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Wikimania Handbook/The Ideal Timeline

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

A timeline for Wikimania planning.

12 months out


Bid finalized. City identified, venue options narrowed down.

Bid planning

  • Placeholder webpage with city information
  • Early sponsor inquiries -- in-kind venue and lodging sponsors if possible


  • Early keynote invitations possible.
  • Identify list of interesting speakers, topics, community discussions


  • Core team recruiting
    • Query bid team for interest & availability for further planning

9-7 months out


Templates finalized


  • Fee schedule & calendar set
  • Online registration opens for community
  • Visa invitation templates (speaker, vip, other)
  • Attendee invitation templates (vip, other)


  • CfP system set up
  • Set content themes
  • Begin speaker invitations


  • Placeholder website w/dates
    • First draft of calendar of related events
  • Year-specific logo design
  • First save the date! notice, blog posts
  • Call for participation (papers, &c) to community
  • Call for participation (wide broadcast)
  • Translations started of the above
  • Translations of CfP system


  • City-specific draft docs (bid team followup)
    • directions, local events/outings sheets


  • Initial venue walk-through
  • Draft A/V, projection, wireless, mic needs w/ venue staff

Budget & finances

  • Draft budget, overall
    (and ask each group to draft their own)
  • Recruit early sponsors


  • Continue recruiting core teammembers
  • Recruit reviewers for program submissions
  • Look for high-reliability volunteers : local crash-space, people w/ summer availability


  • Set scholarship timeline
  • Announce early scholarships & provide applications

6 months out


Draft "how to find local sponsorship" kit (and translate)


  • Basic website launch
  • Email teasers, sig designs
  • Web banners & buttons for supporting sites
  • Translation of banners & slogans
  • Translation of reg anncmt, interface


  • Early call for registration, specify dates & prices
  • Registration opens.


  • party venues contacted

Sponsorship & Budget

  • Get early quotes
  • Sponsorship (ongoing, corporate & other)
    • Support for travel scholarships
    • In-kind support for materials, food, printing


  • Early scholarship acceptances; finalized


  • Design : framework for print materials


  • Call for papers underway
  • Program committee reviewing papers; finding final reviewers
  • Draft speaker list finished; invitations continue
  • Acceptance of early submissions, workshops, &c.
  • Draft schedule


  • Recruit more translators & designers
  • T-shirt design for planning committee
  • Draft poster/late-submission reviewers
  • Draft volunteer-emails

3 months out


2 months out


6 weeks out


4 weeks out



  • Final run down of the location
  • Venue/program adequation fine tuned

2 weeks out

  • A/V test if applicable

10 days out

  • Go to Tahiti The North Pole to cool spirits down


  • finalize moderation schedule


  • program should be printed
  • blank badges should be printed

1 week out


[HD1] 3 days out


[HD2] 2 days out



  • names on badges should be printed - badges finalized
  • testing badge printers
  • test registration system
  • training registration desk people



Hacking Days


[HD3] day before

  • Registration opens
  • Accommodation registration opens
  • A/V installation (if applicable)

Day 1

  • Sample schedule:
 7:30 - volunteers/staff training
 8:00 - Check rooms, stock with water
           Registration begins
 8:50 - Stage manager - check for all moderators, speakers
 9:00 - Program starts
           A/V coordinator - roll all streaming video/audio

Day 2


Day 3


day after

  • cleanup
  • Chapter meetings? Board meeting?

2 days after

  • cleanup
  • conference debriefing (post-mortem)

week after

  • send thank you notes