Wikimedia CH/Newsletter/012015/en
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[edit]* General Assembly
- The general assembly of Wikimedia CH will take place on the Saturday 21 March 2015.
- This year, the assembly will be led by a professional facilitator, who is experienced in hosting general assemblies and has a background in the dissemination of free knowledge. This said, we're very much looking forward to seeing you at this annual reunion. You can hand in your motions before 21 February 2015. Last but not least, if you want to get more involved with the association, do not hesitate to run for a Board seat! Candidacies are also open until the 21vFebruary. Present yours at "
- For more information regarding the General Assembly, please follow this link to our Members-Wiki:
* Welcome Sabine Ray
- Our Chief Administrative Officer, Anh Chung, moved to Singapore at the end of the year 2014. We wish Anh all the best with this adventurous path lying ahead of her. And we're glad that Anh will still work remotely and part-time for Wikimedia CH in the area of "metrics and evaluation".
- Furthermore it is our greatest pleasure to announce that Sabine Ray, who started working for Wikimedia CH in 2014, took over the reins of Anh and is guaranteeing that all the administrative processes work smoothly within the association.
* Wikimedia New Year's Brunch
- On January 19, the traditional Wikimedia CH New Year's Brunch took place in Zurich. 23 people attended and kicked off the Wikimedia Year 2015. Thanks everyone for the lively discussions and the interesting talks. We're looking forward to keep up this tradition!
* Fundraising
- As many of you might have noticed, we hosted the annual fundraiser by the end of 2014. WMCH is glad to announce that a total of 700'000.- CHF was raised in Switzerland. This money will be used to fund Wikimedia servers and bandwith in 2015, but also Wikimedia projects around the world.
[edit]* Micro-Grants announcement
- Wikimedia CH recently launched it's 2015 micro-grants program. Micro-Grants are a mean for members of the Wikimedia community to ask Wikimedia CH for a financial support - from 1 up to 500 CHF - for their micro-projects or activity, that has an impact on Wikimedia projects. If you're interested to find out more or wish to apply for such a micro-grant, please go to META:
- If you have any questions or would like to talk about this, get in touch with your Community Liaison!
* Wikimania 2015
- If you're interested to participate in the Wikimania 2015 conference and wish to submit a talk or a workshop, make sure to hand it in before the 28th of February:
* Pissarro Event:
- We're glad to inform you that two Wikipedians from Switzerland attended the Pissarro Edit-a-thon in Wuppertal with a Wikimedia CH scholarship. If you're interested to see what they were working on, please click on the following link: (information available in german)
Wikimedia CH Projects
[edit]*Offline Dissemination Program:
- Wikipedia Offline needs your help: In order to finalise the development of the KIWIX App for iOS, we're looking for second-hand iPhones or iPads. If you are in the possession of an old iPad or iPhone (that is still able to run the newest operating system) and don't need it anymore, we would be very glad if you could donate your device or provide it for a fair price to the KIWIX team.
- Furthermore we have interesting news for Switzerland with regards to Wikipedia offline: Now also the prison Witzwil is deploying its Laptops with Wikipedia offline, so that inmates in this prison can access the Encyclopedia offline. We are delighted to see that there is an additional penitentiary facility using Wikipedia Offline in Switzerland.
- We are glad to inform you that 8 teams of students from the Gymnase de Beaulieu in Lausanne are currently participating to the 2014/2015 edition of Wikivillage. We have had excellent media coverage during the month of January from the written press (24Heures), the radio (LFM) and television ( RTS Television).
- We are delighted to announce the confirmation of the contest's external jury, composed of the following 3 personalities:
- Mr Pierre Faoro - Adjoint à la Direction Générale de l'Enseignement Postobligatoire (DGEP) du canton de Vaud.
- Mme Véronique Avellan - Directrice Adjointe, Coordination des bibliothèques scolaires de la BCU Lausanne.
- Mme Joelle Fabre - Rédactrice en chef adjointe chez 24Heures
- The contest remains open for teams to register & participate up until the 2nd April 2015 via the following link:
- If you know of any students & teachers interested to join in for the current edition or the next one do get in touch with your community liaison.
- Following the excellent feedback we have received, the contest will be happening again next year in several other cantons with a new theme. The next edition 2015/2016's exact format will be announced soon.
- The Wikipérmenance (Wikipedia introduction) in the Cantonal- and University Library in Lausanne, on the Campus of the University of Lausanne, has been covered by the Swiss French RTS Television:
*Project with "Haute École de Gestion" in Geneva
- A group of 5 students of the Haute École de Gestion, from the course of studies "Information documentation", have conducted a research on the "representation of Swiss Athletes on Wikipedia". As part of their work, they had to rais an inventory on the french-speaking Wikipedia concerning Swiss Athletes, which you can find with the help of the following link:
- (The list has also been created in german, even tough it is only available as draft on the User page of one of the students: Furthermore, the students have also created 20 articles in the french Wikipedia and 5 in the german Wikipedia about Swiss Athletes.
