Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2019/Programme/Submissions/Minor technical lifehacks

- Title of the submission
Minor technical lifehacks
- Type of submission (lecture, panel, workshop, lightning talk, roundtable, poster)
lightning talk
- Author(s) of the submission
Anton Obozhyn
- Username(s)
-- Tohaomg (talk) 18:18, 18 April 2019 (UTC)
- Affiliation
Wikimedia Ukraine
- Topic(s)
- Abstract (up to 100 words)
Many users do not know about some convenient tools or do not fully know their capabilities, and therefore often spend a lot of time on what can be done in seconds. In particular, the presentation will be about:
- Skills of using Microsoft Excel that are "must have" when creating tables or lists of articles (such as alphabetical sorting of values, filtering values by a certain criteria, searching for common items in two lists).
- Skills for using a text editor, mostly the Notepad++ (for example, sorting lines by alphabet, autoreplace and searching, including using the simplest regular expressions).
- How to assign keyboard shortcuts for frequently repeated actions (for example, keyboard shortcuts for writing [[]], [[]], long hyphen; to open a specific page, for example, opening a page with a key combination; to correct the text written in incorrect keyboard layout (very useful for people, whose native language is with script other than latin), etc.).
- Handy but not widely known keyboard shortcuts in browsers, text editors and the Windows operating system.
- Some lifehacks when using Google search.
- etc
- How will this session be beneficial for the communities in the region of Central and Eastern Europe?
It will make editing for many people much easier.
- Special requirements
- Slides or further information
Interested attendees
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