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Wikimedia CEE Spring 2021/femWikiRAINBOW

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

#femWikiRAINBOW #checkInEditON

#checkInEditON 2020/06/04
Video of presentation
(2020 CEE meeting) with slides and summary in our etherpad

This page describes FAQs, Aims and Content plans
+ links to translation, documents, and reflection media files >>
To access page quickly go with short url: https://w.wiki/37LX



Our aims are to focus on addressing wiki gender & diversity gaps
while experimenting in collaborative and coordinated activities
through skill sharing and content + method development.

We hope to come out of these efforts with:
experience, knowledge, social web and ... maybe more?
Ideally all of this should be done with care and consent,
while minimizing stress, pressure and competitiveness,
as well as by following CEE Spring and our rules on SerboCroatian Wikipedia.


  1. ? What is this event: Checking-in and sharing of skills and content
  2. ? What is CEE Spring: project that connects activities in CEE on developing regional content and collaborations
  3. ? How: Example for an article list for Austria of content to be translated during CEE Spring
  4. ? What can be done here and now: have exchange and support each other...
  5. ? How can this be done:
    1. Reaching out to editors that are experienced in writing longer quality articles
    2. Post to CEE Spring facebook group and page, as well as existing mailing-list and Telegram App group
    3. Reaching out to female editors that already work on Wikipedia and can give advice like CEE_Spring_2021/Women
    4. Reaching out to media content contributors https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
    5. WikiSpore that is used to grow content that does not fit into the traditional formats of the Wikimedia project, or specifically reach out to civil societies, to work on sources and writing articles as well as raise awareness of the situation on Wikipedia https://wikispore.wmflabs.org/wiki/Civil_Society_Spore
    6. our telegram group https://t.me/joinchat/KjGFFhPwgrvU_z9LLpXlDQ
    7. ...add your own ideas...



Here we gathers names (and links) of people that are notable and should be published or translated into new languages during #femWikiRAINBOW #checkInEditON

New names/entities here so we can create WikiData entries and add them to list below! Please add URLs/sources that would help to write articles about the people.

to compile info/references:



Article en az ba be be
bs bg crh cs cv de el eo et hr hu hy hyw ka kk lt lv mk mt myv pl ro roa-rup ru sh sk sl sq sr tr tt uk vro Σ
Wikidata st.
1 Ewa Majewska ♀ (b. 1978) + + + + + + + + 8 Q9256755 16 +
2 Suzana Tratnik ♀ (b. 1963) + + + + + 5 Q9348494 9 +
3 Urša Raukar ♀ (b. 1960) + + + + + + 6 Q11215968 16 +
4 Nataša Sukič ♀ (b. 1962) + + 2 Q54557559 10 +
5 Barbara Rajgelj ♀ (b. 1975) 0 Q65318142 8 +
6 Nataša Velikonja ♀ (b. 1967) + + 2 Q48688138 11 +
7 Maja Kuzmanovic ♀ (?) 0 Q52496345 10
8 Karmen Ratković ♀ (b. 1965) 0 Q96197241 10
9 Salome ♀ (b. 1968) + 1 Q29048389 8
10 Polyxena Solovyova ♀ (1867–1924) + + + + 4 Q4428107 28 +
11 Espi Tomičić (b. 1995) + + 2 Q96375531 10 +
Σ → Autolist→ gallery→ timeline 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 3 0 4 0 1 2 0 1 0 30 avg: 3\1\7% 136 Wikimedia Commons


Article en az ba be be
bs bg crh cs cv de el eo et hr hu hy hyw ka kk lt lv mk mt myv pl ro roa-rup ru sh sk sl sq sr tr tt uk vro Σ
Wikidata st.
1 Centre for Women’s Studies Zagreb View on maps + 1 Q96384868 13 +
2 Multimedia Institute + + 2 Q31199529 11 +
3 Zagreb Pride + + + + + 5 Q12073454 9 +
4 Split Pride + + + + 4 Q7578657 6 +
5 Sarajevo Pride + + + 3 Q67197541 5 +
6 Merlinka Festival + + + + + + 6 Q12958396 8
7 Bechdel test + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 16 Q4165246 13 +
Σ → Autolist→ map gallery→ timeline 5 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 5 0 0 1 5 1 0 1 0 37 avg: 5\1\14% 65 Wikimedia Commons

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