Wikimedia CH/Newsletter/012016/de
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Wir wünschen euch allen eine gutes neues Jahr. Und hier kommt bereits unser erster Newsletter im 2016. Viel Spass damit und gute Unterhaltung - diesmal in englischer Sprache ;-) !
Wikimedia CH Neujahrsbrunch vom 17. Januar 2016
Join us in Geneva and Zurich on January 17th for the traditional Wikimedia CH 's New Year Brunch! It is also a great opportunity to celebrate Wikipedia's 15th birthday.
In Lugano the birthday will be celebrated on January 20th in connection with the local Association of Computer Scientists (ATED).
You may read all the details pertaining to this event, on our website, here.
If you wish to attend, thank you for sending an email to your respective community liaison to register a spot.
- Community Liaison for the German-speaking part of Switzerland:
- Community Liaison for the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland:
- Community Liaison for the French-speaking part of Switzerland:
Web 3.0, the potential of the semantic web and structured data, on January 20th in Lugano

Wikipedia's birthday will be celebrated in Lugano, on January 20th, with an open discussion about the Web 3.0, the potential of the semantic web and structured data, with a standing dinner at the end of the event. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the collaboration of Wikimedia CH with ATED, the local association of computer scientists.
The event was inspired by this sentence of Tim Berners Lee, the father of World Wide Web: "People keep asking what Web 3.0 is. I think maybe when you've got an overlay of scalable vector graphics – everything rippling and folding and looking misty – on Web 2.0 and access to a semantic Web integrated across a huge space of data, you'll have access to an unbelievable data resource…".
The program will consist of:
- An introduction by Cristina Giotto, board member of ATED
- 15th birthday of Wikimedia CH
- Semantic web, an introduction carried by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)
- Introduction to Wikidata presented by Wikimedia CH
- Presentation of Strephit animated by Marco Fossati, researcher of Bruno Kessler Foundation of Trento. Strephit is a project financed by the Wikimedia Foundation and consist of a Natural Language Processing (NLP) automated system that can understand the human language and interpret texts and extract data. The project aims to integrate Wikidata in order to improve the quality of the data.
- Presentation of Semasia, done by Daniele Christen, teacher of Liceo 2 of Lugano. Semasia is a system for the automatic analysis of texts which can be used to extract relevant information from a document and to classify it according to its characteristics and its contents (document tagging) and for a subsequent retrieval of documents or information in an archive (Data management and Information Retrieval).
- Presentation of Wikimania Esino Lario done by Iolanda Pensa
The event will be held in the Hotel Parco Maraini, via Massagno 36, in Lugano, near the train station.
The reservations can be booked through ATED's web page or by writing to
Fundraising 2015
The December fundraising campaign was the most successful in the association's history! Indeed, over 30 000 kind donators helped to raise over 1,000,000 CHF for the Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia CH. We would like to warmly thank all our supporters for their generosity and trust. For those who still wish to donate, you can do so all year round via our website.
General Assembly 2016: save the date
Wikimedia CH's General Assembly will be taking place on April 2nd in Lausanne.
More information will be sent out during the next couple of months. Save the date, we look forward to seeing you there.
[edit]The WikiCup 2016 has started
The WikiCup is a championship among Wikipedia editors, which is being played and won by skill of editing. The purpose of the Cup is to encourage editors to improve content and make editing more fun on Wikipedia. In case you're interested to join, have a look at your respective language:
Germanspeaking WikiCup 2016
Englishspeaking WikiCup 2016
The very first WikiMOOC in WP:FR
More than 600 people registered for the first french speaking WikiMOOC in order to learn how to contribute on Wikipedia ! The program will kick off on February 22nd and will carry on for 5 weeks. The course is free of charge. If you or people around you are interested to learn how to edit the online encyclopedia, you may register on the following link. Thank you for sharing this information.
Encouraging architectural historians to contribute on Wikipedia
The contributor Peb45 wrote a fantastic article for the review Monuments vaudois n° 6 2015, pp. 75-78 to encourage architectural historians to contribute to the online encyclopedia, you may review it: here.
Wikimania Esino Lario
[edit]Call for submissions for Wikimania 2016
Do you wish to host a session at this year's Wikimania?
The call for submissions is open until January 17th. If you are interested, make sure to visit this page. The format changes for this year as pesentations will have to present problems and suggest solutions. Please carefully read the submission page before submitting a proposal.
Should you have any questions or wish to bounce back ideas, do get in touch with your local community liaison, contact details here.
Wikipedia Offline
[edit]Kiwix was downloaded over 700'000 times in 2015
Congratulations to the entire KIWIX team for their great success in 2015. Indeed, the KIWIX software, which enables users to access Wikipedia offline, was downloaded 762'375 times in 2015. Well done, we are looking forward to support Wikipedia offline in 2016!
[edit]Second Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon
The Second Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon will take place on July 1st and 2nd in Basel in cooperation with the Library and the Digital Humanities Lab of the University of Basel.
Find out more about the event here.
[edit]Date | Event | Location |
15.01.2016 | Happy 15th Birthday Wikipedia | Online |
17.01.2016 | Wikimedia CH New Year's Brunch | Zurich, Geneva |
19.01.2016 | Wikipedia atelier "Let's fill the gender gap" | University of Geneva |
20.01.2016 | Web 3.0 and standing dinner | Parco Maraini, Lugano |
25.01.2016 | Wikipedia-Atelier (1): Wikipedia's backstage | Volkshochschule Bern |
02.02.2016 | Wikipedia Presentation to local librarians | Lausanne Library BCUL |
02.02.2016 | Wikipedia atelier "Let's fill the gender gap" | University of Geneva |
15.02.2016 | Wikipedia-Atelier (2): How to edit an article | Volkshochschule Bern |
20.02.2016 | Anniversary 50iest Wikipedia Stammtisch | Zürich |
25.02.2016 | Wikipedia-Atelier (2): How to upload an image | Volkshochschule Bern |
Open Data
[edit]Upcoming Events 2016
Our friends at have two events coming up for the first half of this year. Save the dates, we will be sending out more information in the coming months:
- The Energy Hackdays will take place on April 8th & 9th
- The Annual Conference will be held on June 14th in Lausanne.