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Wikimedia CH/Grant apply/LSP 2024

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  • Name of the project: les sans pagEs 2024
  • Amount requested: 35 551 CHF
  • Type of grantee: ORGANIZATION : Les sans pagEs
  • Name of the contact: Natacha LSP
  • Contact: natacha(_AT_)sans-pages.org
In case of questions, please write to grant(_AT_)wikimedia.ch

The problem and the context


Les sans pagEs started as a project (with another name in 2015) in partnership with Wikimedia CH and the University of Geneva in order to tackle gender gap issues in te francophone community and work towards more inclusivity and diversity. Our initiatives have been largely successful, but the gender gap problem remains, as well as a lack of representation of women in our communities. The project has grown, with a need for more ressources to enable local groups to initiate similar editathons and workshops locally to enable women and underepresented communities to learn how to contribute on Wikipédia.

  • List of past events
  • Annual report of the user group :
  • LSP Timeline
  • Local existing groups : Limoges, Paris, Geneva, Meyrin, Toulouse, Lorraine, Touraine, Bénin,Cote d'Ivoire.
  • Future groups or initiatives in discussion in Switzerland : Lausanne

What is the problem you're trying to solve?


Gaining more regular contributors in Switzerland dedicated to the gender gap is a challenginf task as there are less potential contributors than in neighbouring France and therefore we have to make twice the effort to find and retain them.

Faced with an increased interest in the LSP summer convention, we decided to separate the General Assembly and the convention as the agenda was too charged in 2023 and consolidate the tradition of the annual summer convention held in Switzerland to make it an important international francophone event in the Wikimedia movement dedicated to reducing the gender gap.

We also want to organize another "Quinzaine des autrices francophones" in Meyrin with more participation this time which means we have to communicate more efficiently to attract the public to the event.

What is your solution to this problem (please explain the context and the solution)?


Continue holding regular events in Meyrin as the municipality is showing interest and commitment and add a new location once per month in Lausanne following interest raised in Lausanne in last years event at Photo Elysée and University of Lausanne in september 2024.

organize the annual convention in Meyrin in an attempt to stem more interest and visibility in the municipality, possibly asking to CERN and the town of Meyrin to host the event.

Project goals


- one monthly meetup in Lausanne one saturday per month

- one weekly meeting in Geneva or Meyrin in municipal libraries. Possibly changing locations every week to be able to recruit more.

- train 2 participants to become confirmed wikipedians and be able to facilitate gender gap events in the francophone part of Switzerland

- train the local community to work on wikidata and wikisource during meetups

Project impact


Annual convention


Concerning the annual convention, which is now, thanks to Wikimedia CH's support a regular meeting since three years (1rst session : Sion, 2 : Fribourg, 3 : Geneva, 4 : Geneva, 5 : Diablerets) we have many people who could not attend last year and increased interest to participate from all parts of the world.

  • successfully integrate newcomers in the governance of the LSP user group and association
  • achieve a more international dimension for our annual convention by having more african participants and other francophone locations as well as continuing to organize a conference as we did last year with Framasoft.
  • include representents from other gender gap projects to have their inputs (Who writes his story, femnetz, Wikimujeres, Editatoras or Wikidonne).

Quinzaine des autrices francophones event (GLAM)

  • achieve 15 to 20 participants for our "Quinzaine des autrices francophones" in Meyrin

Meetups in Lausanne and Meyrin

  • achieve 2 to 5 participants per session in average and have a new geographical meeting point (Lausanne)
  • achieve

How will you know if you have met your goals?


- full integration of 2 to 3 newcomers as regular editors but also as participants to the wikimedia movement (wikimania, francophone convention, participation to swiss events and/or the LSP annual convention) with the aim of reducing the gender gap. In 2023 we achieved to have one more african woman on our board, and 2 new contributors on our board, as well as a strong interest sparkled in african countries for les sans pagEs. We also have 3 new contributors in Switzerland coming regurlarly to events, two stemming from the meyrin meetups and one who has trained during the Bern Europride events.

- successful training of two participants to the level of being LSP facilitators

- maintaining organisation of regular meetups in GLAM surroundings to bring more contributors committed to reducing the gender gap in Switzerland.

Do you have any goals or metrics around participation or content?


- achieve 30 programs tracked on a dashboard, a a 10 % retention rate to keep on building a community of regular contributors in Switzerland.

Last year we trained approx 60xx editors during our various events and we aim at maintaining this result this year, while also bringing 2 editors to have the required level to facilitate editathons and workshops and having 7 editors from Switzerland participate to several GLAM events which makes a retention rate of more than 10 % which is very honorable in the wikimedia movement.

- attract interest from two other GLAM institutions like in 2023.

