct Peace" Festival Histoire & Cité | Bonivard Room, City Library Geneva |
27.05.2015, 16:30 | Wikivillage prize ceremony | Aula Room, Cantonal and University Library of Lausanne |
28.05.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | HEG library, Infothèque, Geneva |
30.05.2015 | Introducing Wikipedia at frauenaargau Tagung | Aarau |
02.06.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | City Library La Chaux de Fonds |
06.06.2015 | Wikipedia Zurich Stammtisch | Basel |
20.06.2015 | Wikipedia Atelier | Cantonal Library Thurgau, Frauenfeld |
25.06.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | HEG library, Infothèque, Geneva |
01.07.2015 | Conference | University of Bern |
02.07.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | Library of the Institute of Ethnology and the Museum of Ethnography in Neuchâtel |
04.07.2015 | Wikipedia Atelier | Swiss National Library |
15-19.07.2015 | Wikimania | Mexico City |
Wikimedia worldwide
[edit]- The Wikimedia Foundation files a lawsuit against NSA
- Read more about the topic on the Wikimedia Blog or in the New York Times.
- CEE Spring 2015
- Wikimedia CEE Spring 2015 is an event organised by Wikimedians and Wikipedians from the region of Central and Eastern Europe with an aim to support article creation about every country in the region on every langu in the region. Learn more on

- Wikimedia in 60 minutes on CBS
- The Wikimedia movement has been the subject of a segment in the US news show 60 Minutes on CBS: The story is called Wikimania, and has partly been filmed at Wikimania 2014 in London. Wikipedians at the WMF office in San Francisco, the Frick Collection in New York and in Johannesburg (South Africa) are featured as well.
[edit]- Have a look at the article from the Swiss National Science Foundation about the future of the dictionary which is featuring François Vallotton of the Historical Dictionary of Switzerland and Wikimedia CH Chief Science Officer Charles Andrès.