Wikimedia+Education Conference 2019/Submissions/Wikipediaren erabilpena eskoletan: zer egin/egiten/egingo dugu ikastetxeetan?
Wikipediaren erabilpena eskoletan: ZER egin/egiten/egingo dugu ikastetxeetan?
This is an Open submission for Wikimedia+Education Conference 2019 that has not yet been reviewed by the members of the Program Committee. |
- Submission no.
- Title of the submission
- egingo dugu ikastetxeetan?
Wikipediaren erabilpena eskoletan: zer egin/egiten/egingo dugu ikastetxeetan?
- Author(s) of the submission
- E-mail address,
- Country/place of origin
- Bilbo & Lasarte (Basque Country)
- Affiliation, if any (organisation, company etc.)
Berritzegune Nagusiko Aholkulariak
- Main theme
- Type of session
- Panel
- Scope
- Length of session
- Do you want to submit a paper for peer-reviewing?
- Abstract
- Euskadiko ikastetxeetan Wikipedia
- nola erabili den orain arte
- zer egiten ari den momentu honetan
- nola erabili daiteke hemendik aurrera modu antolatuago, egituratuago eta elkarlanean estuago uztartuta
- How does your proposal add knowledge to the international community in Wikimedia and education?
- Dakigunetik ez dakigunera, daukagunetik sortu dezekegunera: orain arte egin den praktikan oinarrituta, elkarlana bultzatuz, nola osotu/aberastu dezakegu Euskadiko eskolen elkarlana eta sare-lana
- Who is the intended ideal audience for the topic?
- Slides or further information
- Special requests
Interested attendees
[edit]If you are interested in attending this session, please sign with your username below. This will help reviewers to decide which sessions are of high interest.
- ...Josi Sierra User:Josi