Wikimedia CEE Spring 2016/Local rules

Rules on local level
[edit]- Any user can participate, except for the organisers
- Only articles listed on the country lists of CEE Spring will be awarded points
- Every article creation will be awarded with 2 points
- Changes to an existing article that exceed 300 words each (or in blocks) will be awarded 1 point
- Changes to and creation of articles have to comply with local guidelines
Prizes will be awarded to: TBD
[edit]Timezone: UTC + 1
- Any user can participate in contest, jury and other organizers are not entitled to prizes.
- Are written comprehensively, without the use of machine translation tools
- Edits must be written in well Albanian and have to complete the Wikipedia rules
- Only articles listed on the country lists of CEE Spring will be awarded points
- The article should be at least 2,500 bytes and a minimum of 200 words.
- Evaluation points from the jury is in the range of 1 to 5
- Articles shall be created between March 21, 2016 and May 31, 2016
- Changes to an existing article that exceed 350 words will be awarded with 1 point
From each category will be one winner
- The best (new) article (judged by jury)
- The contributor with the largest number of new articles
- The contributor that has written the largest number of byte
- The contributor that has written at least one article for each participated country
- The best new contributor
[edit]Timezone: UTC + 4
- Any user can participate in contest, jury and other organizers are not entitled to prizes
- Articles shall be created between April 1, 2016 0:00 and May 31, 2016 23:59
- In the standings of the competition are only newly created article.
- Articles should not be about Azerbaijan
- Article should not be copyvio
- The article should be at least 2,000 bytes and a minimum of 200 words.
- In an article should be sources
- The article should not consist of machine translation
- Each article received 1 point, additional points are not provided
Prizes will be awarded the first five participants with the highest number of articles
[edit]Timezone: UTC + 5
- Any user can participate in contest (organizers and jury can also participate without prizes)
- Articles shall be created between March 21, 2016 0:00 and May 31, 2016 23:59
- Articles should be connected to CEE region, and cannot be about Bashkortostan.
[edit]Timezone: UTC + 3
- Articles shall be created between March 21, 2016 0:00 and May 31, 2016 23:59
- In an article should be sources
- The article should not consist of machine translation
- Articles about Belarus do not take part in the contest.
From each category will be a winner:
- The best (new) article (judged by jury)
- The most active contributor
- Most active debutant in CEE Spring
Belarusian classic
[edit]Timezone: UTC + 3
- Any user can participate in contest
- Articles shall be created between March 21, 2016 0:00 and May 31, 2016 23:59
- Articles about Belarus do not take part in the contest.
- In an article should be sources
- The article should not consist of machine translation
- Articles have to comply with local rules on notability, language style
From each category will be a winner:
- The most active contributor (qualitative result)
- The most active contributor (quantitative result)
- Active contributor
Bosnia and Herzegovina
[edit]Timezone: UTC+1
- Any user can participate, including the organisers (we have so small number of editors here)
- Only articles listed on the country lists of CEE Spring will be awarded points
- Every article creation will be awarded with 1 point
- Changes will be awarded 0,5 points
- Changes to and creation of articles have to comply with local guidelines and respect Bosnian language style
- Articles should not be related to Bosnia and Herzegovina itself
- Awards: TBD
[edit]Timezone: UTC + 2
Seven categories for prizes (1st and 2nd prize per category):
- Best newly created article
- Largest number of new articles
- Largest number of added bytes (including text, tabes, external links, embedded pictures, etc.)
- Largest number of contributions aimed at articles improvement
- Drawing lots among all the participants who have written about all the countries/languages in the region
- Best performing new participating (with less than 400 contributions to the main namespace before the contest start)
- Most contributed content, related to notable women from the region
The jury decides about the best newly created article.
The articles qualifying for the contest must meet the following criteria:
- are created between 00:00 on 21 March 2016 and 23:59 on 31 May 2016;
- contain at least 300 words added to an article;
- are significantly improved (which does not include corrections of typos, grammar mistakes, wiki formatting and other minor edits);
- are written comprehensively, without the use of machine translation tools;
- do not violate copyrights;
- are related to the participating countries from the Central and Eastern Europe;
- are not related to Bulgaria itself.
