Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Education Collab meeting Stockholm 2016
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[edit]What We Learnedː Education Collab meeting, Stockholm 2016What We Learnedː Education Collab program leaders meet in Stockholm[1]- The Wikipedia Education Collaborative meets in Sweden and defines next steps for the future of the Education Program mentorship
- Where do we go from here: The Wikipedia Education Collaborative
- Growing education in the Wikimedia Movement: Collab members set goals for mentoring and support
[edit]- ↑ This is not a blog for the series What I Learned.
[edit]A brief, one-paragraph summary of the post's content, about 20-80 words. On the blog, this will be shown in the chronological list of posts or in the featured post carousel on top, next to a "Read more" link.
- Wikimedia Education Collab members met in Stockholm to reflect on the improvements they had implemented over the last year and to set the goals for the upcoming 18 months.
[edit]Some time back, when she got behind the scenes and started editing Wikipedia, Sara Mörstell asked herself: ‘How can use this with my students?’ Some years later, and after gaining experience running her own Wikimedia Education Program, Sara found herself co-organizing the Wikipedia Education Collab third meeting, in Sweden. The Wikipedia Education Collaborative (aka the Collab) is a global network of education program leaders created in 2014 to support the development of education programs around the globe. Collab members like Sara volunteer to mentor other educators who are interested in using Wikipedia as a teaching tool, as well as Wikimedians interested in running education programs. Over the weekend of March 5th and 6th, program leaders that form the Collab gathered in Stockholm to define common goals, priorities and projects for the group to focus on over the next year.
What is the engine that moves the Collab forward? Some of the guiding principles of the Collab are building networks, sharing experiences and fostering collaboration across education programs, organizations, volunteers and geographies throughout the movement. It’s about sharing our experience and expertise with our peers to support other programs at a global scale.
Some of the founding goals defined for the collab were: to establish best practices for Wikipedia in education programs, collect new ideas for educational initiatives, share resources between global programs, develop a global recognition system, communicate effectively about experiences, tools and resources. Some of the goals have already been accomplished, like the new recognition system: the collab developed templates and general guidelines as a way to offer certificates to students and teachers participation in different initiatives. Another goal that we accomplished is the creation and translation of many educational resources, like a guide on how to evaluate article quality on Wikipedia, a guide to free licenses, the education program toolkit, and many other resources classified in four categories for specific audiences: for program leaders, for educators, for volunteers and for students. Communication and documentation remains a priority for our group in the coming year.

Last year, the scope and model of the Collab was redefined, as a strategic group to support the development of education programs around the world. During 2015, the Collab achieved some key milestones that now give way to imagine the next steps of this group of practice. One example is clearer and simpler membership criteria. As a result, 10 new program leaders joined for a total of 23 collab members, most of whom are women. Another important change was that the decisions about the Collab are managed collaboratively by the group. The listserv (mailing list) was opened to the public so the discussion were available for everyone. We started to use Phabricator as a central platform to define and coordinate tasks. During this time, we accomplished 88 tasks together, and 22% of those tasks were one-on-one mentoring support to other global programs. Other milestones include monthly video calls to promote interaction and exchange among the Collab members, and offline engagement at Wikimania 2015, where of many Collab members participated in the education pre-conference , as well as sitting on thematic panels and delivering individual presentations.
The Stockholm meeting was very significant because it gave us a chance to imagine the future of our group and decide how to take the Education Collaborative to the next level. In a very inspiring place and a warm atmosphere—in spite the cold weather— we welcomed new members, we talked about our concerns, our expectations and chalked out our vision for the future.
During the meeting the collab members had the opportunity to talk about how to scale education programs, share their experiences, and to set their personal and group goals. Some of the personal goals include to work on the mentoring process, create and translate resources (evaluation forms for educational activities, brochures and guides), work on enhancing visibility and communication of the education programs, test and translate the dashboard, to increase the reach of the Wikimedia Education Program and involve new participants, review and curate the existing learning patterns, among many others.

Our plan for the next year involves the design of a flexible mentoring roadmap; the development of resources, the improvement of the communication strategy; and testing and translating the Program and Events Dashboard, a new platform which will facilitate the work of educators and the organization of programs using Wikipedia in the classroom.
We left Stockholm with a sense of identity and belonging. Aware of our strengths and weaknesses, we feel that we have a lot of energy and motivation to boost the collab and to support the development of the education programs around the world.
Melina Masnatta, Education Manager, Wikimedia Argentina
Paola Ricaurte, Education Program Mexico
- Thanks to Tighe Flanagan, Senior Manager, Wikipedia Education Program, María Cruz, Communications and Outreach Coordinator, Learning and Evaluation team, and Subhashish Panigrahi, Communications Contractor, Program Capacity & Learning, Wikimedia Foundation.
[edit]曾經,Sara Mörstell自己一個人編輯維基百科的時候她,她捫心自問:「我的學生可以怎麼使用這東西?」幾年以後的今天,她現在已經有了執行維基媒體教育計畫的經驗。Sara在瑞典接下來共同主辦維基百科教育協同體第三次會議的任務。維基百科教育協同體(The Wikipedia Education Collaborative,又簡稱為「協同體」,the Collab)是為支持世界各地的教育計劃,在2014年由來自全球的教育專案領導者所設立。協同體中的成員,都是像Sara一樣志願指導其他教育工作者的夥伴。他們讓有興趣使用維基百科作為教學工具的教師、或是對進行維基媒體教育計劃有興趣的維基人,得以更快進入狀況。在3月5日、6日的這個週末,由各個教育計畫領導者組成的協同體成員們齊聚於斯德哥爾摩,一起為接下來的這一年確立共同的目標、優先工作事項、以及團隊的計畫。


我們明年有三個主要想要達成的計劃,一是設計靈活有彈性、手把手引導更多教學者的流程設計;二是改善傳播策略,尤其是開發更多教學資源;三是測試和翻譯「專案和活動儀表板(Program and Events Dashboard),這是一個全新的維基百科教育平台,能夠幫助教學者管理在課堂上進行維基百科書寫。
阿根廷維基媒體分會教育專員Melina Masnatta
墨西哥教育計畫負責人Paola Ricaurte
- 感謝維基媒體基金會的維基百科教育計畫高級專員Tighe Flanagan、組織能力學習計畫的傳播與推廣聯絡人María Cruz與傳播僱員Subhashish Panigrahi之協助。