Wikimedia CH/Grant apply/GLAMhack24
[edit]- Name of the project: GLAMhack24
- Amount requested: 10'000 CHF
- Type of grantee: Organization ( Association)
- Name of the contact: Wygs
- Contact: gaston.wey
In case of questions, please write to grant
The problem and the context
[edit]A shortage of accessible and open data for usage from GLAM institutions
What is the problem you're trying to solve?
[edit]- A shortage of accessible and open data for usage from GLAM institutions
- Lack of collaboration between institutions
- More competition rather than collaboration in the GLAM field
- The broad public misses the opportunity to enjoy collections and knowledge of GLAM institutions
- Collections/Objects are often split apart and distributed among various institutions
- While individually (often illegally) collected objects could be seen as the property of certain institutions, they do ultimately belong to the public that often has, if at all, only a tesselated, scattered opportunity to access those objects.
What is your solution to this problem (please explain the context and the solution)?
[edit]- One of the GLAMhacks' main competencies is connecting researchers, designers, Wikimedians, and coders, creating a vast opportunity to network and collaborate closely over the course of 2-3 days during the GLAMhack.
- Our dataset team, constituted by Lionel Walter, Jonas Lendemann, and Dominik Sievi, approaches dozens of institutions continuously in order to encourage and support them in the opening process of data sets. Those datasets can be found on - the ones marked with a star are this year's bounty.
- Following the last point, this offers the potential for collaboration among institutions rather than competition
- GLAMhack aims to bridge this gap and proliferate the projects through their own networks and our ever-growing international community.
- Open data and a large community can push the agenda of unified and accessible collections and objects.
- Open data is a way for a fair, open and transparent community, GLAMhacks support and propagate this agenda.
Project goals
[edit]- A GLAMhack 2024 in collaboration with the Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern in fall 2024
- 70-120 participants
- 12-18 Projects worked on
- 200 open datasets/collections from 80-90 institutions made available through the website and
- 15% of the datasets / collections are available as linked open data / accessible through a IIIF compliant API.
- Make all open collections from Switzerland available on Wikimedia Commons where this makes sense from the point of view of the Wikipedia /Wikimedia Community.
- Reference all open collections from Switzerland on Europeana.
- Make the datasets available through and the European Data Portal.
- 8 projects developed during the hackathon are further promoted and are presented to a wider public or are otherwise put to some outside use (e.g. in research).
- Reach the same level of satisfaction regarding networking, and getting new inspirations or ideas as in previous years.
- OpenGLAM-related issues and activities have been integrated into the curricula of 3 higher education institutions.
- Approach 50 data owners directly in view of the hackathon.
- Get providers of content platforms to reach out to data providers in view of the hackathon.
- Media coverage in 2 daily or weekly newspapers as well as on blogs.
- Presentation of 5 projects developed during the hackathon at a public event attracting at least 50 visitors.
Project impact
[edit]- Some goals like the number of datasets, institutions and participants are easily metrically tracked - as well as the number of projects. We track each hackathon with an M&E process and also send out a survey to all participants several weeks after the hackathon. In the month after the event, we hold a debriefing session with partners, participants and the organisation committee.
- See our documentation page of past hackathons for metrics and evaluations. An overview of individual hackathon projects is provided on the respective hackathon pages. A large proportion of them typically use data from Wikidata and/or content from Wikimedia Commons.
How will you know if you have met your goals?
[edit]- Some goals like the number of datasets, institutions and participants are easily metrically tracked - as well as the number of projects. We track each hackathon with an M&E process and also send out a survey to all participants several weeks after the hackathon. In the month after the event, we hold a debriefing session with partners, participants and the organisation committee.
- See our documentation page of past hackathons for metrics and evaluations. An overview of individual hackathon projects is provided on the respective hackathon pages. A large proportion of them typically use data from Wikidata and/or content from Wikimedia Commons.
Do you have any goals or metrics around participation or content?
[edit]- Yes, as stated above, an average of 75 participants promises a successful event, with that number of participants we can confidently say that at least 10-14 projects will be worked on.
Project plan
[edit]Each year we create a diverse and engaging event with side events and warm-up opportunities. For the GLAMhack24 we will do that in collaboration with the Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern, including workshops, presentations, brainstorming and warm-up activities in the preperation for the event. During the event activities mostly involve presentations and pitches, team finding, working on the prototypes and utilising their data sets.
[edit]Below is the tentative budget for the GLAMhack24
Label | Amount | Calculation Basis |
Food & Beverages | CHF 11.500,00 | 2x Breakfast, 2x Lunch, 1x Dinner, 1x Final Apero 80 participants |
Accomodation Youth Hostel | CHF 10.000,00 | 2 nights for 60 participants, 80 CHF the night |
Project Coordination + Communication | CHF 15.000,00 | 200 hours at 75 CHF; OpenGLAM CH | (10% of overall budget) | CHF 6.000,00 | 10% of overall budget for all hackathons under the umbrella of |
Hack Tech Infrastructure | CHF 2.800,00 | Hacking platform, datasets hosting, ... |
Side Events | CHF 4.000,00 | Events happening before the hackathon to promote the hackathon |
Public Relations & Communication Materials | CHF 2.500,00 | Logo, flyers, video teasers, ... |
Onsite Tech Support | CHF 2.000,00 | Boosting internet connection, ... |
Gifts | CHF 300,00 | |
Varia / Incidentals | CHF 5.000,00 | |
TOTAL Expenses | CHF 59.300,00 |
Source of Revenue / Sponsor | Amount Requested | Comments |
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern Luzern | CHF 10.000,00 | Catering & Rooms of the Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern |
Friends of OpenGLAM | CHF 3.000,00 | See |
Wikimedia CH | CHF 10.000,00 | |
UBS Kulturstiftung | CHF 15.000,00 | |
Pro Helvetia | CHF 10.000,00 | |
Corymbo Stiftung | CHF 10.000,00 | |
Other revenues to be defined | CHF 2.000,00 | |
TOTAL Revenues | CHF 60.000,00 |
Community engagement
[edit]The open GLAM Switzerland Community is alive and growing. We are in the process of wording out the strategy for 2023-2025. Every 3 months OpenGLAM sends out a newsletter and is well-connected with various GLAM institutions, many of whom are also involved in the GLAM-Wiki community, please refer to - the GLAM community is also intertwined with the Community and the Open Knowledge Community.