Wikimania 2021/Scholarships/Wikimedistas de Bolivia User Group
Applications are not required to be in English. Please complete the application in your preferred language.
Note: Wikimania 2021 scholarhship applicants must be Wikimedia movement affiliates. Individuals and other organizations are not eligible.
Project Plan
[edit]What Wikimedia movement affiliate do you represent?
- Wikimedistas de Bolivia User Group
What needs are you requesting funding for to support your community’s participation at Wikimania?
Please review following eligible activities and expenses below, and write below any that will be included in your activities.
- Childcare services (or similar family services) to support Wikimania participation
- Data packages to distribute to Wikimania participants
- Administrative or operational costs for to distribute funds to community members, such as transfer fees
- Small hardware expenses to support access (such as webcams, microphones, head/earphones)
- Note: Requests for computers, laptops, tablets, and other personal devices are not eligible.
- Translation services for a Wikimania session
- Video production support for pre-recorded Wikimania sessions (such as equipment or space)
- In-person meetups that coincide with Wikimania activities (food, beverage, meeting space)
- Post-Wikimania meetups resulting from having attended Wikimania (food, beverage, meeting space)
- Childcare services (or similar family services) to support Wikimania participation
- Data packages to distribute to Wikimania participants
- Small hardware expenses to support access
- Administrative or operational costs for to distribute funds to community members
- Post-Wikimania meetups resulting from having attended Wikimania (food, beverage, meeting space)
If you are requesting more than 1000 USD to distribute to your community, please provide additional detail on how you will distribute these funds.
Please provide a summary explaining the following:
- how you will invite community members to apply for funding,
- the criteria you will use to determine eligibility, and
- the processes or services you will use to distribute funds.
This description does not need to be comprehensive, but should generally explain the process for how community members will receive funds or support to participate in Wikimania. For support on eligibility criteria, feel free to review this reviewer's guide for previous Wikimania scholarship programs.
If you are not distributing funds to community members, please write N/A below.
- We will require to the community members to fill a scholarship form explaining the funds and the reasons why they need it.
- Members who apply for our data packages, childcare services, or hardware support must had previously editions and at least one username registered, in at least one of the Wikimedia Foundation's project, that WM-BO User group can verify.
- We will prefer to use bank transfers for distribuite the founds, and just in exceptionals cases, we will use another way, asking some verifiable confirmation of our members.
[edit]Please provide a range or estimate for the number of participants the funding will support.
It is OK if this is estimate is based on limited information, but we want to have an idea of how your activities will support community participation in Wikimania.
Some examples:
- 3-5 participants will receive childcare support to support their participation at Wikimania.
- 10 participants will receive hardware support
- 1-2 post-Wikimania meetups will be funded
- 10-20 participants will receive data packages to support their participation at Wikimania
- 3-10 participants will receive founds for data packages and/or childscare service to support their participation at Wikimania.
- 1 post-Wikimania meetups for and estimates of 20 members (presential and virtual participation) will be funded.
[edit]How you will use the funds you are requesting? Please use the following categories for your expenses. Don’t forget to include a total amount, and update this amount in the Probox at the top of your page too!
- Childcare services (or similar family services)
- Data packages to distribute to Wikimania participants
- In addition to a total budget, please indicate the average data cost per person who will receive funds for this need.
- Administrative or operational costs for distributing funds
- Small hardware expenses to support access
- Translation services for a Wikimania session
- Video production support
- Meetups during or after Wikimania activities (food, beverage, meeting space)
- Data packages to suport to Wikimania 2021 participants of our community.
- Number of estimated participants: 10
- Each participants p/day = Bs30 p/day (USD4,46)
- Number of days = 4
- 10*30*4=1200
- Total: Bs1.200.- (USD178,43)
- Childcare Service to suport Wikimania 2021 participants of our community Number of estimated participants: 10
- Each participants p/day = Bs160 (USD23,79)*
*We estimate 4 hour per day, it means Bs40.- (USD5.95) each hour of childcare service
- Number of days = 4
- 10*160*4=6400
- Total: Bs6.400.- (USD951,64)
- Small hardware expenses to support access to Wikimania and/or the post community meeting
- Bs1.800.- (USD267,65) *We estimate Bs180 (USD26,76) p/person, in case everyone request support
- Post Wikimania meeting of our community
- Number of estimated participants: 20 (10 in-person and 10 virtuals assistants)
- Meeting Space: Bs1.200.- (USD178,43)
- Food & Beverage: Bs80.- (USD11,90) p/person 80*10=Bs800.- Total: Bs800.- (USD118,96)
- Data packages for virtual assistants: Bs30.- (USD4,46) p/person 30*10=300 Total: Bs300.-(USD44,61)
- Stipend for participant (for transport or other expenses: Bs.70.- (USD10,41)p/person 70*20=1400 Total:Bs1.400.- (USD208,17)
- Total:Bs3700 (USD550,17)
- Administrative or operational costs for to distribute funds to community members
- Bs300.- (USD44,61) *It will be used for bank charges such as insurance and account maintenance, and other expenses such as communication and hardware delivery, in in necessary case.
- Total: Bs13.400.- (USD1.992,50) Exchange rate: 6,72523 provided by at July 25
[edit] Support Un poco de ayuda para poder participar siempre es bienvenida - Carlillasa (talk) 20:56, 26 July 2021 (UTC)
Support Nos vienen bien que la comunidad de voluntarios tenga apoyo para conexión y cuidado infantil para enriquecer la comunidad de participantes en estos eventos que son semilleros, de proyectos y alianzas que garantizan el crecimiento del movimiento a nivel global y local. Caleidoscopic (talk) 23:47, 26 July 2021 (UTC)
Support Estoy emocionadísimo porque por primera vez en 20 años Wikimanía está al alcance de muchas personas dentro de nuestra comunidad de Wikimedistas de Bolivia. Espero con ansias que los voluntarios puedan disfrutar de las sinergías que este evento crea; que disfrute de conocer otros wikipedistas, activistas y gente que tiene objetivos similares en diferentes partes del mundo. Este grant permitirá que esto sea más sencillo y aumentará el alcance de nuestras actividades. -- alhen Did you call? 16:11, 30 July 2021 (UTC)
Completing your application
[edit]Once you have completed the application, please do the following:
- Change the application status from
in the {{Probox}} template. - Contact and to confirm your submission, as well as to request any support around your application.
[edit]- Volunteer add more edition to organization. Jduranboger (talk) 01:05, 25 July 2021 (UTC)