- have some events dedicated to wikidata and wikisource only

Project plan




- one editathon Quinzaine des autrices in March 2023 in a municipal library

- one annual LSP convention during the summer

- 10 monthly meetups in Lausanne

- 30 weekly meetups in canton Geneva in GLAM libraries


Description catering and hotel transport communications ressources for contributors price per unit number total
Quinzaine des autrices francophones 15 participants
catering for 15 persons for lunchtime 25 15 375
3 persons coming from France AR TGV 150 3 450
12 persons from switzerland 25 chf in average 25 12 300
facilitation, formation et preparation evènement 150 3 450
room rental if necessary 200 1 200
Quinzaine Total 1775 CHF
meetups Lausanne 10 monthly meetups to start building a community in Lausanne
travelling to Lausanne for 2 facilitators (2 * 10 * 30 CHF) 30 20 600
location salle si la salle au musée Elysée Photo n'est pas dispo prix à la louche 1000
animation, préparation et facilitation : 3 * 150 chf / heure 150 30 4500
animation, préparation and facilitation : 3 * 150 chf / heure taken in charge by LSP 150 -15 -2250
catering pour 3 à 4 personnes en moyenne par séance 4*15*10 10 60 600
TOTAL Meetup Lausanne 4450 CHF
30 Weekly Meetups Geneva Canton

Editathon Wikiwitch

travelling for 2 facilitators one from Geneva one possibly from abroad (one of them from Geneva 5.8 * 30 = 174 - one from Vevey 32 * 10 = 320 CHF) 300
catering for 15 persones en 2 persons per session in average 15 * 2 * 30 25 15 375
preparation of working list and help to editors (to demonstrate notability) a annual subscription to Le Temps 348 1 348
preparation of working list and help to editors (to demonstrate notability) a subscription to 24 heures 159 1 159
help to committed editors and preparation of editathons possibility to buy 10 books 30 chf each (in average) throughout the year for contribution on specific topics linked to editathons 30 10 300
facilitation, animation et préparation (sur la base de précédentes factures) (montant arrondi à la baisse pour ne pas changer le montant total du grant) 1 1 1733
TOTAL weekly meetups Geneva & Meyrin 3251 CHF
Annual Convention organization of online events for preparation zoom account to organize meetings accross different locations 200
rolls ups LSP recto verso pour utilisation sur différents sites (Lausanne, convention, Meyrin) 150 3 450
venue de participants en avion de l'afrique et autre (Bénin, Cote d'Ivoire, Haiti) - billets avion + visa + assurance voyage + nuitées hotel supplémentaires en raison des horaires d'avion 3 * 2500 CHF

(par expérience de l'année dernière)

2500 3 7500
hotel pour 25 participant·e·s sur 3 jours 3 jours * 25 personnes * 130 chf 130 75 9750
nourriture par personne sur trois jours 25 * 50 chf / jours * 3) 50 75 3750
une excursion / attraction durant le week end (musée ou visite guidée locale ou activité sportive) 15 * 25 15 25 375
goodies 300
crayons et fournitures pour participantes 25 * 10 10 25 250
project management 2000
TOTAL convention LSP 24575 CHF
Babysitting et person caring pour tous ces évènements il est difficile de prévoir un budget mais on peut précoir 500 CHF par projet si besoin sur facturation à envoyer à WMCH 3 500 1500 CHF
TOTAL 35 551 CHF

Community engagement


Réponse de Wikimedia CH


Merci pour votre demande. Nous avons décidé de l’accepter partiellement. Voici le détail :

  • Quinzaine des autrices francophones - 1775.-
    • Nous gardons la somme demandée car cet événement était un succès en 2023, nous espérons donc que ce sera de nouveau le cas en 2024.
  • Meetups Lausanne 3450.-
    • Si Photo Elysée n’est pas disponible et investi dans l’organisation, les rencontres perdent de leur capacité à attirer du public. Nous n’acceptons donc pas de budget de location de salle pour cette série de rencontres.
  • Weekly Meetups Geneva canton 0.-
    • Ces meetups ont commencé en 2021, et n’ont attiré qu’un public très restreint.
    • Wikimedia CH ne souhaite pas continuer de les financer.
  • Wikiwitch 3251.-
    • L’événement de novembre 2023 s’est très bien déroulé
    • la proposition de la Bibliothèque de Genève représente une opportunité intéressante à développer en 2024.
  • Annual Convention LSP 13'175.-
    • Ce montant représente une augmentation de plus du double par rapport aux années précédentes.
    • Intégrer davantage de débutant-e-s dans la Convention nous semble une bonne stratégie.
    • La vision de Wikimedia CH quant aux vols internationaux consiste à les éviter dans la mesure du possible. Par souci de cohérence, nous ne pouvons accepter le financement de ces billets d’avions, et vous incitons à utiliser la WikiConvention francophone pour vous coordonner avec les sans pagistes internationales et internationaux.
    • Par ailleurs, nous arrivons difficilement à intégrer dans notre budget 2024 une augmentation des frais d’hébergement aussi radicale, mais nous proposons de les couvrir à hauteur de 5850.-
  • Autres : ce budget ne tient pas compte de l'atelier que nous souhaitons organiser avec SAPA, et qui dépendra de la demande de fonds que nous préparons avec ce partenaire. Mais dans le cas probable où cette levée de fond aboutirait, nous souhaiterions (comme mentionné cet automne) impliquer LSP dans l'événement étant donnée la thématique envisagée par l'institution.

Le budget sera versé en deux temps : une première moitié en janvier 2024, et une deuxième en juin 2024, dans les deux cas après une discussion avec Wikimedia CH quant aux projets sur le six prochains mois. Merci de nous communiquer dès à présent une date de rencontre en janvier 2024 afin de nous coordonner.--Flor WMCH (talk) 15:00, 15 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Merci beaucoup @Flor WMCH pour cette réponse ǃ Et à WMCH pour cette subvention qui va nous permettre de continuer à mener nos actions ǃ Je reviens vers toi avec une date de rencontre Natacha LSP (talk) 18:14, 16 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]