Wikimania Committee/Minutes/2017-09-26
[edit]Previous notes from Wikimania 2017 in Montreal
- Andrew Lih - Fuzheado
- Iolanda Pensa - iopensa
- Deror Avi -
- Phoebe Ayers
- Ellie Young
- Florence Devouard - Anthere
- Edward Saperia
[edit]- Need to nominate a new chair. Iolanda expressed her interest in serving. Flo has already reached out to the program committee to offer her help if needed; Phoebe said she will do any job and she wants to increase her involvement, especially some ideas she has about what to do in the future based on her experience co-chairing Wikimania this past year. Documentation, reporting and infrastructure were mentioned.
- During the discussion emerged the possibility of creating other roles. New role: liaison (a person from the committee who keeps the relationships between the committee and the Wikimania team for a one year term). Ed Saperia expressed interest in serving. Ellie was asked to poll the rest of the committee to see if anyone else would like to serve.
- Need to define a process on how to retire people and bring new people into this committee
People on call affirmed that advisory and continuity are priorities. They would like more updates.
- List of current members :
Following items were moved due to lack of time on the call:
- Wikimania Montreal 2017 Debrief (from Ellie and Phoebe - to come)
- 2018 - Status of Wikimania preparations
- 2019 - Expressions of interest to host and process
Decisions and Next Steps
[edit]Follow-up meeting: Meeting in October - Ellie will poll committee for a date/time for a meeting (topic: discussion about the venue for 2019)
Todo before next meeting
Done Confirm liaison to Wikimania '18 team
Done Report about Wikimania Montreal: Ellie & Phoebe
Done Nomination of a Chair- email the committee: Ellie
Done Update about Wikimania '18: Ellie