Czech Republic
[edit]Timezone: UTC+1
- The contest has 3 categories: International CEE Spring (every contribution for everything in the region) – 21st March to 31st May, Polish towns (919 towns in Poland can qualify) – 1st May to 30th June, Czechoslovak resistance in WWI – 21st March to 31st May.
- The jury for the contest, that will oversee the progress and evaluate the results have 3 memebers: Jan Loužek, Petr Skůpa and Jan Polák.
- Any user can participate in contest, jury and other organizers are not entitled to prizes
- Contributions must be writen in well Czech and have to comply with the Wikipedia rules.
- Artices have to be about CEE topics; in the 2 other categories specific lists do apply: 12
- Prizes will be arranged by Wikimedia Czech Republic and Polish Institute in Prague, depending on the category.
- Education extension will be used for tracking progress of the contestants. 3 courses were created: 1 2 3
- Those who will submit the most bytes of valuable encyclopedic text will win. Note: Robotic or other automatic contributions can be excluded by the Jury.
- There is no limit for a minimum or maximum size of a new article or contribution, but larger contributions matter more (if they bring encyclopedic text).
[edit]Timezone: UTC
- Any user can participate, but organizers cannot win
- To win you should create or expand more articles than another users
- Articles should have minimum 200 words and 2000 bytes
- Articles should be expanded minimum in 200 words and 2000 bytes
There will be two winners who will get one-year access to JSTOR
[edit]Timezone: UTC+2
- Any user can participate, except the jury. Winners must reveal their identity to the jury in order to receive prizes.
- Contest period is from March 21 until May 31 2016. Articles created or significantly expanded during this period participate in the contest if they are added to the designated contest page by their authors. Every participant may create or edit any number of articles.
- Only articles related to Central and Eastern Europe can be submitted to the contest. (List of countries follows in the Estonian verion of the rules.) Article lists created for participating countries can be used for inspiration.
- A jury will judge the articles. Articles have to use clear and correct encyclopedic style and have references to reliable sources. Copyright violations do not qualify.
- Articles are written according to principles and rules of Estonian Wikipedia. Editing articles created or edited by others is allowed and desirable.
- Wikimedia Estonia will award three best authors. Special prizes can be awarded to participants who have written about all countries in the region and participants who have not edited Wikipedia before.
[edit]Timezone: UTC+4
- Any user can participate in contest, including organizers.
- Articles shall be created between March 21, 2016 0:00 UTC+4 and May 31, 2016 23:59 UTC+4
- The article should not consist of machine translation.
- Article Subject must have significance, in an article should be sources.
- All participants will receive points for bytes (100 bytes = 1 point).
Prizes: All winners will receive books.
[edit]Timezone: UTC+3
- Articles shall be created between between midnight March 21, 2016 and 23:59 on May 31, 2016.
- Articles have at least 300 words added.
- Comply with the rules of Wikipedia, for example, notability, verifiability, and formatting.
- Be written in plain language, and not translated by automatic translators.
- Do not violate copyrights.
- Article subject is in the lists of countries participating in the competition of the Central and Eastern European region.
- Not from the list for Greece.
- The organizers and the jury may not get prizes.
Prizes will be awarded for:
- Best article created during the contest
- Most articles created
- Most contributions during contest (bytes added)
- Best new user (400 edits or less before start of contest, bytes added)
- Most contributed content, related to notable women from the region
- Most valuable participant (outstanding contributions in more than one category)
[edit]- Any user can participate in contest,
- Articles shall be created between March 21, 2016 0:00 and May 31, 2016 23:59 local time
- Best new articles, best expanded articles, best new editor
[edit]Timezone: UTC + 1
- Any user can participate in contest, jury and other organizers are not entitled to prizes.
- Are written comprehensively, without the use of machine translation tools
- Edits must be written in well Albanian and have to complete the Wikipedia rules
- Only articles listed on the country lists of CEE Spring will be awarded points
- The article should be at least 2,500 bytes and a minimum of 200 words.
- Evaluation points from the jury is in the range of 1 to 5
- Articles shall be created between March 21, 2016 and May 31, 2016
- Changes to an existing article that exceed 350 words will be awarded with 1 point
[edit]- Any user can participate in contest, jury and other organizers are not entitled to prizes
- Articles shall be created between March 21, 2016 0:00 and May 31, 2016 23:59 local time
- Articles should be about CEE topic except for Latvia
- Article should meet the requirements of Wikipedia guidelines and formatting style:
- Topics should be notable
- It should contain references, dubious claims should be verifiable using references in article.
