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Wikimania 2022/Individual Reports/Ogboinba

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Welcome back from Wikimania 2022! Please write your report here. Once you have completed the application, please email the link to wikimania(_AT_)wikimedia.org (by 20 September 2022). If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email us.

How did you attend Wikimania (virtually or in-person)?

Virtually through Pheedloop, attended in-person event on 13th and 14th (Wikimedia User Group, Lagos, Nigeria)

What did you spend the scholarship funds on?

Equipment to aid digital access (internet access, purchase of a power bank), transport costs to attend the in-person event, covered reduced salary (missed work for two days, which was deducted from monthly pay)

Takeaways – choose 3 specific Wikimania sessions you attended and describe your key take-aways per session.

Session 1 - Lingua Libre: Key takeaways were that extinction is an active threat to many marginalized languages. The movement aims to change that by promoting Lingua Libre, which will call for and support volunteers to create resources for preserving endangered languages. These would include dictionaries, language banks, development of wriiten script (for languages without a written form) etc. I intend to learn more and participate in the project if I find the opportunity.

Session 2 - Building International Cooperation: Lessons From AfroCurations: The presentation talked about AfroCurations as an initiative to increase the number of Africa-related content across Wikimedia platforms. The program ran across several African countries, and targeted youth participation (mostly students). Cultural institutions such as galleries and museums were consulted for contributions and feedback. The presentation noted that peer to peer learning and collaboration served to increase motivation among all.participants, even across national boundaries.

Session 3 - Knowledge, Power and Equity: I learnt that equity among other things, manifests as a broad and fair distribution of power across a group ie no one has an undue advantage over others. Also, it was stated that leadership in modern times ought to be rethought, as a "sideways" arrangement, instead of the traditional "top-down" expectations for leaders. Essentially, an effective leader is meant to help their people find their vision, to serve as teachers, guides and facilitators. It was further emphasised that it is this kind of leadership that is promoted in the Wikimedia movement. The session also talked about the importance of holding our leaders at all levels accountable for our resources ("public money, public good")

How did you connect with other people during Wikimania 2022? How did you celebrate at Wikimania 2022?

The in-person session allowed me to meet new Wikimedians and learn more about their work. A celebration night was held on the 13th of August.

(Optional) Please share link(s) to your social media post(s) about Wikimania