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Wikimedia CEE Online Meeting 2020/Programme/Submissions/GLAM Macedonia’s Education Program in 2020

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Title of the submission
Type of submission (lightning talk, discussion, panel, workshop)
  • lightning talk
Author(s) of the submission

Natasa Nedanoska




GLAM Macedonia

Track (COVID-19, Basic capacity development, Advanced capacity development)
  • COVID-19
Abstract (up to 100 words)
  • In 2020, the Educational program started very actively, but the pandemic and COVID-19 stopped those activities. I will talk about how GLAM Macedonia and I, as an Educational Coordinator, continued the activities with the students and the members of the Wiki Clubs. Also, in this short presentation, I will present what COVID-19 has taught us.
How will this session be beneficial for the communities in the region of Central and Eastern Europe?
  • This session will help attendees to implement new activities to accomplish the mission of free knowledge during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Do you plan to pre-record a video with a presentation?
  • Yes
Special requirements
Slides or further information

Interested attendees


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