- It can not be machine translated or written in very poor language.
- Article should not be copyvio, contain long citations or plagiarism.
Prizes will be awarded for the following categories:
- Best article created during the contest (awarded by jury)
- Most contributions during contest (bytes added)
- Most contributions during contest for new user (400 edits or less before start of contest, bytes added)
- Most articles created
- Most articles created for new user (400 edits or less before start of contest)
- Lottery between all users who have created at least one article about each country. It would be their responsibility to register their progress in covering all countries in dedicated page.
Organizers reserve right to exclude participants who are creating very short articles or using lots of tables to blatantly game the system. Winners will get a chance to pick prizes from prize pool in order categories are listed.
[edit]- Any user can participate in contest, except local organizers
- Articles of the contest should pass these criteria:
- Articles are created between March 21, 2016 0:00 and May 31, 2016 23:59 local time.
- Articles should be about CEE countries except for Lithuania.
- Articles talk pages need to have a special template (lt:Šablonas:Vikipavasaris 2016)
- Articles should be at least 2,500 bytes and a minimum of 200 words.
- Articles should have the citations/references.
- Articles cannot be machine translation.
[edit]- Any registered user can participate, except for the members of the jury
- Only articles listed on the country lists of CEE Spring will be awarded points
- Evaluation points from the jury is in the range of 1 to 10
- Creation articles with bots is forbidden
- Changes to and creation of articles have to comply with local guidelines
Prizes will be awarded to the first three participants with most evaluation points from the jury.
[edit]Timezone: UTC + 2
- Moldova and Romania share the same prize pool. Please see #Romania section
[edit]- Everyone can participate but the coordinator and board members don't get prizes
- Every week we will reward 3 people who got the most points for writing or improving articles related to the topic of the week
- Points are earned for number of characters of pure text added
- If the article is from the proposed articles list points will be multiplied by 2
- At the end of the contest two Special Awards will be given: an award for the most articles about women created during the contest and for the most Good or Featured Article created during the contest
- All people who wrote at least 10 articles every week will get small prizes
Republic of Srpska
[edit]- Any registered user can participate, expept for the members of the jury.
- Exact transcription of the articles found in already completed and published encyclopedias is strictly forbidden!
- Creation or edition of already existing articles have to comply with local guidelines.
- It is not allowed to copy or in any other way transcribe articles already existing on the Wikipedia editions of related languages.
- Articles not in line with the theme of the competition will not be graded.
- Each article will get from 0 to 2 points, but then the sum of points multiplied by the number of bytes written or amended article.
- Jury will be composed from three experienced Wikipedians.
Prizes will be awarded for the following categories:
- Most contributions during contest (one or more users).
- Best new contributor.
- Best article created during the contest.--Ранко Николић (talk) 22:06, 18 March 2016 (UTC)
[edit]Timezone: UTC + 2
- Any user registered at Wikipedia can participate. Organisers can participate, but cannot get prizes.
- Articles should be written between March 28 and May 31, 2016.
- Articles should be written on a topic related to any country in Central and Eastern Europe listed here: Wikimedia CEE Spring 2016/Article Lists, except Romania and Moldova.
- Articles should follow basic standards of Romanian Wikipedia:
- to be written in Romanian; automated translations are disqualified;
- to describe a notable topic;
- to contain verifiable information;
- to follow Wikipedia's Manual of Style;
- to not contain copyvio text.
- New articles with a total of at least 300 words are accepted, as well as existent articles that were extended at least ten times (in bytes).
- The points are counted as follows:
- Every new article: 1 point.
- Every existent (as of March 28) article that has been extended ten times in bytes: 1 point.
- Outstanding formatting or orthographic issues in an article: -0.8 points.
- Proper use of {{Wikimedia CEE Spring 2016}} in an article's talk page: 0.2 points.
- Prize categories:
- Overall winner: who gets most points.
- Special prize for beginners: who gets more points among users with less than 100 contributions to mainspace at the beginning of the contest (March 28 2016).
- Special prize for diversity: who gets more points among users that wrote at least an article about all the countries and regions participating in the contest: Wikimedia CEE Spring 2016/Article Lists
[edit]Timezone: FET
- Any user can participate in contest, jury and other organizers are not entitled to prizes
- Articles shall be created between March 21, 2016 0:00 FET and May 31, 2016 23:59 FET
- In the standings of the competition are only newly created article.
