Wikimania 2014 bids/London/Legacy

When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life;
for there is in London all that life can afford.
– Samuel Johnson
Introduction | The City | Your Journey | The Team | Logistics | Legacy |
Bid Legacy - DRAFT[edit]As is stated on the introduction page: "Without volunteers, there is no movement. Increasing the participation and reach of the Wikimedia projects is a key priority for the community, but as yet Wikimania - our flagship event - has delivered poorly on this front. As an ambitious outreach effort, London 2014 plans to promote and programme a public track, workshop area and exhibition alongside the community conference, which could potentially inspire thousands of new volunteers, and through international media coverage raise awareness of the movement for millions more." Wikimania London will be the largest outreach event ever run via the Wikimedia project, as such it is pivotal to the bid team that the additional interest in the project generated by Wikimania is leveraged to the long term benefit of WMUK, WMF and the free culture movement as a whole. WMUK Legacy[edit]Wikimania London is not just about London and not just about English Wikipedia. As a coordinated effort between the bid team and Wikimedia UK, Wikimania 2014 aims to increase engagement across England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland in a meaningful way especially in local gaelic languages. Some ideas that have been discussed are:
Chapters Legacy[edit]Wikimania London intends to be a Global outreach event, with a reach far beyond London. As part of our legacy initiative we intend to recruit volunteers from all around the world who are passionate about the movement and are active within their local communities. These volunteers will be armed with precomposed media packs and a dedicated section on the Wikimania London website, their mission will be to engage press within their local countries to cover Wikimania in London and provide a clear call to action for anyone who may be inspired by the events of the conference. These may include volunteering with their local chapter, joining / organising events in their local community, or just simply how to edit Wikipedia. See our Project Management page to apply for these postions. London Legacy[edit]Like all major events, London 2014 aims to impact the local host community in a positive manner. Over the coming year we intend where possible to engage youth groups, students (particularity from under performing schools) and other groups. Some initial examples are as follows:
Wikimania Legacy[edit]
Success Metrics[edit]- Coming soon