Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2019/Programme/Submissions/Belgrade Rephoto Walk

- Belgrade Rephoto Walk
- Workshop
- Heikki Kastemaa
- Kulttuurinavigaattori
- Wikimedia Suomi (Finland)
- Community Engagement, Partnerships
- Belgrade Rephoto Walk gathers in the meeting venue, where I explain shortly about rephotography. Those with Android phones upload the Ajapaik rephoto application. Then we move into the Belgrade old town district and shoot rephotos. Task is that every participant experiences taking at least three rephotos.
- Initial experiment in rephotography, refinement of metadata of public and open source photo archives.
- One assistant who knows serbian and Belgrade, who finds & uploads open sourced old photos of Belgrade into Ajapaik. Wifi or net access in the location. The workshop should be timed at the end of the day, so that the participants can move to the other part of the city and perhaps stay there for the evening.
Interested attendees
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