- The article should be at least 2,500 bytes and a minimum of 200 words.
- Article Subject must have significance, in an article should be sources
- The article should not consist of machine translation.
- Each article received 1 point, additional points are not provided.
Prizes will be awarded the first five participants with the highest number of articles.
[edit]- Any member of the wikipedia community can take participation, regardless of registration date;
- Articles should meet following requirments:
- An article should be written in Sakha language from April 1, 2016 to May 31, 2016;
- Favourable topics and articles are provided in the list (if an article is not in the list it still gets points, but less);
- Article should be started by participant. If it was started by another participant, content should be increased at least by 80 percent. Articles related to Sakha Republic are not counted;
- Article should weigh at least 2500 bytes and have at least 200 words;
- Article should be meaningful and have links to sources;
- Article should have fast deletion or imporvement templates (for example, without sources, neutrality, or links etc);
- Every article meeting requirments will have 1 point, additional point when it was written during country week, additional point if it is listed in the recommended articles list. Thus, every article can weigh from 1 to 3 points.
- 5 participants with highest sum of points will recieve prizes.
[edit]- Any registered user can participate, except for the members of the jury.
- Articles shall be created between March 21, 2016 0:00 CET and May 31, 2016 23:59 CET
- It is not allowed to copy or in any other way transcribe articles already existing on the Wikipedia editions of related languages.
- Articles not in line with the theme of the competition will not be graded.
- Each article will get from 0 to 2 points, but then the sum of points will be multiplied by the number of bytes written or amended article. (whether the articles are written in Latin/Cyrillic, we will take in consideration Cyrillic version)
- Jury are composed from three experienced Wikipedians.
- Applications are opened during the entire competition.
Awards are provided for participants with the biggest sum of points:
- First prize: Photo camera
- Second prize: Tablet
- Third prize: Laptop backpack
[edit]Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST (UTC+2)
- The contest has two categories: International (any contribution for every country in the region, except for Slovakia) and the Czechoslovak resistance in World War I (list of selected articles).
- Any user can participate in the contest, except for organizers and jury members.
- Contributions must be submited between 00:00 CET March 21, 2016 and 23:59 CEST on May 31, 2016, written in Slovak and have to be written according to principles and rules of Slovak Wikipedia (notability, sources, etc.).
- Prizes will be awarded for:
- largest contribution (three contestants who will submit the most bytes, including translations, considering the quality of contributions as well) in each of the categories,
- best newly created article.
[edit]Timezone: UTC + 2
- Any user can participate in contest, the organizers are not entitled to prizes
- Participants can create new articles or improve already existing articles
- Articles should be related to the participating countries from the Central and Eastern Europe; the articles about Turkey do not take part in the contest.
- Articles should comply with the rules of Wikipedia such as notability, verifiability, and formatting. It's necessary to add resources.
- The contributions should contain at least 2,000 bytes and a minimum of 200 words.
[edit]Timezone: EET (UTC+2) / EEST (UTC+3)
- Articles shall be created between March 21, 2016 0:00 EET and May 31, 2016 23:59 EEST.
- Any registered user with knowledge of Ukrainian can participate, except for the organisers and jury members.
- Participants cannot edit articles of each other.
- Articles about Ukraine do not take part in the contest.
- Articles have to comply with local rules on notability, language style, non-plagiarism and sources.
- The jury will take into account completeness, structuring, verifiability of the articles and do not take mark-up.
- Articles should have 3500 bytes at minimum with coefficient "0,8" for 3500-5000 bytes (or if a list), "1" for 5000-10000 bytes, "1,1" for more than 10000 bytes.
- Each article will get from 0 to 2 points, then the sum of points will be multiplied by the (number of bytes written or amended article)/1000 and the size coefficient. If the article belongs to the proposed articles list, its points will be multiplied by 2. The list will get +15 points if it becomes featured till the end of the contest, the article will get +20 if it becomes good and +25 if featured.
- Jury are composed from experienced Wikipedians (4 at the beginning of the contest, with possibility of new jurors to join).
Awards are provided for participants with the biggest sum of points:
- First prize: trip to Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2016
- Prizes for winners of the contest weeks and article categories
- Small prizes for all participants who create >5 articles.