Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2015/Programme/Cross-border/Thesswiki
[edit]- Marios Magioladitis / User:Magioladitis
- Type of submission (Please choose one)
- Lecture (one-to-many)
- Summary
thesswiki is a WikiTown/City project that aims to digitize the history and culture of the city of Thessaloniki using the most prominent online encyclopedia in the world, Wikipedia, and connect the physical monuments to the wikipedia world. thesswiki is a cyber-physical action, which aims to have impact on culture, education, tourism and e-government. Specific activities related to the educational dimension of the project include Wikipedia training seminars, workshops, webinars, wikicamps etc. QR-codes will be mounted on the sides of buildings or monuments in order to allow users with smartphones, focusing specifically on tourists and visitors, to scan them and instantly access up-to-date Wikipedia entries about all aspects of life in Thessaloniki in their native language. (see QRpedia) Wikipedians can write and extend articles about these monuments in their own languages, as this will benefit visitors of Thessaloniki, from their own country. We are looking for support from foreign Wikimedians, chapters, and user-groups to move this forward.
- Preliminary preparation (if necessary)
- Expected outcomes
- Motivate participants and communicate the project to Wikimedia communities, so that there will be more content creation.
- Exchange ideas of how can we become better and involve more people in Wikipedia and its sister projects, through this project.
- Duration (without Q&A)
15 minutes
- Specific requirements
- Slides or further information

- Interested attendees (Please add yourself, and you may indicate your questions to the presenter).