* GLAM Exhibition in Lugano:
- On May 5th, a meeting for Swiss Italian GLAM will take place at SUPSI in collaboration with the department of visual arts. The aim of the event is to introduce the Wikimedia projects to the local GLAMs.
* Open Cultural Data Hackathon:
- As you might already know, on February 27.-28. the Open Cultural Data Hackathon will take place at the National Library in Bern. This event is co-hosted by the Swiss National Library, Open Government Data Schweiz,, Infoclio, Dock18 and Wikimedia CH. The event is sold out but there is a waitlist:
- We are happy to inform you that Wikimedia Commons received around 2.600 photos of Swiss monuments from 138 participants for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2014 contest (alias Wiki4alps). The jury is starting the final selection and the winners will be announced as soon as possible. We apologize for the delays we have encountered.
[edit]Date | Event | Location |
24.02.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | Library of the ethnology and ethnography institute of Neuchâtel |
26.02.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | City Library Geneva (Labo-Cité) |
27./28.02.2015 | Open Cultural Data Hackathon | Swiss National Library Bern |
03.03.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | City Library La Chaux de Fonds |
07.03.2015 | Wikipedia Atelier | Swiss National Library |
10.03.2015, 12:15-13:45 | Wikipermanence (bilingual) | Stadtbibliothek Biel/Bibliothèque de la ville Bienne |
12.03.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | City Library Genf (Labo-Cité) |
14.03.2015, 14:00-16:00 | Wikipedia Fragestunde | Bibliothek Köniz |
14.03.2015 | Wikipedia Zurich Stammtisch | Zurich |
15.03.2015 | Wikimania Esino Lario meeting | Milan |
21.03.2015 | General Assembly of Wikimedia CH | University of Bern, Engelhalde, Seminarraum 002, Engelhaldestrasse 8, 3012 Bern |
26.03.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | Infothèque HEG |
28.03.2015, 14:00-16:00 | Wikipedia Fragestunde | Library Köniz |
18.04.2015 | Wikipedia Zurich Stammtisch | Solothurn |
23.04.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | Infothèque HEG |
5.05.2015 | Swiss Italian GLAM meeting | SUPSI - Lugano |
05.05.2015 | Wikipermanence | City Library La Chaux de Fonds |
06.05.2015, 12:15-13:45 | Wikipermanence (bilingual) | Stadtbibliothek Biel/Bibliothèque de la ville Bienne |
09.05.2015 | Wikipedia Atelier | Swiss National Library |
21.05.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | City Library Geneva (Labo-Cité) |
28.05.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | Infothèque HEG |
02.06.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | City Library La Chaux de Fonds |
06.06.2015 | Wikipedia Zurich Stammtisch | Zurich |
11.06.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | City Library Geneva (Labo-Cité) |
25.06.2015, 12:00-14:00 | Wikipermanence | Infothek HEG |
01.07.2015 | Conference | University of Bern |
04.07.2015 | Wikipedia Atelier | Swiss National Library |
15.-19.07.2015 | Wikimania | Mexico City |
29.08.2015, 09:30-12:00 | Wiki Takes Bienne/Biel (Photo Excursion) | Stadtbibliothek Biel/Bibliothèque de la ville Bienne |
03.09.2015, 12:15-13:45 | Wikipermanence (bilingual) | Stadtbibliothek Biel/Bibliothèque de la ville Bienne |
05.09.2015 | Wikipedia Atelier | Swiss National Library |
19.09.2015 | Wikipedia Zurich Stammtisch | Zurich |
21.10.2015, 12:15-13:45 | Wikipermanence (bilingual) | Stadtbibliothek Biel/Bibliothèque de la ville Bienne |
14.11.2015 | Wikipedia Atelier | Swiss National Library |
21.11.2015 | Wikipedia Zurich Stammtisch | Zurich |
24.11.2015, 12:15-13:45 | Wikipermanence (bilingual) | Stadtbibliothek Biel/Bibliothèque de la ville Bienne |
Wikimedia worldwide
[edit]- Wikimania 2016 in Esino Lario
- Thanks to a very committed volunteers team, Wikimania 2016 will take place in Esino Lario, in the alps, just a short hop from the Swiss border :-)
- Wikimedia Italia and Wikimedia CH are happy to support and co-host this Wikimania and thank the volunteers for their amazing work, having put up such a great proposal! Furthermore on the 1st February, took place a meeting in Sesto San Giovanni (near Milan) to brainstorm on the line up of the organisation of Wikimania 2016. Also in the future, the organisational team will hold monthly meetings - and you're always welcome to join in case you're interested.
- Volunteer Supporters Network
- We would like to inform you that Wikimedia CH is strongly involved in the launch of an international Volunteers Supporters Network. We believe that many Wikimedia entities worldwide have launched great programs to support volunteers. In order to learn from each other and provide the best possible community support to our committed volunteers, we want to exchange experiences, best practices and failures among volunteer supporters around the globe. Therefore WMMAT, WMDE and WMCH established this international network to provide a structure. If you're interested to get more information, you can check out META:
Message from Wikimedia CH
[edit]- In case you want to communicate your event or activity through this newsletter, please make sure to inform us.
- Kind regards,
- Wikimedia CH